Chapter 32: Valeriy Ayers - Game Floor (Part VI)

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"I could do this all day," Bucky cut in. A smile in his words.

"You could and probably get uber hungry," I laughed. "Just come here whenever you want. Ask Eve for... swimming with the... stars?"

His pace slowed, his legs kicking lazily. Eased up the strain on the bones of my right hand. Didn't have to hang onto him as hard. He went slow enough that I could let a hand go and smack a star into the deep darkness.

"I can come back here?"

A hand grab, a twist of his body and he was facing me. Eyes so bright and hopeful. So different from his usual haunted expression but not quite as free as he'd been the night he had forgotten who I was.

"Yup," I chirped. "Any time. And if she's being mean, come find me. You could even sleep here. Floating like this. If... you don't mind Eve fooling around with your body.

"Amber fell asleep on the Game Floor once. Found her dancing horizontally underwater. Kind of creepy. Like super creepy."

"It helps that she has no sense of touch."

"She had me balanced on a ribbon once. Or so I was told.... She gets bore – Bucky?!"

His arm snapped around my waist, pulling me to him and knocking our bubble helmets together. His head tilted back, changing directions. He dove... down? I doubt either of us knew which way was up anymore.

Even though the nanite made suits, even though I was sure Bucky and I were at completely different places in the room, I could feel his muscles working to move us quickly through the water. His movements almost desperate.



"Doors...? Oh my shit!! Eve!!!"

On our tail was an army of floating doors headed right for us.

Doors of every kind.

Wooden ones. Painted ones. Glass ones. Metal ones. Double doors. Cabinet doors. Bathroom doors. Garage doors. Even a fucking chomping security door.

"I get bored." The doors fading at Eve's words.

Bucky slowed his swimming, trying to calm down his breathing. His arm stayed wrapped around my waist. His eyes darted in every direction. Just to be sure.

"The doors are gone," I pointed out. "...Maybe... maybe we'll come back to this sim –"

The world around us took a shift.

Gravity came back full force, going by how hard the fucking ground felt. Or it could be the Bucky between me and the fluffy white clouds above. Maybe more Bucky than gravity....

"S-sorry," Bucky sputtered out.

He practically threw himself off me with a roll. Punched the ground to my right, a metallic clang echoing through his cybernetic. His arm still pinned under me. Softer than whatever was digging into my lower back. Whatever that was, it was fucking jagged.

"What is that smell?" His voice almost washed away by all the crashing waves. "...Why does it smell?"

"It's the sea?"

"Where...? Where are we?" His neck craned as he tried to scan our surroundings.

Probably for more doors.

'Oh damn shit Eve.'

I knew exactly where she dumped us and pretty sure what she had planned.

"One of Val's favourite climbing spots. Totem Pole in Tasmania."

'And there goes my can't ask what you don't know plan... yay....'

At least he couldn't see the actual cliff face from on top of them. Eve had plopped us down among the shrubbery a short way's back from the edge.

"...Climbing spo – Was that why you were sore fourteen days ago? Were you down here climbing? With those injuries!?"

'Yup. Plan go kaboom.... Thanks Eve. Fucking thanks.'

I rolled off his arm, buying time to gather my thoughts. "I had Eve remove what strain she could. I used my elbow instead of my hand. I'm letting the bones heal."

Just a couple more weeks and I could clamber all over whatever I wanted. I could probably behave for just a couple fucking weeks... probably....

More likely no.... My nerves itched to move. To be able to move freely. To stretch for the fluffy clouds. To just not be so fucking sore and stiff.

"Why...?" Bucky's forehead lightly touched mine, his eyes searching mine.

"I had some things I needed to work out.... Sorry."

"...Could I have helped?"

"You did already. A lot more than you realize. Plus, the thought of you frowning like this had me thinking twice about taking a bike out onto the mountain."

I prodded at the corners of his mouth, pushing them upwards. His facial muscles relaxed, letting me do whatever I wanted to his face.

Had to stamp down the urge kiss the tip of his nose as a joke. Didn't want to break him again.

Soteria's a safe place.

He should feel safe here.

Bucky only pulled away when I stopped playing with his face. The smile I made on him never reached his eyes. Nothing like when he was poking all the buttons.

He languidly rose to his feet, dusting the fake rendered dust and plant bits off his bum. His fingers stretched out to the skies, pulling his body into a beautiful line. Even a satisfied hum escaped from him.

"How is she," a hand wave to the ether, "making this smell? I can smell the water and the plants."

"Eve plays with scents when she feels like showing off. Pretty sure she kidnapped a few of those super nose people."

"The condition is hyperosmia. I have a business relationship with a few. I didn't kidnap them. I borrowed their nose in exchange for goods or favours since I don't have an actual nose. I could use smell sensors to make the perfect combinations, but I have no way of telling if any of it worked."

Doubt either of us was listening much to Eve. Bucky too busy making his way to the cliff's edge. Me too busy watching him half walk half hop with such relaxed movements. Not a slip or a stumble. Every step light and confident.

When he got to the edge, he took two giant steps backwards, turned on a heel and bounced over to me. Plopped down right next to me and held onto my hand.

'Shit. The fall.'

Whatever Eve was testing, she was done with, if the rapidly rising sea level is anything to go by.




Author's Note:

If you enjoyed this part, please consider leaving a vote. They're very much appreciated. ^^

And a big thank you to TinselA/Bunny Carrot ( and the Anonymous Fifth Beta for Beta-ing this chapter.

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