Movie Night

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(It's a Human AU by the way)

It was a long day for Killer T at work. His SWAT team was sent on a mission to suppress a group of armed smuggler, something his group has been doing for a long time. But that day, they decided to hold hostages, the situation got worser than the usual, which of course, a few polices had to join forces. After hours of negotiating and hours of gun shooting actions with the addition of a car chase, the mission finally came to a successful end, the hostages were rescued, the smugglers and their illegal activity were put to an end, much to Killer T's relieve.
Packing all his things at the department, the man decided to call it a day and went back home, to his apartment. Arriving at the place, he unlocked the door and went inside, shutting it tiredly.
The blond haired man then threw his backpack on the floor, walking over to the nearby sofa and fell on it with a soft thud, hand covering his eyes as he groaned.
"I should take a nap..." He thought out loud, letting the hand slid across his closing eyelids, and rested the arm on them, the other rested on his raising land lowering stomach. The man laid there, slowly drifting into a nap, enjoying the peaceful quietness his apartment.
But that didn't last long enough for the poor man to nap.
The bell door rang so suddenly, startling him as his arm fell down, as well as his eyes shot opened. Realizing it was just a door bell, the man calmed down, yet annoyed. Who the hell was looking for him anyways?
The bell rang again after not getting any answers from the resident, they've been standing there for a while, showing no sign of leaving soon.
"Stop ringing the bell, I'm coming!" Killer T replied with an irritated voice, sitting up, brows slightly furrowed.
Grumpily walking over to the door, he turned the handle and swung it open, with a raised voice, he nearly yelled at the person outside.

"What do you want you-...What are you doing here?" His voice lowered a bit, eyes squinting at the said person- a short black haired tomboy woman with a bang covering her right eye. She smirked at Killer T, a hand raised up, holding a plastic bag of beer cans.

"Just wanna have a drink with ya" She replied calmly "But it seems like you're not in the mood so I guess I'll l-"

"Wait!...Just...Come in" He sighed, moving to a side making way for the woman to come inside.

The woman was NK, a Lieutenant who often gets involved with his team's missions, her police group was the one who worked with them on their last case. NK and Killer T were both rivals when they first met, and as time went on, their rivals slowly turned into a friendship, of course, with fights still going on between the two very often whenever they met.
There are no answers if it can go further than that yet, but who really knows, right?

Handing the blonde a can, NK pop opened hers, take a sip before sitting down on the sofa next to Killer T. He didn't say anything, just looking side way at her and taking a sip of his can as well.

"Rough day huh? Saw you covering for one of the hostages" She started, putting down the beer can on the coffee table and gazed at the man.

He sighed, putting down the beer as well. "Just doing our job, it's normal" He replied "Same goes for you...How was the chase?"

"It was pretty fun actually"

"And, your wound? You did get shot by one of them"

"The bullet just grazed by, a few patches and I'm good." She looked down at her right arm, a white
bandage was wrapped around a small part of it, then she looked back up at Killer T with a smug smirk. "Boy, you sure care a lot today"

"I'm trying to be nice, at least a thank you would help"

NK chuckled at his grumpiness, resting her chin on her hand. Killer T only rolled his eyes, taking another sip from his can.
"What are you doing here anyways? To annoy me?"

"Didn't I tell you I came to have a drink? Well it's cause I'm bored, so I figure I should talk to someone"

"And you chose me, out of all the polices and SWAT members that you know and have interacted with."

"You're fun to mess with"

He glared daggers at her, hand gripped tightly on the aluminum can out of anger, not to much as he didn't want beer spilling out all over his floor. The tomboy, however, had a good laugh out of his reaction

"Hilarious..." He grumbled sarcastically.

They continued on chatting about the mission, a few laughs here and there, and a few slight arguments. The duo then ran out of topics to discuss about, small talks didn't work as they made the atmosphere became more awkward. A silence emerged between the two.

Finally, Killer T decided to break the silence

"You wanna watch a movie?"

