Evangelion 2.22: Reborn

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A/N: My second installment of the Evangelion Reborn Series

The story begins in the Antarctic, where the Southern Branch of NERV, has currently captured an Egg inside the remains of an unknown white derelict inside the very core of the frozen continent. The Egg itself would be studied in several short scenes and said to be a biological incubation of what could be the 6th Angel. (Yes, I'm reverting the order of Angels to 17 because the lack of information on offscreen Angels in Rebuild is bullsh*t). However, it soon hatched and breaks out of containment, managing to escape alive in its infant form by activating its own AT Field, destroying all surveillance and failsafe weaponry in its surroundings before it could be seen or terminated.

It tries to head towards the center of the facility by diving into the icy waters within the destroyed remains of the White Derelict while another Angel is reported outside of the Antarctic, currently ramming through all of the glaciers and digging deep into the core of Antarctica to reach the White Derelict and the Base itself. The entire facility was surprised that two Angels are attacking at the same time and things seemed to be extremely disadvantageous for them, impossible to thwart even.

But Mari Illustrious Makinami, a new pilot, launches Evangelion Provisional Unit-05.

She heads to the nearest Angel first, forces it out of the waters within the Antarctic Derelict by piercing its back with its lance, and pushes it down to get bombarded by N2 torpedoes launches by NERV submarines. Enraged, it jumps out of the waters and engages the Prototype. While revealing itself to be the Angel of Death, Azrael.

It is able to show off a difficult fight for the much inferior machine and constantly attack the Machine with a much greater advantage. Due to having its AT Field and the ability to move on land when forced to self-mutate in its new surroundings, while also shooting multiple lasers in any direction from its eyeless sockets. However, it's AT Field was quickly disabled by NERV's conventional weaponry and helped turn the tide of the fight in their favor. However, just as Unit 05 was about to finish it off after injuring it greatly and sending it to the snowy floor, the 7th Angel bursts out from underneath the ground, having penetrated through the White Derelict seconds ago and suddenly chomps the already-damaged Eva in its teeth. Revealed to be none other than the Angel of Fish, Gaghiel.

The AT Field was luckily destroyed by N2 bombardment in the air, including the injured Azrael that couldn't regenerate in time and died from N2 missiles being shot into it's exposed eye sockets. While Mari managed to lure the 7th Angel to a NERV tower high in the very air of the Derelict Center. The Angel would then be destroyed by Mari launching the Eva straight into its mouth and self-destructing the EVA while safely ejecting at the last moment. With Ryoji Kaji in the background still performing the same dialogue and actions as before, but only muttering to himself at the background, "Hm, never would I have thought I'd see the White Moon face to face.... How about that?"

Cue intro

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Meanwhile, Shinji Ikari and his father Gendo visit Yui's grave. Shortly after, the 8th Angel attacks. Walking with its extremely long legs trekking through the bloody waters and causing acidic rain storms to appear in its presence, it is revealed to be the Angel of Rain, Matareal.

It destroys all battleships in its path with its acidic rain, acid spits from its multiple eyes and its long legs piercing through the vehicles or slicing them, forcing the group of characters, Misato, Rei and Shinji to take cover. The Angel was about to continue its advancement towards Tokyo-3, until it quickly intercepted by the newly arrived Unit-02.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Eva would display her own AT Field mid-drop to shield herself from the Acid Rain above and Acidic spit shots from the Angel spider, then kick the Angel Spider into a mountain, land on the blood lake, dash straight at the Angel while avoiding its leg stabs to cut off one of its legs with her Prog Knife when it raised its small body thousands of feet in the air to avoid being exposed, gets stabbed in her hand by its Stinger and ends up getting her hand paralyzed it while causing her to drop her own Prog Knife. (Inside, the unknown Pilot would scream in pain, becoming angered and pushes the controls forward with her non-paralyzed hand).
Eva 02 would grab onto the large stinger to tear it clean off in retaliation. The Angel would screech in pain and try to shoot acid from its largest eye on the bottom of its abdomen, only to get barraged by the Eva's shoulder spikes and melt away from its own acid mixing with its Angel blood. Then the Eva does a backflip and kicks its body up in the air, lands on the blood waters as Matarael tries to back away with its three remaining legs, and throws the stinger with her one remaining hand straight at the Core. Piercing right through and causing the red front Core to shatter, the Angel Spider screeching in immense pain before falling on its back with its legs instantly coiling close to its body. Becoming limp and eventually sinking into the currently boiling-bloody lake as it's entire body would melt away by its own decomposing acid. 

Later, the Pilot would reveal herself to be a headstrong pilot, known as Asuka Langley Soryuu.

