Chapter Two

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Of course Mia didn't become famous instantly... No it took her a whole weekend.
And of course it took the power of what dad annoying called the 'inter cyber space' to do it.
Mia was blissfully unaware of the fuss she was causing online. This was because, for a start, she had no idea that a video of herself WAS online. But, as it turned out, it was, and was getting MORE online, MORE views and MORE popular by the minute. People like sharing. And especially like sharing funny videos of furious girls running around gardens shouting: "can't you be normal- aaaaarrrrggh, oooooooh, eeeeee!"
All it needed was someone to put it online in the first place...
Then, over the next couple of days, hole her video was being laughed over by more and more people, Mia was actually totally OFFLINE. Mum had just come home after two weeks working aboard so Mia had loads of catching up to do. She never even noticed when her battery on her mobile phone died.
And so she missed A LOT of texts from her classmates. To be honest Mia had never really had many friends at school, Lola had always been her best friend and even though they had a love hate relationship, and most of the time you would find them insulting eachother, they could always count on eachother as a friend. Mia was always desperate  to get texts from her classmates. No one ever texted her. Mia had given her phone number literally to everyone she knew, but only messages she ever received were from her phone company, trying to sell her a new phone.
But now, waiting for her in the cyber space darkness, were loads of texts like:


You made me laugh so hard!

Meanwhile, most of Mia's catching up with Mum was spent clothes shopping while telling Mum how utterly rubbish Dad had been recently. Her mum an dad were divorced and even though she wanted to spend more time at her mums house, she was away a lot so she would find herself spending weekends with Max Bagley and Dad.
The Atomic Dustbin- Dad's horrible old camper van- had broken down twice picking her up from school and once when he's volunteered to take the hockey team to an away match.
"We were so late the other team was allowed to start without us and we were ten-nil down before we could even set foot in the pitch!" Complained Mia, making mum giggle.
Then she revealed Dad had made them pork pie and chips for tea THREE times last week. And it would have been four times but Bad News Nan had come round, insisted they had a proper meal with vitamins, then ordered pizzas because cheese counted as veg, near enough. Mums shoulders shook with laughter as they picked out tops.
"He does look after you pretty well though," chuckled Mum in the changing rooms. "I mean, compared to being looked after by a trained gorilla."
"Why are those girls staring at me?" Said Mia, noticing a gaggle of giggles, pointing and sniggering at the doorway. "Are my pants showing?" Asked Mia, going into a red flush.
Mum came out of the changing room and raised her eyebrows at the girls, who took the hint and ran off. Mia LOVED the way Mum could do that. She had seen Mum reduce grown men to quivering Jelly by the simple raising of the eyebrows. Including the policemen who were always telling her off for speeding in her little red car.
Dad couldn't scare anybody, thought Mia huffily. He only makes people laugh, the big dope. Even when he's TRYING to be fearsome.
Mia sometimes practised raising we eyebrows at Max when he was being especially annoying, but he judged laughed and said it made her look cross eyed.
"Can't you be NORMAL?" Shouted one of the girls outside, and the others shrieked with laughter as they took off trough the mall.
What a weird bunch of girls, thought Mia, but within five seconds she had forgotten all about them because Mum said she'd buy her a pair of flip flops.

But a similarly strange thing happened as they were choosing a DVD to watch that night. Nat was having a good natured argument with Mum as weather they watch a big disaster movie (Mums choice) or Paper Towns with Mia had been wanting to see for ages.
Nat suddenly became aware of a couple of boys over by the comic book films who were sniggering and looking at her. She ran behind Mum who was looking in the book section at two mystery books. "People are watching" she heard one say, then the group fell about laughing.
But yet again, Mia soon forgot all about it when mum suggested they could go into the shop that spelled bath bombs next.

It was only late Sunday night, in bed, snuggled in and smelling of her vanilla bath bomb, that Mia plugged her phone in and was greater by a ZILLION messages.
I'm popular! She thought I'm finally popular, GO ME!
But then... She read them.

"What have you done, your ruined my life, once again" screamed Mia "I'm going to kill you and I'm not even joking!"she thundered down the stairs in search for Dad.
Dad was sitting on the sofa, just about to pour himself a glass of wine. When he saw the furious expression on Mia's face, he turned back to his glass and filled it all the way to the top.
"Shouldn't you be in bed, Mi? He said nervously, seeing his doom approaching in the shape of a 16 year old in a pink unicorn onsie.

Mia waved her phone under his nose.
"You've done something stupid, horrible and embarrassing, yet again, haven't you Dad?"
Dad coughed and his body started to awkwardly jerk.
"Is this about the video by any chance?" He asked, trying to sound as if he wasn't in MASSIVE TROUBLE! Mia snatched the laptop from beside him and opened the lid, the smashed screen shone to life and she opened up the browser. She went into history and clicked the first one.
"I made a website," announced Dad, while Mia was tapping away at the keys "I'm taking Christmas Crackers into the twenty first century."
On the screen, a cartoon cracker snapped open and out fluttered a joke.
"That's the joke about the monkey who needed to go to the toilet," gasped Mia "Which mean Max flipping Bagley made this website for you. I knew you couldn't do this yourself, you know nothing about computers."
"I do," said Dad defensively. "I designed the whole thing"
"Where's the video?" Snapped Mia. Dad moved the mouse over a drawing of a large pile of rubbish.
"It's called the joke heap," explained dad, clicking on it "I can't put all sorts of funny things hear, Max showed me. It's like my comedy scrapbook."
"Or a dump" offered Mia.
Dad scrolled down.
"Look, I put a video of a dog who can sing the national anthem, here's one of a boy trying to skate board in ice. And, um-"
"AND THE VIDEO OF ME DANCING AND SHOUTING AT YOU" shrieked Mia in horror as her face rose up from the jokey rubbish dump.
"Oh no, not all of it" corrected Dad. "Only the funny bits. Which is pretty much all of it..."
"People are watching..." Said Video Mia "CANT YOU BE NORMAL?"
A memory struggled into Mia's brain as Video Mia ran around smacking herself and making weird noises. Why were those words so familiar?
"You're over reacting," said Dad "not many people have seen it yet anyway, I'll take it down. Look here, I've got a view counter on the website. It shows I've only got 10 hits. And five of those were me checking how many hits it had."
Mia puts her hands over her head "it only takes one person to see it and share it," she said. Dad looked blank. Mia tapped some keys.
"Look," she said "here is the comments bit."
"I've never read the comments" admitted Dad, "because people can be very rude about my jokes."
"Shut up and listen" said Mia "there's a comment from Cat-Lover123 who says:
All the jokes on this website are crap but I love The video of the can't you be normal girl. I'm sharing this to everyone I know, and I know a lot of people.
"No problem, I'll just email her and ask her to delete it," said Dad. "She seems like a nice person. She loves cats"
"Don't you know ANYTHING, Dad?" Sighed Mia. "Once somethings on the Internet, it's never coming down"

Thank you for reading! Will update soon 😊😊😊

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