DBZ Wrath of Cooler: Reborn

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A/N: This chapter is a prequel movie to my First Rebuild Series: Dragon Ball Z.
In other words, "DBZ Revenge of Cooler: Reborn" is Canon to Dragon Ball Z Buu Arc Rebuild.

Cooler. One of the most badass villains in Dragon Ball Z. Not only was he smarter, focused, knows better than to constantly underestimate his opponents and can actually respect his enemies for being strong in their own right, and actually trains besides preferring to use more brutal measures in destroying his enemies, rather than humiliating and showing off.

He was truly a better villain than Frieza, despite being so underrated due to his lack of popularity except for his first movie (no one talks about the sequel....... Like ever) and only exaggerated as just a popular name in Dragon Ball Super Heroes. He was even more intimidating and had better characteristics as a mature tyrant than Frieza, who was simply more of an irrational childish dictator and took things less seriously if they had absolutely nothing to do with Saiyans or something that can benefit him like the Namekian Dragon Balls. In fact, Cooler still may be acting like Cold and his brother due to being powerful Arcosians ruling over a space pirate empire, but he is less lazy and cowardly than Cold and is not consumed by his ego like Frieza.

When you face an even greater enemy than Frieza, who purely belongs to the same race and shows an even more terrifying intelligent personality, you know you have a serious threat in your situation and he means business.

So what went wrong with the movie in the first place?


It just took place......On Earth...... Again.  The same. Boring. DBZ movie villain cliche. Taking place..... On Earth... Ounce again. With Piccolo as a badass side character. Gohan who always has to be saved. Or just Krillin and Goku always being the one to save the day. Either using a Spirit Bomb, Kaio Ken or just full power in his Super Saiyan form. Either way, it gets boring really f*cking quick and ruins the overall story with the movie villains.

So instead, I'm going to completely turn the tables and fix what went wrong with the movie. It is time to create a Reborn movie involving the Second Greatest DBZ Movie villain ever: Cooler.


The story begins in a flashback, where a Rival of Frieza's family, Cooler is introduced when Frieza destroyed the Saiyan home world, Planet Vegeta and watched the Emperor laugh as he watched the planet's destruction. In Cooler's ship, one of his subordinates soon picks up a Saiyan space pod on the radar, the pod carrying an infant saiyan known as Kakarot.

The pod is shown onscreen to be heading towards Earth, but Cooler's henchmen believe it is an escape. Cooler lets the ship go, accounting that it's Frieza's naïveté, and responsibility. He states that while he has partnered with his richer rival, King Cold every ounce in a while, it didn't mean they were friends. And it definitely didn't mean he would assist his son's genocidal attack on a planet of infamous warriors, when all he did was come to spy on Frieza and observe his potential so he could compare it to his father's by killing a mere child that Frieza foolishly missed. "If this comes back to bite him, that's his fault."

Twenty five years later, Cooler, who was relaxing on one of his uninhabited planets, was told by Salza that just several days ago, a Saiyan has seemingly killed Frieza on Namek. He questioned what else has happened, wanting to know more details about this and was told that the planet was about to be destroyed due to Frieza setting it off. Before that could happen, the Saiyan escaped in an Attack Pod. Almost immediately did Cooler remember that this might've been the same Saiyan, he let go because it was Frieza's responsibility. He scoffed at the thought, commenting that his rival's son brought this upon himself.

Cooler takes his best men to the Saiyan's current location with the intention of killing it in order to remove a possible threat that could end his future reign the same way it happened to Frieza's while he begins his quest for universal domination.

Meanwhile, a scene switches to another planet far from the systems of both Earth and New Namek: Yardrat.

On the planet, Goku meets with some inhabitants of the planet and discovers the civilized race to be pacifists with strange abilities, even he couldn't understand and simply mimic like what he has done when he first mimicked the Kamehameha from watching Roshi perform the technique (as mentioned in his thoughts).

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As shown in the video, Goku would meet two Yardratian warriors during the first hours of his visit on Yardrat, the strongest one being Soba.

And the eldest, wisest one being known as Hushuu.

He would tell them both at separate times that not only are the Ginyu force defeated by both him and an ally, while he has also defeated Frieza on Namek. While is given their gratitude, he only wishes them to repay them, or at least Hushuu (as only the wisest Yardratian can be able to know and teach the technique) to teach him the strange techniques he found himself to be intrigued in learning. He would request the Wise old Yardrat to spar with him, so they both duke it out in a short sparring match. Unfortunately, the elder tires out when Goku tapped into the Kai Ken and they had to end the match sooner than expected.

