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Two weeks passed since her trip to the mountains and the confrontation with Namjoon's true identity.

Time went by as she worked her two part time jobs and then used the remaining days to practise her boxing, rock climbing as well as exercising at the gym.

Her days became much more peaceful without Namjoon's constant chattering in her ear....

She spent the weeks battling in her mind between seeking out to find the assasian or not. The only thing stopping her from looking for him again was her pride that she wasn't willing to sacrifice so easily. She didn't want to look like a fool in front of him again, after he'd tricked her for more than a year about who he truly was, especially during the time after she came to learn about The Chameleon. 

Minah despised him even more after seeing him in the treehouse. It seemed unreal and almost fantastical that she'd been in contact with such a deadly person for such a long time. But then again, her life was filled with a series of events which all seemed very unpredictable. 

"I don't need his help," she spoke out loud to no one in particular as she threw a jab to the punching bag. "I can kill Blue on my own!"

No matter how many times she told herself that, it didn't manage to get rid of the doubt which continued to reside within her thoughts. Doubts on her ability to carry out her mission independantly.

Unfortunately for her, that doubt only seemed to increase as time went by. It got to the point where she had no choice but to actually listen to him and try to find the assassian again.

She thought that after managing to find him once it couldn't be that hard to get him again. But she was very mistaken because this time it was even harder.

He knew she was looking for him and he was trying whatever he could to make it difficult for her. Only then could he come to the conclusion that her skills were worthy enough for him to consider her as an ally. He was almost certain that Minah wasn't going to catch him again.

He strongly believed that meeting in the treehouse was simply due to his own fault and not because she was good at what she done. He convinced himself that the particular incident happened because he spent a little too long being around her.

He didn't want to admit to the reason why he stuck around for so long. Namjoon wanted to believe that he stayed in the town because his job killing two targets was trickier than usual. In fact that reason was really and truly, only a small percentage. The main reason was because of Chung Minah.

He didn't think much of her when she first walked into the boxing roon asking him to teach her the skill. It was only when he first saw her punching the punching dummy that he became a little taken aback. Not because she was goodat it, in fact her techniwues were indeed very terrible.

He was surprised with the amount of anger that exuded out of her as she punched the dummy like it was a real person. It made him wonder if she wanted to learn the sport just so she could hurt someone else. Therefore he guessed after a couple weeks of learning a few techniques, she wasn't going to come back; having learnt enough to do damage to who ever she was planning to hurt.

But she never stopped coming back. In fact as time went by, she began to come more often. In that leisure centre, he found her using almost all of their facilities since he used them all to practise his own skills.

Unlike others, she didn't seem to come there for leisure or recreation. Her eyes were always focused, her expression serious as if she had a purpose. Whatever that purpose was, Namjoon was certain it was a dark one.

He was intrigued by her because what he saw in her was disturbing. When he looked at her, he saw himself. Not the playful and happy person he appeared in front of others but the cold-blooded monster he actually was underneath his mask.

She was always quiet and calm. Didn't speak or smile much. All the times she was provoked by others at the gym, she never quivered with fear or anger.

Those little things about her told him that there was something wrong with her just like himself. His past never allowed his mind and emotions to heal correctly. He wonder what she had gone through to become the terrifying person she was.

Two more months sped by which Minah spent trying to track down Namjoon's location again. She had to adopt a new method of finding him since the old one clearly wasn't doing any help to her.

Just like last time there were many times she was certain she had found him. Minah would break into people's houses only to find out that it wasn't Namjoon's after seeing family photos decorating the walls or other clues that told her she was in the wrong place. She had travelled to almost a dozen different towns and had come back disappointed each time.

But the more often she failed to find him, the more determined she became to track him down. The tricky game of hide and seek was making Minah more competitive than ever. She told herself that once she discovers where he is, she won't let him slip away from her fingers again.

Alongside Namjoon, she had also been working hard trying to track down one more person. He was a wealthy lawyer, well known amongst his peers for defending the most ruthless criminals and giving them freedom which they didn't deserve. Money over justice was how he saw life.

Especially due to his latest cases, she believed he was Namjoon's next target. She had managed to find out that he was going on holiday to Busan since he won a huge case that saved a businessman's son from going to prison.

She had a strong feeling that the holiday was where he would die since Namjoon had proven to strike people when they were the furtherest away from their usual surrounding. Away from where they felt the most familiar and the most comfortable.

Minah entered the high-rise hotel through the revolving doors straight into the lobby. She lowered the black cap on her head and stared at the polished marble floor. She tightened her grip on the large dirty toolbox she held in her hands as she stalked towards the reception desk.

"Maintenance for the heating on floor ten," she said, avoiding eye contact with the receptionist.

The young man nodded and slid a card across the desk to her. She picked it up and quickly bowed her head to say thank you before making her way to the lift. Above the floor buttons was where she slid her card down the slider to activate the lift.

She then pressed the bright blue button to floor twenty.

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