Only difference here, is that she wouldn't be an instant d*uche to Shinji but still be full of pride and be her tsundere self like her original Neon Genesis counterpart, while Kaji would briefly introduce himself to the group. (Shocking Misato and making her embarrassed as a result).
Later on in the Reborn movie, Kaji would deliver to Gendo a suitcase containing the mysterious "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" that he smuggled from the Antarctic Base and possibly what attracted both Angels before Matareal, to that facility. He also notes that the destruction of Unit-05 went as planned.

Gendo and Kozo Fuyutsuki, satisfied with their delivery, then visit NERV's lunar compound, Tabgha Base, to view the construction of Evangelion Unit-06, which is noted as being different from the other EVAs. They are denied permission to land, but briefly see Kaworu Nagisa currently sitting in space without a space suit, staring down upon the gigantic body in bandages and a charred duplicate of Lilith's mask, currently being fitted into new armor while a wrapped up lance of some sort is being carried by cables towards the giant.

During Gendo's absence, a new Angel attacks Tokyo-3.
The 9th Angel, Sahaquiel.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Just like in the original movie, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei kill it in an improvised plan devised by Misato (while she shows a slight amount of hatred for them as stated to her by Ritsuko and some short flashbacks of her past involving Second Impact, and also being told not to risk everything for some grudge). Both Unit-00 and Unit-01 are damaged as a result and Gendo returns to request that they are both to be repaired, but SEELE only allows the repair of Unit-01.

In an attempt to heal the relationship between Gendo and Shinji, Rei prepares a dinner party. At the same time, Mari arrives in Tokyo-3 and is introduced to the group. However, this is when things turn different.... Instead of the same Mari who's just filler and only used as a means of making action look cooler for new audiences, she will become something Asuka hates..... Competition.
She would befriend Shinji Ikari and live on her own as a neighbor to Misato's apartment, hang out with him and develop a close bond with him while Rei is also acknowledged by her, deepening Asuka's hatred over the British girl. And in return, Shinji also begins to acknowledge Mari more than Asuka, especially due to her treating him as some inferior child over the last few weeks. (Despite her living with him, Pen Pen and Misato).
At the same time, Mari's excitement and determination to save people from Angels (unlike Asuka's strong will to only show pride and desire for attention so that she'll never be neglected) would be revealed..... From her tragic backstory of losing both her parents to Second Impact. Just as she was only one year old, she remembered seeing her parents destroyed in a cruise from inside a plane with her aunt, sunken completely by a wave of colossal tsunamis caused by Second Impact. And ever since, she was set by the influence of her aunt and others to save the world. So no one will ever lose their families  to the Angels and be able to live happily ever after, but to cope with her difficult journey, she bonds with the only other family she could ever hope to have: The Eva pilots. However, Mari would only see Shinji as a younger brother figure, often teasing him non-sexually and so on. 

By the time this happens, Kaji would later show his own character arc through also hanging out with the characters, flirting with Misato and getting rejected here and then, despite getting her flustered every time he meets with her. In fact, he still has a relationship with Asuka, (increasing the reasons for her own desires to show off like in the original series) still a double agent, and retains all of the features that's what made him a great character in the original series. However, only several scenes would reveal Kaji flirting with Misato and revealing some parts of her backstory in the good parts involving their days at college, while having only one scene in the first act with Shinji (such as semi-flirting with him and then having a conversation together about things in life like in the original show).

And as for Asuka, she has had enough. She believed Mari was only trying to hook up with Shinji and since Asuka is more obviously attracted to the boy, she meets with Mari instead of Rei in the classic elevator-

(............Hear me out......... Hear me out.)

(Since 2.22's attempt to imitate the elevator scene and show complex characteristics and dualities with both Rei and Asuka was more of a "boy trouble" thing than how it was actually portrayed in the original series, it's better off to remove Rei from the equation and not have her try to show her complexity in Eva Pilot relationship psychology with someone who's too focused on Shinji and replace her with someone who's more likely to also be focused on Shinji. Just so the point of the whole scene won't be meaningless).

So the elevator scene begins in the Second Act, with Mari standing, Asuka laying back on the wall, and both of them silent for a good while. Mari feeling a bit neutral with Asuka due to her constant threatening aura screaming all over her, but she was getting annoyed of the silence and says, "You can't always be so close with just your Eva. There's other things to care about instead of Giant cyborgs."
"Oh really!?" Asuka would snap back. "What do you know about that!? Don't patronize me!"