Meanwhile, on a massive mothership belonging to the Frieza Force, floated in the emptiness of space. An Emperor sat in his chair, relaxed and killing time with his glass of wine. The retired, yet richest Emperor in the entire universe, King Cold.
While he enjoyed his retirement, he was anxious due to Frieza slacking off in his career despite some ups and downs that would usually happen to an Average Emperor in the Cold family. And Cooler, a rival he would challenge every now and again, has been quiet for the last few years. He was suspicious, and he was planning on sending some spies into Cooler's smaller, but widespread territories in West and South Galaxy to investigate.

However, a Yardratian citizen teleports to his room to report that a Saiyan arrived on their planet, staring claims that he defeated the Ginyu Force and put an end to Frieza. Shocked by this news, he murders the Yardratian for having the audacity to disturb him regardless and incase he was lying, he wouldn't have to kill him later. He orders his ship to head straight to Namek where his son was last reported to have been. When they do get there, he realizes that the Yardrat was right and Frieza was merely floating in the darkness of space, surrounded by an asteroid belt formed from the remains of what was ounce Namek.

He has his son brought inside the ship and placed in a medical chamber immediately. Since he realized the Yardratian was true this entire time, he orders his men to send his best guards onto the planet and hunt down the Saiyan. If they don't kill him, he'll murder him with his own bare hands.

An hour later, a giant ship arrives in Yardrat's orbit and all of the Yardratian warriors group together to prepare for the invasion. But surprisingly..... They never came. They expected them to attack immediately, but just something didn't seem right.
That was when stranger forces ambush Goku at Hushuu's home after his training, and Goku tries to fight all three with his current strength.
The alien forces inferior themselves as far stronger beings than the ones he defeated, the Ginyu Force. And they call themselves, the Armored Squadron.

He used the Kaio Ken to gain an advantage against all three of them, only limiting it to Times 3 and 4 so he doesn't strain his body too soon. Especially when there seems to be no sign of instantaneous healing food or items that can restore him to full strength. When he managed to fend off Doore and Neiz by sending them both to the floor, he dodged Salza's energy saber attack and warned him: If they don't leave now, he'll be forced to put them down like what he did partially to the Ginyu Force.

"Oh yes! The classic gist you decided to use before you kill them anyway, as you should already be aware how loyal my men are. How original of you."
Goku gasped a bit, having never sensed the stranger's energy signature and quickly turned to see a Menacing Villain. The Arcosian, although less impressed now that he sees the Saiyan face to face, introduces himself as Cooler.

He identifies himself as the second most powerful Intergalactic Ruler who rivals the father of Frieza, the "spoiled brat", Goku has failed to kill on Namek, he would quote. Goku was even more shocked, surprised that the Evil Emperor was still alive. Cooler admits this after sending his energy signature a moment after getting the report of his "death," much to this chagrin and at least commends him for the effort. Even if he didn't try to kill him at all and just died like the other Savage Simians wiped out many years ago, he would've overthrown the Emperor himself.

"Huh. So you're just as miserable and cold hearted as him!" Goku spoke with a glare and aggressive tone towards the Arcosian, finding him no better than his psychotic younger brother. Cooler chuckles and states that while he wouldn't use the word, 'miserable' like Cold's family, but confirms that the latter is the whole idea in his race. And to further prove his point, he fires two lasers out of his eye when Hushuu tried to sneak up and surprise attack him. Goku quickly came in front of him to endure the attack by speeding over with the Kaio Ken, then gets injured in a short explosion from the lasers. Leaving both warriors to get knocked out and fall to the ground.

Cooler orders his three men to bring Goku's head to him and they comply with no hesitation, float down to pick up Goku and Doore holding him up by his hair as Salza charged his energy saber, aiming it directly at his neck. Until suddenly, they get blasted (although unscathed) as they are ambushed by the Yardratian warriors, all led by Soba.

They make quick work of most of the warriors, but Soba and Hushuu managed to get Goku out of the battle. They take him out to the uninhabited wastelands, far from the Cooler Force and their city while suppressing their energy signatures to avoid being tracked by their scouters. After killing most of them and forcing the remaining survivors to flee, Cooler has his men keep their focus on finding the Saiyan.

