Chapter 29: Valeriy Ayers - Powdered Sugar (Part III)

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"You're not going to hurt me," I countered.

So much doubt casted down my way. He couldn't believe a word I said. "How could you say that after... after I...."

His fingers barely skimmed my neck where bruises were fading. Pretty sure the one he was tracing came from Zeph and his fucking hug blocking karate chop.

The underwater scenery changed and shifted back to the black sand beach.

He was more settled with the beach compared to the other two.

"I could have snapped your neck then," he practically snarled out. "22 days ago. In the car. With the librarian. Almost killed her too."

"But you didn't."

"Valeriy..." said so brokenly that the unshed tears threatening to fall got lost in all the hopelessness he embodied.

I reached up, moving as slowly as I could, and wiped away the little droplets clinging to his lashes. "Never said it's going to be easy, Bucky. If only these things were easy...."

His face leaned against my hand. He went with me when I gently tugged him down. His head tucked under my chin. His right arm wrapped around my left shoulder, snuggling in.

I held onto him with all I had. Maybe it'd ease the desperate need to hold himself together, all alone. "I'm staying right here. You can relax, Bucky. I got you. You're not going to hurt me."

"I don't want to hurt anybody," he mumbled.

"It's a struggle. But you're giving it your all. I'm still in one piece thanks to you."

And then he relaxed, sinking down into the bed with me stuck in between.

'Okay, so 111.6 kilos is a lot heavier than I thought....'

If it wasn't for the metal cast wrapped around my ribs, I'd probably have some problems with the breathing.

Laughter giggled out of me, mixed with a couple of chokes on the water splashing in my face. My little hand pushed at the water surface, trying to send back my own wave of water. My other arm rested on the rough pool tiles that lined the edge.

"That's not how you learn how to swim," laughed a man. "This is how you learn."

"Daddy? Wai –!!!"

A pair of large hands grabbed my torso, pulling me away from the safety of the pool edge. My nails raked against the rough tiles, catching on the grooves before I was sent screaming through the air.

My body slammed against the water, sinking immediately. My limbs flailed, clawing and kicking for the surface in front of my face. But no matter how I fought, I couldn't reach it.

'Hold up. Am I...? Why the fuck am I dreaming?! Damn it! Wake up!! Fucking hell! I'm bloody drowning.... Fuck it! Bucky deserves better, you piece of shit! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!'

With a gasp, I shot up from under a warm cozy blanket.

'Success!! Uhhh.... This is the Asian Pacific room.... Oh fuck. Damn it. Wake up! Val! You shit for brains! Wake up!!!!'

With a gasp, I shot up from under a warm cozy blanket.

'Damn it this is the jet. Fuck!!! Wake up! Already!!!'

Fighting the invisible strings holding me in this place of my mind felt impossible. Nothing to punch. Nothing to scream at but myself.

"Why is your bed still moving?" Bucky's deep voice dragged me right out of the little nap. Or what I hoped was a little nap.

"Sorry, I believe I misheard the quest...tion.... Uhhh... sorry...." I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.

He seemed to ignore my outburst and said, "The swaying. Your bed should have stopped moving 158 seconds ago."

"Hmmm? My bed? Yeah. Umm, it helps me sleep? I used to pass out on trains and boats, or really bad plane turbulence. Eve, mind – Thanks."

The swaying slowed and would eventually come to a stop.

"I was curious if he'd turn green."

I could only sigh in response. No words. I have no words for Eve.

"Is that why it's 362 centimetres off the floor?" Bucky asked, probably trying to dodge another argument.

"No.... It... it used to be a lot lower. I didn't... feel safe and cut the ropes. Even added bells to the aerial ribbons...."

"Climbing up here isn't good for your hand."

"It's a loop. So I can hang on with one hand and Eve can pull me up."

"Would have been simpler if you left the pulley ropes long. I could have left the bed at this height when it's not in the ceiling."

"Yeah, no. That's not happening."

"Why do you have a wall of glowing mushrooms and flowers? Do they have homicidal vines too?"

"Ooo, those vines would be a fun security feature."

"You're not putting that in your bedroom," Bucky stated, staring into my eyes. His brow furrowed with a massive frown on his lips. He honestly thought I'd sleep in a room with that crazy ass plant.

"How lovely, I don't have to be the only sensible one around."

"Hahaha. Alright, fine. I won't, and that wall's all pretty safe. Amber made it for me since...."

"In the case of a power outage, there would be enough light."

"Yeah... that...."

"I'll come running," Buck said softly. "If you're in the dark, I'll be there, Valeriy. You won't be alone in the dark."

Somehow. Somehow. I believed his words. They weren't sugar coated or lies dressed as promises. Those bright blue eyes held every intention of following through.

"Thank you, Bucky, but I'm the least of your worries at the mo – Bucky? What's wrong?"

He bolted up, his heart thudding against my fingertips. "Ixie and Zeph. I-I I left the door open."

"They're fine, Bucky."

"They'll freeze to death."

"They're built to handle the snow. They're fine. Worst comes to worst is they're running about the kitchen melting snow everywhere, and we'll have Eve whining about it."

"Oi, I do not whine, but yes, the two furry balls are caked in snow and are currently running amuck."

"You're really worried about them," I noted out loud as I pushed myself into a sitting position next to Bucky. "What do you want to do more? Stay here or hang with the dogs? They probably left a trail of melted snow all over the place."

He didn't say anything, but his forehead ended up resting on my shoulder. So I pulled the comforter back around him.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

And a big thank you to TinselA/Bunny Carrot ( and the Anonymous Fifth Beta for Beta-ing this chapter.

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