Chapter 20: Bucky Barnes - Purple Red Oranges (Part III)

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AN: This is contains probably one of my favourite bits od Mosaic. Let me know what you think!




"Alright," she chirped. "See you in a – Hey!"

Stress. I could hear it through that single word.

"I knew it. You are a little cutie, aren't you? What are you doing hiding such beautiful hair under this ratty old thing?"

My stomach dropped.

A stranger's voice. Male. Young. Muffled slightly by something. Likely fabric of some sort.

A huff was the loudest thing I could hear. A huff I knew belonged to Valeriy. "I'd like my hat back. Thank you."

A rustle of fabric sounded much like static over the call.

I could just manage to hear a heartbeat softly speeding up by the second.


"Oh, so cute," the male cooed. "Aww. Not going to jump some more?"

"Do not throw that hat in the rubbish. It belonged to my dead grandfather." The lie rolling right out of her with warning.

"Is that a slight accent I hear? Where are you from? How long have you been here? I haven't seen you around before. I'd definitely know a sweetie like you."

There was a stutter to the heartbeat before it got louder and everything else more muffled.

"Sorry. Not interested. Hat. Ple – "

"Hang up and come join my friends and I. You'll have the time of your life. I promise. We know the best spot to watch the sunset and the best club in the city. I'd enjoy seeing what other sexy tattoos you have."

"Seriou – Do not touch me."

"Did I not say to hang u – "

A couple of beeps and then silence.

"Valentina?" I called out.



Just silence.

Took a second, but I raced for the cuttlefish octopus skin based mask. Slapping it onto my face. Barely checked I had a face in the reflection before I rushed outside. Keys in hand. Pausing only to lock the motorhome.

The moment eyes were off me, I broke into a full sprint.

1.4 Kilometers away.

And the red dot on the screen wasn't moving.

The A.I. ghost had showed me how to track the signal coming off the casts she had on her.

I took to the roof tops and stuck to the shadows when nature gave way to buildings. Stole a moped when I spotted one parked in a driveway. Taking the helmet with me.

Too much could happen in seconds. Let alone minutes. But it took minutes to weave through the streets and across the field of shortly trimmed grass.

A sniffle echoed at my ears. Louder than the wind roaring around me.

"Becky? Becky, what happened?" my own voice bouncing off the inside of my skull.

A young girl curled up by the side of her bed. Wrapped up in a winter coat in the sweltering heat. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

I could almost feel the patch of damp fabric on my chest.

"Th-the... The construction workers. Th-they were jeering and wouldn't leave me alone.... What did I do wrong?"

Something inside twisted at the memory. Speeding over the bridge and ditching the moped at the edge of the parking lot by the water. Ducking behind the nearest car.

The dot was here.

23 cars. 4 bodies. And a large dog tied to a bike rack by the building labeled Safeway.


Walking down the road next to a row of cars. Bags filled to the brim held in both hands. The hat atop of her head. Though her hair flowed down her back. No longer tucked under the hat. Her body language was relaxed. Her limp hidden, walking with her head held high. Looking as if nothing happened. That she hadn't been dragged away kicking and screaming. Stuffed into the back of a car.

"What part of no do you kids not underst – Bucky?"

The whisper of my name almost silent in the summer breeze.

Her body leaned back against me. Head tipping back. Staring up at me with those gray eyes. But the face wasn't hers.

"What are you doing here? Did something happen?" she asked. Worry clear in her voice.

"You... you called...?"

Not quite trusting my mind anymore. Could the call have been a hallucination...?

"Was about to call you back once I put the bags in the car."

Unwrapping myself from Valeriy was a struggle. Taking the bags from her hands was automatic. Stepping away was reflex when she reached for them. All while trying to calm myself from the adrenaline.

Her eyes darted to the side, away from me. Just for a split second. Towards the building behind me.

A glance at the reflection of a car. There was a group of males at the door. Four of them. All dressed similarly, but not uniforms. Muscular, fit but not seasoned fighters.

Not a threat.

Not to me.

The door opened. One of the voices familiar. Matched the one on the phone.

My own feet took steps towards them. To do what, I couldn't be sure. Only that something was clawing out from under my skin. That was until a hand wrapped around mine. Tugging gently.

"Okay, now is not the time for sexy intimidation strut."


"Let's get into the car, 'kay?" she suggested lightly with a soft smile. Her head motioning to a sedan that the A.I. ghost likely set up beforehand.

With the bags in the trunk, Valeriy pulled out of the lot rather hurriedly. She glanced in the rearview mirror before her eyes moved onto me. "Maybe we'll snack on fruits and cinnamon buns for dinner instead. Sounds yum?"

The car went around a block before returning over the bridge. Heading towards the R.V. park.

No new bruises. No new scratches. She wasn't physically hurt by them. From what I could make out.

Her eyes weren't puffier than 42 minutes ago. So they hadn't made her cry.

Nothing about her seemed disturbed.

"...Thank you, Bucky. For worrying."

"Are you...?"

"I'm fine. Was more worried for them when you showed up than for your hat when he was hovering it over the rubbish bin," she joked, removing said hat and slipping it over my head. "I can handle an insecure boy. One who probably can't keep his hand off his dick for a second even if his life counted on it?"


'She's okay...' I thought, finally relaxing into the passenger seat. Just as the car parked.

Hearing the trunk pop, I hopped out of the car. Grabbing the groceries and a duffle bag before she could hobble her way there.

"Let me carry something, Bucky. I feel like a useless little shit."

To which I tossed her the motorhome keys and received Valeriy's indignant pout. The cuttlefish octopus skin based mask couldn't hide that expression.

The walk back was quiet. My eyes darting from one face to the next. Searching for something familiar and finding nothing. Caught a couple of kids climbing.

Once inside, Valeriy's hand rested on metal plates of the arm. "Why don't you get cleaned up first? I'll put everything away."

Glancing down, I saw just how muddy I got my boots and pants. With a quick nod, I hurried to the back, placing the bags down on the counter before closing the bedroom door behind me. A sniff at the clothing, and I decided another shower was needed.

The cool water kept it short. Didn't want to stay in the cold. But it still washed the stress away with the dirt and sweat stuck to my skin.

The wind from the air conditioning unit made everything colder. Even with clothing on. It cooled the water soaked fabric stuck to my skin. The hoodie helped blocked some of the cold.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

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