After Soba and Hushuu sets up a shelter in a cave with Goku, Soba goes off to regroup with his comrades and have the Yardrats evacuate from their city while they still can. Meanwhile, Hushuu does his best to give most of his energy to Goku so he could recover faster. But then, they are ambushed by Cooler's henchmen who destroy the entire mountain they're hiding in. Salza believes they have been most likely killed from the blasts, but Cooler clearly states otherwise. Knowing he would rather see Goku die in front of his own eyes and put his head on his wall, he states he'll believe Frieza did a better job in killing Saiyans than his men unless he sees a body.

So they blow up the surface of the remains and started digging to find them, but to no avail. It is later revealed that Hushuu teleported both him and Goku to the edges of the city, right close to Soba and the other Yardrat warriors evacuating their citizens. Despite Goku being injured, he slowly woke up and noticed the mysterious ability Hushuu displayed. Interested, he asked what it was and the Yardrat only replied that it's Instant Transmission, a secret ability that was originally meant for transportation in trading purposes and escaping off world incase the Cold or Frieza Empire attacked. But due to how corrupt people used it to take advantages and commit horrid acts, he swore to only teach it to his own people, a peaceful race that would never make these kind of actions.

They proceed to travel far from the city, giving some priority in helping Goku recover after the Saiyan promised the skeptical Soba that if he gets patched up, he can get stronger and gave the Cooler Force for Round two. With Cooler's Armored Squadron sent to the city after Cooler realizes that they've gone far away from them, they obliterate everything in sight and start to get annoyed of them running away. Ounce it hits midnight, the Yardratian people take sanctuary underground, below a smaller mountain range far from a much larger mountain range. As Neiz was seen flying by, a Yardrat stops peeking from the entrance of the cave and rushes back to the others to warn everyone that they're getting closer by the minute.

After they find them regardless and blow up the mountain's surface to reveal the group that they're caught, Goku flies right out to them despite everyone warning him to do the opposite. The Armored Squadron commenting that he's going to regret surrendering himself to them, about to attack until Goku calls Cooler to come out and face him himself.

They hesitated by then, unsure if they should ignore this and proceed. Until their planned assault was cancelled by Cooler, who would slowly float down and land in front of the Saiyan. Goku wasted no time in making a deal he knew the Arcosian couldn't refuse: If he was truly better than his rivals, then he would actually be honorable and make an agreement between the two in the form of a duel. If Goku wins, Cooler gets to leave with his men and never return to Yardrat, nor does he ever come after him again. If the latter wins, he can have the planet and his own head as a trophy (knowing he'll be dead if Cooler wins and all).

Although the Yardratians are shocked and Soba tries to interfere and stop Goku from making this deal official, only to be stopped by Hushuu and informed Goku knows what he's doing, they all watch as Cooler scoffed and found it impressive for a Saiyan to actually be both correct in his assumptions and excellent in persuasion. He confirms himself to be far more honorable than the Cold Family, having secretly lived a double life as a low life Arcosian during earlier times in his life and fought in many perspectives from the richest planets to the most criminally vile and environmentally harshest planets. That way, he can gain knowledge upon all aspects of the universe, especially its civilizations and built himself a code of honor to rise above all of the filth if he is to become a truly powerful, intelligent and successful Dictator.

Which was also how he recruited his most loyal subordinates during his lifetime, who were highly respected and well disciplined with a fair amount of formidable power in each member, under his leadership compared to Frieza's men. He never even killed, abused or threatened any of his men due to knowing all of their perspectives and influencing them to rise above others as well, despite each and every one of his men having controversial backgrounds from being scumbags, genocidal monsters, thieves, etc. He even recruited some Yardrat spies under his leadership, sending one of them in a suicide mission to lure King Cold out of his strongest territories and leave his empire exposed to Cooler's mass forces that he trained to overpower Cold's military for 25 years, while Cold rescues his favored, spoiled son in the asteroid remains of Namek.

Goku becomes confused and asked why he is overthrowing Cold without facing him like a warrior, but Cooler only replies that if his rival will act as disgraceful and shamelessly degradable as an stereotypical tyrant, he'll do exactly the same. "As one Wise Man ounce said: An eye for an eye! But don't worry. The rest of my men are already dealing with Cold's forces while they jam their communications galaxy wide and conquer as many planets as they can. And when I'm done with you..... I will be returning to sit in my Enemy's throne, and even allow him to return, baffled in my presence. Just so he may see my Ascension to power and realize his consequences in the most humiliating way possible, before I murder both him and his little bastard child!"

