October 4

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Open Entry 3

A new day, another chance to continue my search.
I tried Senpai's phone numbers, but all I got was a voicemail. Doggammit.

Today, I will check out Sweet Apple Acres. I'm not sure what Applejack's been up to. But it should be fine, since she is kind of ... um... I don't know the word. But hey, oh I got it now!
Of course I can trust Applejack! Her thing is honesty! Hey, maybe she can help me...nah, I can't take any chances of her taking my Senpai. Actually, I think I can trust her... why not. I shall ask her to come.

Later, at Sweet Apple Acres...

"Hello, A.J.," I said to the orange earth pony at the door.

"Howdy, Laurie, " she replied with a friendly smile. "I hear you're looking for your sweetheart."

Gosh, I just love this girl. She is definitely joining me on my journey.

"Yeah." I smiled sheepishly. "So, how' d you know? "

"Twilight stopped by after lunch yesterday saying she saw you at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie had told her about your struggle."

Of course she knew. Pinkie is friggin psychic.

"So, I might be traveling all over Equestria looking for him. On any other circumstances, I would not allow you. But you, I know, you are extremely trustworthy. Will you join me? "

Please say yes. Please say yes.

"No. I have work to do, and I can't travel right now. The fall harvest is arriving, and I have the whole orchard to gather. Wish I could help. Sorry, Laurie."

So that's how that went. Oh well, I wasn't planning on having company anyway.

By now, I have covered half of Ponyville. I searched a lot before I started this journal.

'Kay! I will talk more later!

End Entry Three

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