gangsta - kehlani

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He opened the lid of the lighter and pressed down, causing a small flame to burn up. Through her taped mouth, she attempted to scream and pushed herself back.

But instead of being further away from him, she only felt the coldness of the wall against her back. She shut her eyes and shivered with fear as he danced the blaze before her face. An ugly laughter escaped his lips. He was having a little too much fun seeing her scared. It made him feel powerful.

"Don't worry, Minsun-ie, I'm not here to hurt you."

The endearment he used on her name made her feel sick. As he continued to stare at her with his mismatched eyes. She looked behind him, making sure Mi-ra couldn't see such a sight. She didn't want her to be traumatised at such an early age, in fact she never wanted the little girl to go through any kind of pain she went and was going through.

Realising that Minsun's focus was somewhere else, he followed her gaze and turned his head. His eyes widened at the little human staring at the opposite wall. A playful smirk painted across his face. He liked nothing more than a fun game, Mi-Ra seemed like the perfect victim for his sick fantasies.

He began to stand up and walk towards the mattress. Minsun tried her best to tell him to stop as she thrashed her body around on the floor, attempting to get ahead of him.

However the other two masked men grabbed her to make her sit up. With their strong grips on her feeble arms, there was no way she was going to be able to get to her baby. That didn't stop her from at least trying to give the men a hard time with holding her back.

No! Please not my daughter. Please spare Mi-ra.

Minsun was never someone who believed in God. Even if there was, she didn't like him or her because of the amount of shit she'd been through.

However at that moment in time, she found herself praying to whatever God there was looking down upon the scene.

The scarred man crouched down beside the blinking baby who had calmed now, watching her with curiousity sparkling in his eyes.

He scooped her up into his arms, causing her to slightly stir. Knowing that she was in unfamiliar arms, she began to cry.

Minsun's eyes were blurred with the amount of tears she was producing and her face was completely drenched in them. Never had she ever felt so desperate in her life.

Up till that point she was scared for her life. Thoughts of if that was how she was going to meet the end of her life, at the hands of three unknown thugs ran through her mind.

But the moment he laid his hands on Mi-ra, her blood began to boil. Not because of fear or anxiety but because she wanted to do to him what she feared was going to happen to her that night. She wanted him dead.

The rage that roared inside of her made her fight back to the two men much more than before. Even though she knew it was pointless, there was nothing to stop the madness that was gushing through her body.

Tired and disorientated Minsun felt but it was as though her body had been possessed by an angry demon unleashed due to her desperation to protect her daughter. Her only family. Her only connection to Yoongi.

"It's crazy how much she looks just like Min Yoongi, especially her eyes," he said.

Minsun's body froze and for a second it felt as if her heart too had stopped. She was stuck between a dilemma of wanting her heart to stop forever but also wanting to live to save Mi-Ra.

Hearing his name from another person's mouth for the first time felt unusual. It felt wrong especially when it was coming from that deformed monster.

That was when it all made sense. She knew the guy. She had been too busy being frightened and angry to realise who he actually was. She knew so much about him despite having never seen his face.

He was Blue. The merciless gangster that ruined Yoongi's and her life. He was the reason why the only love of her life left her. He was the reason why her months before Mi-ra's birth was spent living in hell.

Realising that Minsun had stopped making a fuss, he cackled.

"Things are starting to make sense now, huh?" he taunted, "I'm sure you know a lot about me. I've done my research on you too with quite a bit of difficulty. Because of the image of the scared little boy I have in my mind, I always forget that Min Yoongi is really good at the things I have taught him."

He gasped and dramatically put a hand over his mouth. He looked at Minsun with wide eyes before slowly beginning to smirk. His scar contorted as if it would rip any second.

"Oops, my bad. I should say he was really good at what he used to do," Blue laughed, "Sneaky bastard. I offer you my sincere condolonces. He shouldn't have left you alone like this. Did he even know about his daughter?"

He shook his head as he pouted at Mi-ra. Minsun curled her fists, allowing her nails to pierce into her skin. The mocking look on his face quickly darkened as his brows drew closer to one another. A scowl formed on his lips, causing his scar to be pulled downwards. His wide mismatched eyes began to shake as his breaths quickened.

"He can't think he can simply give up on me and expect nothing in return. That's why I'm here."

Minsun helplessly watched as his grip on her baby tightened. She closed her eyes and dropped her head, violently shaking it left to right as if it was going to help her block out the sounds of Mi-ra struggling beneath his hands.

The next few moments happened in a blur that left her in shock and confusion at the unforgiving and violent event. The last thing she remembered was Blue swinging Mi-ra across the room before Minsun blacked out hearing her baby's last screams ringing in her ears.

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