Chapter 24: Bucky Barnes - Hot Chocolate (Part I)

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This place was so silent.

Nothing man made beyond the glass that surrounded me. The glass was thick enough to block any noise from the wind, the waterfall and the animals.

The only noise my ears could pick up were the blueberry skins popping under the pressure of my teeth and the mechanics in the arm humming. Slightly louder than usual since we arrived here.

The dogs using my thighs as pillows didn't so much as snore in their sleep. The A.I. ghost hadn't said a word in the last nine hours. Valeriy... she hasn't left her room either.

Just the mountains and the sea of stars above.

Felt like another world.

So different from the bustling cities.

So different from hunting down a target.

So different from waiting to be picked up.

Without a sound, Zephyr woke up and the stairs lowered to the main floor. He scrambled down them. His nails scratching along each step.

Ixie still dead asleep on my lap.

Then a kitchen appliance below started up. Hums and clicks.

Lights and shadows painted the glass. The orange flames of a fire in the reflection.

57 seconds later, the swoosh of a shelf-door opening. The clattering of Zephyr's claws against the floor tiles. Traveling through the kitchen for 23 seconds.

Carefully, I slipped out from under Ixie's head, crawling my way to the ledge. Careful not to make a sound. Peered over the edge. A clear upside down view of the unlit kitchen below.

She stood there. Zephyr next to her. On the other side of the long counter. Unmoving. Arms crossed. Slowly shrinking in on herself.

A tiny sniffle could be heard over the crackle of burning logs.

An almost familiar pull had me pushing off against the floor and my body fell over the edge. A twist and a flip to keep my landing soft.

But she heard me anyways. Her head whipping around. Watery gray eyes honing in on me far too fast. A quick wipe against her arm to hide the tears. Shoulders straightened and squared off with me. Chin held up feigning poise. Lips parted to form words.

I shook my head. I wasn't going to force her to talk. But something inside me, nudged me towards her, around the long counter.

Zephyr lunged forwards. Ears back. Teeth bared. Growling for me to keep away.

Valeriy reached out, tapping twice on his hind leg.

It was almost instantaneous with how he calmed down. Sitting at her side. Tail wagging leisurely behind him.

She sent me a smile. Forced and broken. Before turning back at the sound of hissing from one of the kitchen appliances.

Chocolate filled the air. A hint of cinnamon and oranges.

I made my way along the curving counter. Made sure my footsteps were loud and clear.

"Would you like a c-cup of...." Her scratchy voice broke with a frustrated huff.

Reaching out, I took hold of her hand. Waiting for her to slap me for being out of line. Waiting for her to yank it away from me.

She didn't. Just a gentle squeeze in response.

"Is it...? Is it over?" I asked softly.

"The operation is.... But I still have a lot to do."

"You could use a break, Valeriy."

A huff, almost a laugh, escaped her before her head shook. "I'm fine."

"...You're not f – "

"I've wasted more time than I should by being stuck in closets or cut off from the Ayers systems. I need to make up lost time."

"You need food...."

"...." Her eyes darted to the side. To the steaming cup.

"Hot chocolate does not make a meal."

"I have to get on the work Eve talked about when we arrived. Only more will pile up."

"Just eat something," I tried, searching around us for something to eat. "They're cold now, but there's a couple of cinnamon buns left."

Baked from a tube. Same as the ones in the motorhome.

Her shoulder lifted in a shrug. "...Amber needs me right now."

"Can I...? Let me help with this, Valeriy. She's at the symposium at the moment, right? I can watch over her through the cameras."

At her nod, the entire room lit up with that blue hologram of that place. The same as 22 days ago. Except it was packed with people. Miniature people. About a quarter of the average height. Wandering about the many stalls of a large room.

Far too many. Most of which were constantly moving. Couldn't accurately count them all. Well in the thousands in this room alone. There were more in the floors above. In smaller rooms. Usually one to five people at one end facing the rest.

Roughly 6350 people.

One large person was marked in white. Likely the target. Wearing something similar to what I did five days ago. Though the features came off as male. Short hair. Full beard.

There were 7 marked in pink scattered about the area. All strategically placed. The A.I. ghost's assets if one of the faces had anything to say about that.

The one who helped us across the border. But not the Asian face I last saw. She had on the face of the redheaded library employee who taught me how to use a computer.

Even more people were marked in purple. 89 suits. Reminded me of the people who whisked Valeriy off in a limo. Likely the target's security team.

All of whom were strategically placed. Every movement of theirs dictated by where the target went.

The rest of the people were in gray.

'I can do this.'

With a deep breath in, I set my eyes back on the young woman next to me who was still scanning everything. An empty expression on her face. A tremor in her fingers. Cracks in the mask she stubbornly hid behind.

"Let's go sit down," I suggested, grabbing the mug of hot chocolate. Guiding her towards the fireplace and the odd flower shaped couch that surrounded it.

I kept a secure hold on her in case she stumbled on the couch cushions. She sat down on the lower level and with her foot, rather violently shoved a cushion off its perch on the higher level.

Exactly the same thing as what the dogs did when I was searching for a place to sit down and eat. This was the only place here that had a table-like surface that one could sit at.

So taking the signal, I placed the mug at the center of the petal. Had to block Zephyr's snout from dunking into the dark liquid. When that failed, the white dog tried burrowing into the tight ball Valeriy had curled up in.

When I tried to peel him off her, she stopped me.

"It's fine," she said, pulling a soft smile. "Zeph's just making sure that I know I'm not al – It's a habit of ours. Nothing to worry about."

"...I'm going to go grab you some food and then we'll sit here and watch over the tar – your friend. Make sure nothing happens to her."


I moved away slowly. Slow enough for her to change her mind. Slow enough for her to stop me.

When she didn't, I quickly plucked a plate from the cupboard and a cinnamon bun off the counter.

Barely managed to stop myself from punching the toaster oven when its door dropped open.

Couldn't help but stare up at the ceiling.

The A.I. ghost.

This was her first movement since the angry screams.

Used the metal hand to toss the bun inside.

The door wasn't closed. I had to close it myself. Had to pick the setting myself.

Waiting for the rods to warm, I chanced a glance at Valeriy. She had wrapped herself around Zephyr. Her hair glowed red in the fire light. So similar to blood running down fresh snow.

The toaster oven rang and I had to open the door. I placed the cinnamon bun and made my way back to Valeriy. Settling down on the upper petal on her left. The one that wasn't being used as a table. It was close enough if she wanted to reach out. But far enough to give her some space.


She tried a smile. Took the plate. Sat it down next to the steaming mug.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

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