How I got her! :D

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I got Mothy mama over here last mid fall when I was walking around my front yard. I saw her, as a caterpillar, walking around on the ground. She was absolutely huge and she was bright green. At the time, I had a very easy to carry bug carrier, and of course, being the weirdo I am that loves almost all things, I took the caterpillar into there. Now, now, don't worry, I already had experience with insects- so I wasn't about to literally kill it the day I got it.

Also, I had already put some leaves in there-

But the thing is... All throughout that night, the caterpillar kept trying to make a caccon. Being the stupid one, I had forgotten that- yes, I had forgotten that caterpillars make caccons. Well, I didn't exactly forget, it's just I hadn't seen a caterpillar do such in person. Yup, I was dumb. I kept trying to stop what it was doing, because to me it looked like it was getting stuck-

Soon I gave up because I was tired-

But yeah, that's how I got her :3

Here's some photos about that night-
(These photos I had previously posted on another book and then deleted so-)

(At the time that I wrote this she was on my hoodie sleeve-)

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