angel 2 me - mckay

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"Can you stop moving back so much? You're only making it harder for me."

Minah opened her eyes and instantly tightened her grip around the arm rest of the plastic chair, refraining every cell in her body to not have her hand smack Namjoon's face due to how close he was to her.

"I don't trust you with that...that weapon," she said, frowning.

Namjoon let out an irritated sigh, looking up at the ceiling and mumbling some words to himself to help him keep calm.

"It is just eyeliner, Minah," he said, pointing the black pen towards her, causing her to glare up at him. "Now close your eyes so I can actually finish your makeup or else you will be walking around with one eye bigger than the other."

Minah reluctantly closed her eyes. "Do we really have to do this?"

"Do you not want to catch Blue?" he asked whilst carefully lining her eye into a sharp wing, "I'm actually doing the absolute most to help you here so please appreciate my art. Now open your eyes."

He stepped to the side so she could see her new self in the mirror. Her lips were a rich shade of red and just above it in the corner of her mouth he had painted a small beauty spot to further disguise her.

Minah blinked, "These eyelashes feel weird and heavy."

"Stop complaining, you look nice," he said, smiling, "I did a really good job, like you are hardly recognisable."

"Alright, stop feeding your ego and lets finish getting ready," Minah sighed, standing up.

Her glam makeup looked significantly odd against her gym trousers and sweatshirt. However, that was soon replaced with a long black lace dress that graced the floor. The dress perfectly covered her scars due to long sleeved lace wrapping around her arms. Namjoon too had dressed up in a classic black bow tie suit.

They arrived to the venue of their first mission in Namjoon's most expensive car to blend in perfectly with the many wealthy people they were soon going to meet. After months of honing her skills in physical ability with Namjoon's help, finally they were taking a step forward.

Minah looked out of the passenger window at the grand hotel which they were parked in front of. Dozens of men and women were walking in, all of them dressed of similar glamourous fashion like her and Namjoon. Their clothes, makeup and hair was immaculate, probably done by the best people in the field and not just any amateur like Namjoon. Although, she did admit that he did a decent job on her.

Minah leaned her head against the seat, "I don't think I can do this. I can't act like the wife of a rich businessman so they will probably catch up on us being fake."

Namjoon sighed, "I will do all the talking, you just have to stand beside me and look happy and comfortable. They probably won't show much interest towards you because these rich businessmen are a bunch of sexist pricks who aren't going to sit around and listen to what women have to say. So pull yourself together and lets go."

Without wasting another second, he opened the door and got out. His words put her at a slight ease. He jogged around to Minah's side and put on a grand gesture of helping her out of the car.

Minah looked up at him and his hand. With a sigh, she accepted his hand and exited out. Just like the other couples, she put her arm through Namjoon's and they walked into the lobby of the luxury hotel.

She let out a slow and steady breath to loosen herself as they strolled past wealthy extravagant guests. The fear of anyone noticing how much she didn't belong in that type of scene struck every time she made eye contact with someone but each time she was only greeted with a slight nod and a smile.

At the doors to the hall, they were stopped by a security guard holding a tablet.

"Noah Kim and my partner, Song Ji-hyun," said Namjoon, pointing to himself then Minah.

The guard scrolled through the names on his tablet, a stern look frozen on his face. Minah's grip on his arm slightly tightened, making sure to keep the smile on her face from faltering.

The guard looked at them and smiled, "Welcome Sir and Madam, have a wonderful evening."

The night before, Namjoon had hacked into the system to edit in their fake names into the guest list. Minah didn't think it would actually work.

They entered the fundraising event held by Jula, a perfect opportunity according to Namjoon to get close to Kim Seokjin, the former gangster turned businessman. Minah was still wary about the plan as she worried he might still be tied to Blue which may cause the mobster to catch up to her.

"Even if they are still familiar with each other, Blue will never get us. I will not let that happen," Namjoon had told her earlier that day.

Kim Seokjin was easy to find in the crowd as everywhere he passed, his name was always called out. He was a tall broad-shouldered man, dark polished hair swept back just like Namjoon. He walked around with his beautiful just as elegant wife, making sure to greet as many guests as possible. He seemed to be a likeable character judging by how every person responded with genuine happiness, not even a single disdainful glance.

It didn't take long for Namjoon to introduce himself and Minah to Kim Seokjin. Namjoon claimed to be a Harvard graduate who only recently came back to South Korea in order to be close to his girlfriend. At that point he turned his head and smiled lovingly at her. She returned a strained grin, trying not to throw up on him. He then spouted some random English to prove his story, it was effective enough to fool the smart businessman. Although Minah did admit that it sounded pretty convincing.

"I worked as a lawyer in America for a large firm but lately I've found myself gaining interest with starting my own business..."

Seokjin, who was in the middle of sipping his thin glass of champagne, looked at him with wide eyes.

"That sounds extremely exciting! I can guess from our conversation that you will be very successful. You've left a strong impression on me."

The two men laughed. Minah tried a similar laugh but came out sarcastic. Luckily they failed to notice.

From Namjoon's research on him, Seokjin was someone who was very keen on supporting upcoming businesses which he felt seemed promising. He was someone who preferred to keep long term loyal partnerships rather than chasing after popular trending companies.

Later in the event, everyone was seated in large beautifully-decorated round tables. Namjoon impressed Seokjin so much that he managed to secure seats on their table. That definitely got them attention from others, something Minah was hoping to avoid. Namjoon's name was frequently passed around in neighbouring tables.

"I've never seen that kid before, who is he? Family member?"

"Some American kid, apparently. Noah Kim, something like that. I'm pretty sure this is Kim Seokjin's first time seeing him"

As if posing as a fake person wasn't enough, Namjoon even donated a million won to the charity event to avoid any last lingering suspicion that Seokjin may have had behind his supposed fondness for 'Noah Kim'.

With the night drawing to a close, Namjoon and Minah walked out of the event having established a solid relationship with Seokjin, even promising a dinner with the businessman the following week. Everything was going to plan.

A/N: Back at it again with the extremely late update. I'm actually excited for the next few chapters because the plot will be progressing much more. Action. Anger. Confusion. They all coming like a big storm ;) Also I hope you guys can be patient with the development of Namjoon and Minah's relationship. Please understand that they are both extremely damaged human beings that don't have much love left in this world so it aint gonna be an easy ride. But that equals more drama amirite???

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