Filler chapter lmao

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A/n well nobody voted lol. We're gonna do another POV cuz I need more storyline.

Smokey POV

A harsh ringing jolted me out of my dream. Frowning, I lifted my head. At the door stood a sleek black dragon with fiery red flecks and dark magenta wings that were splattered with stars. They held a large bell in their talons that they were shaking vigorously. A ShadowWing, I realized. What could they want?

A couple others in the room began waking up and staring at the dragon in the doorway. After a moment of comprehending, they slid out of bed. Ohhhhh, the dragon was waking us up. Of course they were. I inwardly facetaloned and made my way down the ladder. I was finally on the ground when I heard a shriek.

"NO, MAKE IT STOP, PLEASE, DON'T TAKE THEM, PLEASE, IT WAS MY FAULT—" screeched a high voice, followed by heart wrenching sobs.

"Oh my moons, are you alright? What's wrong?" I heard Thunder question. The white and blue dragon raced to someone's bedside. Heart racing, I looked over and saw Alethia, now sitting up, with tears flowing down her small face. She looked so small and weak, and my heart broke seeing how much pain she was in. Thunder sat next to her, trying to comfort her. The person in the door left without another word, as if this happened a lot. Did it? I hoped not.

After a couple minutes of comforting, Alethia finally calmed down. "I'm so sorry. Thanks, Thunder, that helped. Nobody was ever there for me when-" she broke into some better controlled tears. "-When I was younger. Sorry. I just had some flashbacks. I'm alright now," she reassured us.

Thunder insisted upon staying with her for the day, however. How sweet. Once everything was cleared up, I splashed some water in my face and headed down for breakfast.

"Hey Greenie!" I heard a light voice call. I guessed it was meant for me. I swivelled my head back and saw Amber racing towards me. Behind her was a grinning Glory Lily. A little suspicious, I stopped in the middle of the hall. Amber neared, and I realized she was going to crash into me. There was no time to move out of the way.

Amber grabbed the sides of my head and—




Glory Lily giggled like there was no tomorrow before, during and after the kiss. I was blushing so hard I probably looked like a SkyWing. Amber blushed too, then apologized profusely. "Ack, I'm so sorry, Glory Lily dared me and I can't turn down a dare."

I stared at her, uncomprehending. She was so pretty, what the heck. It was a dare though. But her green eyes are so precious. But it was a dare. But there was a cute little scar along the side of her snout. But it was a dare. Her delicate talons, though. But it was still a dare. She doesn't like you. Nobody likes you. You were better off at the palace with nobody.

Don't think like that. It was a dare, but that doesn't mean she hates you. "Greenie?" She asked, poking my left shoulder with her talon. "What's wr-" she cut herself off after examining the shoulder she poked. "Uh, what's that?" She asked suspiciously, poking my shoulder again. I winced and looked to where she was pointing.

There was an indentation in my shoulder that kind of resembled a flower. What the hell? I thought, That wasn't there yesterday. I raised a talon and brushed it around the crater, dumbfounded. "I... I have no idea," I finally said, looking up at her eyes. Oh my moons, her eyes.

I inwardly slapped myself. Don't get distracted, Smokey, there is a literal flower dent in your shoulder. Amber laughed, and I tried not to melt from the sound. It was the sound of summer, and flowers, and grass, and doves. It was angelic.

"That is so weird. Wow." She stated, poking it again. "Maybe you should get it checked out." I nodded.

"Later. I have a class—" I paused to check the timetable in my talons, and jumped. "Oh my god, it's in two minutes! Where's the  math class?!" I freaked out. Nobody wants to be late on their first day.

Amber frowned, then laughed with Glory Lily. "Dude, that's for breakfast. Class isn't for another two hours," she explained, pointing it out on my sheet. She was so close, I could just reach over and put my arm around her.... but no. It was a dare, Smokey, calm down.

I chuckled in embarrassment. "Oops," I stated simply. She laughed her sweet laugh and backed up to stand next to Glory Lily.

"Mkay, well, wanna sit at our table, Greenie?" Glory Lily offered with a grin. I shrugged.

"As long as you stop calling me Greenie. Smokey is was more bearable," I bargained. They laughed, and I felt this happy glow in my stomach. People actually didn't hate me, other than Gleam. That's awesome.

"You've got a deal, mate," Amber agreed, and we headed down the hallway to the bustling cafeteria.

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