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Amber POV

I jumped at the sound of my dorm door opening, thinking, "Who else is coming? I thought we were full." Nope. A nervous looking green dragon with colourful patches along their neck and bright blue eyes and the smallest wings I'd ever seen slid in hesitantly.

"Hey, sup?" Said the CloudWing that I think was named like Lightning or Thunder or something. He was sitting on his bed, the bottom bunk in the front corner, near the door. "Nothing much, you?" Replied the green dragonet. I guessed he was a boy from his voice.

"Nothing, just meeting everyone. I'm Thunder, the StarWing over there is Amber, the SlushWing way back there is Seal, next to him the DreamWing in brown is Thyme Dreamer, the PoisonWing currently glaring at you and everyone else would be Glory Lily, the terrifying Alethia, the FrostWing, is over there in the corner, the scared looking ShadowWing on the top middle bunk is Scargiver, and Lupine is the PastelWing reading." At this the purple dragonet looked up from his book, then returned to the scroll in disinterest. "Anyway, who're you?" The white and baby blue and green CloudWing asked the newbie.

"Oh- I'm Smokey. ForestWing," he answered directly. Smokey, I thought, that's a nice name. He glanced around the messy room with six bunk beds along the wall and two bathrooms in awe, as if he'd never seen a room as beautiful as this. "Which one's mine?" He asked. Thunder shrugged. "Find an open bed."

I watched as the 'ForestWing' (I'd never heard of a dragon like that) gazed around and choose a bed. It was the one below mine, second closest to the back wall on the right wall. He chose to sleep on my bunk.

Okay. I can work with that. Was really hoping I'd get a bunk to myself, but whatever. Lupine saw this, snickered, and wrote down something in his notebook. God, he already shipped us. Been here half an hour and I'm already being shipped. Kill me now.

"Y'all wanna get to know each other?" Offered the DreamWing. We all shrugged, except for Alethia, the curious dragon who'd gotten here first and was still muttering, "blue black, blue black," in the far left corner. So we gathered in a circle and decided to tell each other about our names, parents if we had any, our tribe, and ages. Scargiver, the nervous ShadowWing that I really couldn't blame for his tribe having captured me, went first.

"Uh, hey everyone, I'm uh, Scargiver, but you can call me Scar. What's next? Oh right. No idea who my parents are. I was raised in a fight club thing run by my tribe where we fought to the death. I hate ShadowWings. Uh, and I'm four." We looked at him wide eyed, especially me, since I had too, what the heck.

Next was Thyme Dreamer. "Hello, I am Thyme Dreamer, please use they them pronouns as I am gender neutral (I was a little surprised by this). My parents are Fluent Sunshine (Anemarin319  hah take that) and Feather Stone. I am of the tribe DreamWings, which are SeaWing SilkWing hybrids. I am five years old." I didn't really like how formal Thyme was; it was kinda annoying.

After them was Lupine. "Hey, I'm Lupine, not a girl, I'm a boy, I know, crazy, right? So purple. Uh, I like to ship people a lot, like a lot, so sorry in advance. My parents? Uh, my mom's named Sorrel and my dad's Poplar. I'm a PastelWing, if that wasn't already obvious, and we're RainWing SilkWing hybrids, if you were wondering. And I'm five, like Thyme over here," Lupine finished. Seemed like a normal kid to me; I'd never met someone who resembled Phoenix so much.

Next up it was the newbie's turn. "Uh, hey everyone. I'm Smokey, I'm an introvert, don't expect much from me. My mom's the queen of the SlushWings, you might've heard of her, Queen Lake. My dad's Oak, he's a ForestWing, and I've got a brother named Current who came here last year. I'm a ForestWing, which is basically a LeafWing but like, adapted for the cold. I'm four, so hit me up Scargiver." I smiled. Newbie was adorable. Then I let out a breath of fear because it was my turn.

"Hey everyone, I'm Amber, I was raised in a similar thing as Scargiver. Basically some ShadowWings came when I was like one and a half and stole me and took me back to their place, and made me fight with all these other dragonets stolen like me, for experiments and shit. Don't think I was in the same exact program as Scar over there, but close enough. Forget who my parents are, but I do have a little sister who I lost. I'm a StarWing, which is a SkyWing NightWing hybrid. And I'm four, so hey Scar and Smokey. Oh, and I escaped and the ShadowWings are after me, so I would prefer if you didn't rat me out, or I might have to rip your throat out." Once I finished I let out a little breath of relief. It was over.

Glory Lily, who sat atop the bunk next to me, looked mildly interested, which was a change from her glares to the boys and Thyme who'd just gone. That was nice. Smokey was staring at me, and when I returned the look, he glanced away. Newbie's weird. Scar looked pitiful and interested.

Then went Glory Lily. "I'm Glory Lily, only here cuz my parents forced me into it. I'm bi, by the way, if you have anything against that fight me. My parents are Ivy and Citrus. I'm a PoisonWing, which is a LeafWing NightWing hybrid. I'm four too, so hey majority of dragonets here." Nice. Straightforward and shit, I like it. We all looked to who was next, and it was Alethia, huddled in a corner unmoving. "Uh...Alethia?" Thunder said tentatively. "Can you tell us about yourself?"

She looked over, Grey eyes tired and ravaged. She took in drawling breaths, then one deep one. "Alright. I'm Alethia. You all think I'm crazy, which is a great assumption, and close to the truth. Speaking of the truth..." she looked really conflicted, as if she didn't want to say this, but then something reached up in her soul and slapped her in the white and black face and physically forced her into talking. "Well, it's weird, really, but I have to tell the truth. Physically have to. Like, there's a force inside of me, constantly pressuring me to tell the truth. It's horrible. It's been happening since before I can remember. Sorry in advance; I'm not sane. I'll go off in tangents raging about something, or spend hours whispering and obsessing over a theory. So try to ignore me." She let out a couple huffs, as if getting that out of her system had strained her somehow.

Interesting. Straight to the point. I was a little scared, but oh well. "Wait, so you're like a Candor?" Asked Lupine curiously. We all frowned. What in the heck was that? "Uh, I don't know what that means and I don't really care," she replied. "Oh-it's a thing from a book series. Written by scavengers, you know, and translated so we can read it. Quite interesting, you should check it out." Alethia started at him. "Okay."

They stared at each other for a moment, then simultaneously looked away in embarrassment. Before I could snicker, there was a loud bell ringing outside the door that drew our attention. "Dinner time! Dinner time! Go to the cafeteria for dinner!" We glanced at each other, then at Thunder, who'd already raced to the door. "Well? Aren't you guys coming?" I hesitated, but followed behind Glory Lily as we slid out the door.

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