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Fiyin stood up and walked to the balcony and kept her hands in her pockets. The wind blew lightly against her as she stared at the sky.

"It's a crescent shape tonight" someone said beside her and she chuckled without replying.

"Still pissed with me?" Aaron asked an helpless smile on his face.

"Very pissed Aaron" Fiyin replied and Aaron chuckled.

"I didn't know it was just some paperwork. I'm sorry" Aaron said and Fiyin nodded.

"You know she likes you right?" Fiyin asked and pursed her lips.

"I know" Aaron replied and Fiyin sighed.

"I feel really weird and conflicted" Fiyin said.

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"I didn't allow the meeting at my place because of the way my mom prays and all. Listening to Imisi's parents pray and everyone's reaction to it made me feel like I was over reacting" Fiyin said as she sighed again.

"Really? That's why?" Aaron asked and Fiyin nodded.

"I really want you to realise that your mom is just a normal Christian too. She's isn't over doing anything. Christians pray Fiyin" Aaron said and Fiyin sighed.

She felt really conflicted that she didn't notice Aaron was supporting her mom again. She felt stupid all of a sudden.

"I feel stupid" Fiyin said and Aaron laughed.

"That's the devil trying to make you feel bad. You made a mistake, no biggie. Just ask God for forgiveness huh?" Aaron said.

"Have you asked him to forgive you for lying?" Fiyin asked and Aaron nodded helplessly.

"Yes. I settled things with my Father already" Aaron said with a smile.

"My father sounds like you real father" Fiyin said and Aaron nodded.

"He's my real father" Aaron.

"See we were all created by..... " Aaron started but Fiyin quickly cut him off.

"Dude, I know the creation story" Fiyin said.

"But I don't think you understand it" Aaron said and Fiyin rolled her eyes.

"I never said I didn't understand" Fiyin said as she sighed.

"Look Aaron, don't piss me off your biblish talks right now. I feel like shit and I'm really sensitive right now. Okay?" Fiyin said as she stared at the sky. An uneasy feeling rose in her and disappeared within a minute. Fiyin rubbed her forehead again without moving.

"Why don't you go and get some sleep?" Aaron asked and Fiyin nodded and she walked into the room and climbed the stairs.

Carrying her bag, Fiyin took her bath immediately but didn't wear her uniform. She wore her clothes and saw Imisi seating down at the edge of the bed.

"What were you talking about with Aaron?" Imisi asked as Fiyin turned to her.

"Imisi, I'm really sleepy now and I don't have the extra manpower to deal with you right now. I need to sleep" Fiyin replied as she laid on one of the foams on the floor and slept off.

The next morning, Fiyin dressed while others rook their baths. Cups of tea were served and Fiyin quickly sipped her tea as the school bus arrived to take them to school.

Fiyin entered the bus and saw Imisi looking around. Sighting Aaron on a seat; she walked faster and passed by her before placing herself beside him just as Imisi got there. Fiyin raised an eyebrow at her and Imisi managed a smile.

"Err... Fiyin; that's my seat" Imisi said.

"Your seat? Look backwards, I think your friend kept space for you" Fiyin replied with a smile and Imisi turned to see her friends waving to her. She turned to Fiyin pursed her lips and walked away.

"You put her on the black list I presume?" Aaron asked and Fiyin laughed before nodding.

"She was on the blue before yunno" Fiyin said and Aaron smiled.

"Unblock me, will you?" Aaron asked and Fiyin turned to him.

"I'll think about it" Fiyin said with a smile. Aaron glanced at her and laughed.

"How was the sleepover?" Eri asked and Fiyin nodded her head.

"Quite cool. I really envy Aaron's negotiating skills. If he were the heir of a big company, the company is really lucky" Fiyin said and Imem nodded.

"I know right" Imem added.

"Why the hell was he made the Assistant then?" Fiyin asked and Eri laughed.

"I really want to go rouge on Nonso. Because I knew he would definitely have something to say, all I did was listen yesterday. I didn't even say a thing" Fiyin said and the girls burst into laughter.

"Next week is test week" Eri said and Fiyin sighed.

"I hate test weeks" Fiyin said and Eri shook her head.

"You hate everything. What do you like?" Eri asked.

"I don't hate everything girl" Fiyin replied with a chuckle.

"Did you guys hear?" Imem asked.

"That what?" Fiyin asked.

"I think Toun is planning to ask Nonso out publicly" Imem said and Fiyin hissed.

"Good for him" Fiyin said as she yawned.

"You never get enough sleep and keep yawning all the time" Eri scolded and Fiyin wore an helpless grin.

A teacher walked into the class and everyone went quiet.

"Fiyin, please come with me" He said and Fiyin looked surprised before she stood up and walked out of the class.

She walked back into the class and carried her bag immediately.

"What's up?" Imem asked.

"I don't know. I think something happened at home. Its probably grandma" Fiyin said as she slung her school bag over her shoulders.

"Bye" Fiyin said as Aaron jogged up to her.

"What's going on?" Aaron asked.

"I think something happened to grandma. Home's calling" Fiyin replied and Aaron chuckled.

"Okay. See you" Aaron said as he tapped her nose and watched her walk away.

"Uncle Wale?" Fiyin called out surprised as she and Fadekemi entered the car.

"I thought you were in Ib. When did you get to Lagos?" Fiyin asked.

"Few hours ago" Uncle Wale replied and Fiyin noticed that he wasn't smiling as usual and even had tears in his eyes.

"Uncle Wale, what happened at home that you had to pick up us? Where's mom?" Fiyin asked.

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