Goku ends the subject, having learned enough and decides to take this somewhere else before flying off. Cooler informs his men that if he dies, they must be ready to leave the planet as soon as possible and begin the Contingency Plan, "Artificial Evolution."
If not, then he orders them to prepare in conquering the planet before he has all three return to his ship. "I'll deal with the Saiyan alone." He spoke, not even wanting his men to watch the battle as he prefers only his eyes to look upon the Saiyan's death.

They would part with Cooler following Goku and the Yardrats sneaking up in pursuit to watch how Goku would go in the fight. Ounce they reach a suitable, uninhabited desert, Cooler uses his Healing Technique to heal Goku, wanting to fight the Saiyan at his best despite knowing how ruthless and unfair the Saiyan race were in battle. And although Goku would never expect to fight an enemy he would respect more than even Piccolo, he goes into his stance as did Cooler while introducing his name to Cooler after he introduced his own a while back. Both enemies waiting for the other to strike, until both suddenly clash into battle.

After Goku proves to be a worthy opponent, Cooler and tells of his bleak history with King Cold: Despite being significantly weaker than Cold and Frieza in his fourth form, he has fought in his entire lifetime. Only dedicating himself to unlock and master the True Potential of the Arcosian Race, no one in his race ever knew and leaving him as the first to discover it in secret. A form that is far more powerful than Frieza's power in his fourth form, even at full power.

Enter: The Fifth Form.

The Arcosian would laugh in a chilling deep voice and smirk evilly with his red eyes.
"Yes, Son Goku. Look upon my Fifth Form in fear. It'll be the last thing you'll ever see in your final moment. Now DIE!"
A biological face mask would appear over his face, two more sliding from his cheeks before he dashed over to strike without giving Goku a chance to dodge.

Now at full power, Cooler pummels Goku around effortlessly with his brutal, efficient combat compared to Frieza's combat that was sluggish when fought with equal power and proving his lack of training, despite Goku using the Kaioken attack numerous times, even at times 20. Cooler then proceeds to destroy the landscape, while greatly injuring the vulnerable Saiyan and pointing out that he has his respect. As he was the first Saiyan to ever challenge him and live this long in battle while managing to force him into his strongest form. And even if he won, he'll die eventually from the atmosphere he breathes. Due to not being an inhabitant native to the planet, he adds that Goku will die as one of the last Saiyans in the universe, which disappoints Cooler due to the Saiyans finally reaching their peak as a civilized species and becoming extinct just as they finally earn the right to be called, Honorable Warriors.

However, a female Yardrat would come out and try to save him, only to be killed instantly by Cooler for betraying him out of a change of heart and out of guilt for betraying her own people as one of Cooler's spies to have Goku taken away and avoid her people being destroyed. After seeing this horrifying murder, Goku thinks back on his friends and family, and how they all will be killed if Cooler wins. He then gets back up and lets out a yell of pure rage so powerful, it cracks solid stone and draws Cooler's attention, transforming into the Myth of Saiyan Legend.

The Super Saiyan.

Cooler then finds himself, like Frieza was, grossly outclassed by Goku's amazing new powers, thanks to Goku's most recent Zenkai boost overpowering Cooler's full power. After attempting to punch and blast the Super Saiyan with no effect, Cooler summons a trump card when he powers up an enormous ball of energy, his own Powerful Supernova.

Cooler launches the attack with hopes to destroy Goku and the planet along with him. After a stint of struggling, Goku eventually manages to send it back with the Kamehameha wave after using Instant Transmission for the first time to teleport right in front of Cooler and blast the Supernova back in his face, forcing the Arcosian into space and towards the sun. As he hits the sun's surface, Cooler realises that Goku was the same Saiyan infant he spared decades ago. Cooler then laments his own lost opportunity to shoot Goku's escape pod down when he was a baby, and concedes that he was too soft for his own good as well. Cooler's body is then disintegrated by the sun and his own energy blast as he screams in agony.

Goku, drained after his battle, is found by the Yardrat people, including Hushuu and Soba. While they deeply mourn for all of the people they lost and the city they used to call home, they will rebuild what was lost and Hushuu promises to teach Goku everything he knows for his valiant efforts, aside from Soba commending him as a heroic Warrior and no longer seeing him like the other Saiyans. Goku happily accepts this, while the Armored Squadron retreats.

In the end credits, flash cards are seen in the form of what happens in later years as Goku would defeat Cold's forces sent to kill him on Yardrat, return to Earth to defeat Frieza and King Cold, and succumbed to a mysterious Heart Virus as Cooler foretold.

Just before a new warrior arises to save the Earth from upcoming forces of evil.

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