Chapter 27: Valeriy Ayers - Oreos (Part II)

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"For now, you figure out what you want to study, and I'll figure out what the hell these binders are talking about."

"Meanwhile, your pizzas are about to char."

Bucky raced for the oven, bolting right over the kitchen island in his way. Ixie, she ended up scrambling about the slippery surface trying to follow after him.

With one cybernetic hand holding the tray, Bucky wrapped his right arm around the dog and hauled her off the countertop. There was barely a pause between placing Ixie on her paws and cutting the pizza. He somehow made it almost look like one smooth motion.

Barely looking up from the gibberish, I grabbed onto Zeph's wagging tail before he tried to stick his snout into our food.

'Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...? Yup seems to be where Gramps got that thing. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah....'

"Here," Bucky offered, holding out the plate of my fungi pizza only to pull it out of the sneaky little bastard's way. He set it down on my makeshift table surface, shooing Zeph's snout.


All three of them settled back in their original spots. Bucky at my back, starting up his lecture on his own makeshift table. The dogs cuddled against our sides, spilling out onto the other petals.

Pizza was definitely best when working away. With the whole being easy to eat with one hand thing going on.

With all the munching finished, dirty dishes were given to the kitchen sink to wash. Then we started our post-meal ritual for the next ten minutes or so.

I sat on the couch, my torso and head supported by the upper petal of the couch along with a bunch of pillows and blankets.

Bucky stood a way's away, staring down a barrel pointed my way. His hand practically shaking in his attempt to pull the trigger.

The struggle and conflict that bounced around his body. The readjustment of his grip on the dart thing. The little shifts in his stance. Those bright blue eyes wide with so much fear. From how they darted about, I doubt he saw my face in front of him.

"...Would it help if I ran at you?" I lightly suggested.

His arm dropped to his side, the muscles on along his jaw working as his teeth ground together. "I'll hurt you... and you might break your nose."

Bucky raised the dart gun again, struggling to will himself to pull the trigger.

Me looking peaceful and not at all threatening would make it that much harder to shoot.

If I threatened the dogs, he'd probably act. More likely to grab them and run off into the forest than to actually pull the trigger.

If I did something that immediately endangered them, he just might fire a dart.... But he'd never see me the same again. He'd be far more paranoid about me lashing out at him.

Something I didn't want for him....

Or for myself....

His eyes dropped to the space between us.

'Until the next meal then.'

His arm followed his eyes and then he tucked the dart gun out of sight. Disappointment and irritation radiated off of him.

"We don't have to do this," I said, reminding him of an out.

"You need to learn how to protect yourself. Or at least handle a gun properly. So I'm doing this if it means she doesn't start breaking more of your bones," he stated with his hand waving about the ether. "You can't always rely on dumb luck."

"...It's not all just dumb luck. Any information, no matter how mundane, can be useful," I mumbled.

I liked calling the stupidity that I get away with dumb luck. I didn't like it when it's used against me as a snub. Even if some part of me knew he meant well.

Another part of me was playing a game. Maybe finally he'd let me at Hydra. Gather what information I could and create some "dumb luck" for him.

Bucky sighed, dropping in the space left for him on the couch. Ixie lifted her head off Zeph and basically locked the man into place. His fingers carded through her fur, seemingly enjoying the feeling more than to actually pet the dog.

Something he did after failing to dart me. Eased his nerves a bit so long as I didn't touch him. He had to reach out to me himself. Even if we were sitting with our sides practically touching.

The first time we did this, I gave him a pat on the shoulder and he tucked himself into a defensive ball with his arm wrapped around his head.

Everything in his body language expected pain. Pain doled out by me.

I held him through it. Assured him that nothing was going to happen to him. That "failure" wasn't going to lead to torture and chairs.

So here I sat, close enough that a deep breath in and we were touching, waiting for him to work through whatever battle was in his mind.

Took a little less time with each iteration, and he would tilt his body to the side towards me. He kept all his weight to himself, but his head ended up against mine. A deep sigh escaping him.

I took the cue and just leaned against him. I reached up, left arm weaving under his chin to play with his hair on that side of his head while pulling him closer.

Every movement I made, I blatantly slowed down and kept loose. No acceleration. No momentum. No pain.

Maybe one day his expectation for pain would fade away.


My phone bleeped and my hand stilled.

'What shitty timing.'

I knew what the message was about. Took them long enough to get set up. I was hoping to have this dealt with before dinner even passed our minds.

Bucky tensed beside me when it took too long for me to check the screen.

"What the hell does she want?" he practically growled out, voice rumbling so beautiful.

Eve wasn't dumb enough to put anything stupid in the message, so I flipped my phone screen up.

They're ready. Waiting on you.

His fingers twitched towards me. Clear in his want to stop me. To keep me here next to him. Away from whatever it was I do in my room.

As I pulled away from his side, I let my nails lightly drag down his cheek, catching on the short hairs there. His head leaned into my hand before he straightened up as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't.

"There's no death and destruction this time, Bucky. I'll be back before the hour's up," I assured with a smile.

Those blue eyes of his dropped to my lips, narrowing in doubt. Worry weaved together his brows. Unhappiness tugged down the corner of his lips.

If only he'd accepted the craziness that made up my life, he'd have fewer headaches. His own problems gave him more than enough already.

"I'll be here when you're finished," he stated, face turning away. A tap of the space bar started up the lecture, ending the conversation quite sharply.

With a shrug, I slunk my way to my room.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

And a big thank you to TinselA/Bunny Carrot ( and the Anonymous Fifth Beta for Beta-ing this chapter.

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