NK looked over to him, raising a brow

"Sounds fun"
The blonde man turned on Netflix as he scrolled through the movies, selecting two or three movies for the two of them to watch.

"Want anything to eat?" He turned to ask

"Something to bite would be nice" She answered, drinking the remaining beer in the can She was holding. Pausing for a bit, she looked back behind the sofa and yelled a "Thank you", which surprised Killer T.

"I'm surprise you know how to thank people" He would yelled back from the kitchen. Despite saying that, the guy was quite happy from the inside. His face muscles forced a smile, and he couldn't help it.

Returning with a bowl of hot fresh popcorn, he sat down on the sofa, holding the remote control
"Finally" He said, playing the first movie.

The first one was an action, a genre that is a favorite of the two. It got the two interested with all the fighting and explosion. The entire movie was full of twists and intense actions, which caused them to be(kind of) on the edge of their seats. The ending was satisfying, NK actually let out a soft sigh after the movie had finished, which, Killer T didn't notice (he's busy holding back the tears-)
"That was better than I expected" He commented, grabbing some popcorn to eat.
"It had a famous director participating in after all" NK added, taking some as well.

The next one was a comedy, which happened to be NK's favorite. She smiled and raised a brow at the title of it, glancing over to the man.

"You like this one too?"

" was a random pick"He cleared his throat, remembering the time he over heard her discussing about the said movie. It would be so embarrassing if he mentioned that since they are pretty much rivals after all. Luckily, the female shrugged it off, buying what he just said.

"This movie is really fun, it's not like those boring comedy you see everyday!And it's one of my faves" She exclaimed, eyes not looking away from the TV screen. "It got some actions too so, even if you don't enjoy comedy then you might enjoy that"

Killer T just shrugged, laying back relaxingly
"Guess I'll be the judge here"

"Anything would have minus points if YOU are the judge" She rolled her eyes playfully, giving the blonde a sideways glance.

"Oh you just gotta make fun of me when you get the chance, don't you? Let me tell you that I am a professional-"

"Shush shush! This is my favorite scene!" The tomboy cut him off with a firm hand on his mouth, grinning as she watched the film. Killer T glared, with a slight annoyance he pulled her wrist away from his face, holding it still as he watched he scene.
A moment later, they bursted out laughing like mad.
"See? I told you it's funny!" NK spoke between her laughs, hugging her stomach.

"Boy, that was so good!"

"I know, right?"

"You really have a good taste in movie..I'm not gonna lie" He complimented, eyes not looking at the woman. She glanced over, lips curved up into a half smile at the comment.

"Of course I am! I just don't want to broad" She smugly exclaimed, and received a 'pfft' from the other.

"But mine is better than yours, obviously!" He argued, placing a hand on his chest proudly.

"Oh please, you chose the last movie probably because one of your friends had recommended, you haven't even watched it"

"I read the summary first before choosing, isn't that what you do, petty woman?"

Finishing the sentenced, Killer T earned a wide-eye reaction from NK. And the little teasing and debating between them broke into an argument, as they fought each other with more aggressive words than before,and a "small" wrestling, leaving the movie continued on playing, with the background music and scenes matching the incident perfectly in a way.

After a while, the two stopped fighting and choking each other as one of them managed to get had a tight grip on the other's hands with their own. Despite that, their foreheads clashed together, glaring and grinning menacingly, ready to kill one another.

All the sudden, a romantic music could be heard from the TV. The duo stopped, glancing up at the screen only to see two people embracing each other, as their lips moved closer and closer. They then stared sideways at each other, red blushes formed on their cheeks as they forcefully pushed each other away, sitting on each end of the sofa, feeling  embarrassed and awkward with the situation. To complete the uneasy atmosphere, the love scene in the movie was cheesy and unnecessary sweet which literally gave the blond haired man a goose-bump. He turned away from the screen,making fake coughs.

