Chapter 22: Valeriy Ayers - Kitchen Sink (Part IV)

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AN: another chunk I love. Let me know what uiu think ^^




"Is that all, Officers?"

Reluctantly, one nodded his head, patting his partner on the arm, and they headed back to their car.

I waited patiently for a few seconds. Enough time for me to pick the lock, get in and lock the door again.

What I found inside made me pause.

Bucky stood there in the kitchen. Gun in hand poised to shoot one of the fake cops. The barrel shifted just the slightest, I bet following them to their car.

The laptop was open on the table in front of him, the camera footage of where we were talking on full screen. He didn't need it to aim. From the looks of it, he only needed his enhanced hearing.

"It's safe to talk. I'm not picking up any equipment to see or hear us inside this thing."

Money was spent on people, not so much equipment. They knew we could counteract anything electronic. We couldn't mess with human senses so easily.

"They're looking for you," Bucky stated through gritted teeth.

From how the fabrics of his clothing fell on his body, he had hidden at least half of the weaponry we had on his person.

"They are," I echoed.

"We leave now."

"We could. But that'd just add more suspicion that I'm probably in here?"

'Yup. Bucky sure pulls off intimidating far better.'

"Grab your things, Val," he practically directed urgently. "We'll leave through the skylight. Take a car and get out of here."

"Or we could just stay here? Leave at midnight as we planned." With the expensive as R.V. and avoid Eve lopping my head off for leaving it behind.

"But – "

"They'll come by a few times or just stay there. If we leave right away, they'll think I'm in here. So, we stay. Now put the gun down."

His hands lowered, even if his face said he would really rather not.

"You're not bloodying your hands for me, Bucky."

The look of disbelief on his face was heart wrenching, as if I couldn't possibly mean those words.

"We do nothing, Bucky. Go about as we have planned. We sleep. I can't have them confirming I'm anywhere near here."

"They're still outside," he pointed out.

He showed no signs of calming down. His face might have been tilted towards me, but his shoulders were still squared off with the squad car that neither of us could see. His muscles tensed and at the ready.

I took the few steps up to him, tugging the gun from his hands and placing it on the table. When he automatically went for another weapon, I held onto his fingers.

"They're grasping at straws. Whatever that might hint to me. They didn't even realize I was talking with them. It's going to be okay.... Breathe with me, Bucky."

The first breath was shaky, but then he followed mine.

"There's only two of them. I didn't see anyone else new," he said.

"Neither did I."

"If more show up...."

"Yeah. Means they know. Let's not give them any reason to suspect. I've got a couple of things to go over before I sleep. You should rest in the meanwhile."

He shook his head. "I'll keep an eye on them."

"I can do that. I got two eyes. I can spare one on them.... And I'm taking the laptop, so rest, Bucky."

With that said, I took the laptop and went into the bedroom. Pretty sure if I sat on the couch, he'd either pout or place me on the bed himself. Best not be by the door.

'Footage to dropbox – '

I barely had the time to setup the drop box when I heard the faucet turn on. Thinking I could pilfer a nibble of fruit from him, I snuck back to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Doing the dishes."

"Why? That's a kitchen sink."

"The dishes are dirty. They need to be cleaned."

"Did Eve not tell you about kitchen sinks? Oh shit. Have you been doing the dishes this whole time?!"

He practically flinched away.

"Kitchen sinks are equipped with robotic arms to clean dishes and stuff. They're a little rough, so nothing fragile and most definitely bruised a lot of fruits.... Where's the cover...?"

The stainless steel sink was solid. Knocking on it confirmed it. I checked underneath and found nothing that belonged with a kitchen sink.

"The shit? Who'd put a regular sink in the kit – Oh bloody hell. 'Kay. It's probably one of those fucking things."

"One of what?" Bucky asked, hovering over me while I googled on my phone.

"One of the things that comes growing up with Gramps as your grandfather. My world is a little off compared to most people. I grew up thinking kitchen sink meant a sink fitted with the ability to wash dishes... and it actually means a sink in the fucking kitchen...."

"You don't need to look up how to do the dishes, Val. I'll do them. Your hand needs to heal."

"You're not here to do chores, Bucky."

"I'm here to help," he countered insistently.

"Both of us are living here. Let me do my part or at least something."

"...." With a sigh, he tossed a rag my way. "You can dry the dishes and put them away. Leave the ones on the top shelf for me."

"I can do that."

'Without the need to YouTube it.... I can't believe nobody told me that not all kitchen sinks have automated dishwashing....'

"Are you confident that they don't know you're in here?" Bucky questioned, handing me a soaking wet plate.

"...Not enough to tell you to put back the guns and knives," I answered honestly. "So better than escaping Hydra and SHIELD night but less than through the border? All depends on if I struck the right balance.... I could have pushed more and gambled some. Ask for their badge numbers to check. Would either scare them off or cause them to lash out...."

"I don't like the idea of staying here. Waiting for them to call reinforcements."

Thoughtfully wiping each droplet off the plates far slower than Bucky's agitated washing pace, I shrugged. More to myself than to him. "It's the least likely way to go without causing more suspicions.... Even if shit hits the fan, between the two of us, I stand a chance. More so than I would have if they found me alone."

"I rather not let this get violent."

The way he eyed my foot, hand and collar, I'm rather sure he meant You're going to get hurt.

"I'll try not to crash the car again?" I offered.

Bucky's shoulders shifted with the massive sigh he heaved. He sent me an exasperated glance, gathering the pile of plates and tucking them away.

'Oh shit. Bucky's going to have some weird ass assumptions about the modern day... no thanks to us....'


. ** .


Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

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