" didn't expect it to have this... scene.." He started, mouth twitched into an awkward smile. NK did the same, turning away not looking at the screen after staring at it for about two seconds.

"I-I like to laugh at cheesy things this situation..." She pauses, not saying another thing.

For a moment, they sat there, not saying a thing as they continued on watching, even avoiding each other's eyes. Thankfully, the atmosphere changed after a few scenes of the movie, some chuckles and small laughs could be heard from them as their bodies relaxed, starting adding comments till the end of the film.
Killer T and NK kept on watching more movies as the spent the night together, by then, they've moved closer for a more convenient chat and easier to take the popcorn. Eventually, they both grew tired, with the fact that NK had fallen asleep. Her body slightly slipped down to Killer T's side, who still had enough energy to watch their final film. Yawning wearily with his eye lids nearly shut down, he didn't notice the sleeping tomboy slowly sliding onto his shoulder. The buff blond man flinched as he felt hair touching him, only to find out it was NK. He sat there, not paying attention to the movie but to the woman herself, observing her as she slept peacefully.

Not thinking to himself, he moved a hand over to moved an out of place hair strand away from her face, making her body shifted slightly, and internally screamed as to why the hell did he do that. Luckily, she didn't wake up, much to Killer T's relieve.

The woman's body rose up and down softly, with her lips lightly parting, not a something you see everyday. The man chuckled amusingly of the sight, smirking faintly.

"You are more nicer this way" He muttered, gazing at her beautiful face, her smooth and white skin and down to her soft, soft pinkish lips...

Killer T turned away immediately, struggling to erase the thoughts in his head as he repeating "nonononono" rapidly.

Time passed as he agonizingly restrained himself from touching her face or doing anything else, trying to deny the fact the he actually likes her, the movie finally ended, along with NK waking up from her nap, Killer T was so glad the she did, but the feeling was mixed with a disappointment because he had missed a chance when he could make a move on her.

"Oh, it's ended? I fell asleep somehow..." The tomboy tired yawned, rubbing her sleep eyes. She then looked up at Killer T, who was faking his sleep. Of course that didn't fool her as she just saw his head turning away from the end of her eyes. She deadpanned staring at the guy, blinking
"You know, I saw you turning away just a moment ago"
. . .
"Sharp eyes you got there" He gave up and replied, turning over to her. Until then, the woman's eyes widen and gasped:
"D-Did you see me sleep?"
"Liar, tell me the truth!"
"Well, yea..."
"... Don't you dare tell anyone about this!" She snarled.
"Or what? Scared that your pride will be ruined?" He chuckled before being elbowed by her.
"Ouch! What was that for?!"
"Don't.Tell.Anyone. Ya got that?" She sat straight up, pulling the collar of his shirt to her aggressively, making him raised both his arms up in defense
"Alright! Fine! Sure! There, I said it, okay? Now calm the hell down!"
Putting on her shoes, the black haired woman headed to the door and leaned on the nearby wall, waiting for Killer T to unlock it. She crossed her arms, lips curved up into a genuine smile
"That was fun" She spoke up, earning a look from the said man

"Huh...well I admit that it was" He agreed, opening the door for her.

"I might come back visit you again"

"Yea, to torture me for your humor? Don't" He rolled his eyes, yet showed a hint of playfulness in his tone.
NK laughed lightheartedly, walking out the apartment.
" Well, I'll have to check my schedule first. Anyways, see ya sometime" She bid a farewell to him before walking away.

Killer T shut the door, locking it with an emotionless face showing still. Walking back into the living room, he glanced at the sofa, smiling as he thought of the small occasion he just had with NK.

"Maybe I'm be looking forward to your next visit"
Author Note:
Thank you for reading this one shot!
I am sorrys if Killer T and NK got OOC, I was trying to make a semi tired feeling because they are both tired too from their work
Yea and I'm pretty sure my jokes are dry, need more water then
Anyways, thank you again for reading this and have a good day/ night!

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