Mari would sigh at this, Asuka then yelling that she actually worked to be a pilot, unlike how she heard about Mari's own feats in becoming an Eva Pilot. Mari would reply that she couldn't help it. Her desire to help people and protect what remains from Second Impact is what drove her to the very top amongst the Eva Pilots, causing Asuka to angrily insult her. Accusing her that she's no more than some emotional suck up teddy bear for Shinji to hug all over and be his new girlfriend. Mari would be heard with a more defensive tone and say, "I'm not his girlfriend." 

"Yes you are!! You're his kind and nice little girlfriend who treats him like he's the King of everything around him and make him feel special! How can you be so damn oblivious!?" Asuka would raise her hand and attempt to slap Mari, but she was stopped. Mari would catch her by the wrist, glaring at her as they looked at each other face to face. Mari glaring her dead in the eyes. Asuka would growl at this and look down, muttering how Mari has such nerves. The elevator door would open and Asuka would still lay back on the door frame as done in the original movie, asking how she feels about Shinji then. Mari would sarcastically say, "Not in a way you're thinking."
"Stop toying with me! Just tell me how you feel about him already dammit!"

Mari would roll her eyes at this, but still decide to just get it over with and reveal to the hot headed girl about her feelings with the boy: The exact feelings in which were described earlier that evaluates her relationship with Shinji. Asuka would find it hard to believe this, shouting that she tells her the truth. Mari confirms she has, pointing out that they are literally children assigned to extremely hazardous and life threatening tasks that involve saving the world from mass destructive beings from outer space. To have children cope with such physically painful and mentally damaging challenges, it would rupture them. Crush them mentally and harm them more than the Angels could ever do to their Evas. So if they are to survive and save everyone, they must stick together. They may be doing most of NERV's tasks against the Angels and NERV supporting them with supplies and weapons, but in the inside, they're on their own. So regardless of Asuka's obvious feelings for Shinji, she'll actually show her feelings to him and others, take upon the mantle of the older sibling if she has to, and stick up for everyone else like one instead of acting like some pruning and incompetent brat who only deepens her stereotype as a moody, angsty child who seems more attracted to Kaji than someone she constantly treats like garbage.

Asuka would be shocked, insulted deeply to the very core of her pride and was tempted to just lash out at her.... But she couldn't. So instead, she just walks off like in the original movie and Mari would also stay in silence as the elevator door closes in front of her. The only last part of this scene is when Asuka has an even larger hatred for the girl and mentally worse in coping with the cold facts Mari just displayed to her. And while she will prove that she's better and should have Shinji, she's going to prove that Mari is the brat. Not her.

Meanwhile, Kaji would be seen snooping around in NERV. Secretly using his rank in the organization to gain access to all kinds of secret info he could get his hands on. Both for his own reasons to learn the truth and because he was a double agent working against NERV, for the Japanese government. He still recorded a video of Gendo and Fuyutsuki talking to each other, curious to know behind their reasons for wanting to acquire the Key without informing SEELE. Misato would eventually find out shortly after Ritsuko warns him not to stop the investigations. She would pull a gun up at him, just as he was about to swipe his card to a strange door that wasn't labeled for Terminal Dogma. She threatened to shoot him if he resisted her arrest, but he asked if she already knew about what they kept down below headquarters. She told him that it's none of his business, but he replied that he's just curious. And ever since he began to look into some of their dark secrets, he found out a few things that even she isn't aware of. He asks if she wanted to see, swipes the card and opens the door without moving any other part of his body. Just like in Episode 15, she takes a glance into the unknown room past Kaji and puts her gun down slowly. Staring in shock, surprised by such sights.

"I know, that's how I felt the moment I saw this in the files, I looked into earlier. Just came down here to see this with my own eyes." He would speak first, showing no shock or surprise like Misato did. She could only widen her eyes, hesitating to even speak until....

"NERV did this?...... They kept all of this, secret from me?......."

Later in the end of the Second Act, Unit-04 and NERV's U.S. branch are destroyed during an experiment (possibly caused by an incidental Dirac Sea generated by the S2 engine taken from Shamshel's corpse and perhaps as a failure in attempting to install it in the Eva as stated by Ritsuko), prompting the U.S. government to send Unit-03 to Tokyo-3. Due to an international agreement that allows no more than three functioning Evangelions per country at a time, NERV seals away Unit-02 and schedules a test of Unit-03 on the same day as Rei's dinner party; Asuka volunteers to take Rei's place as the test pilot (she's even more eager because she wants to rub it all in Mari's face). Once Asuka activates Unit-03, the 10th Angel possesses the EVA and goes on a rampage. The Angel of Haze, Bardiel.

After it easily defeats Unit 00 with it's monstrous strength and extra pair of arms from it's back, Shinji pilots Unit-01, but refuses to fight the Angel for fear of harming Asuka, who is still trapped inside. Gendo orders the activation of the Dummy System, which makes Unit-01 autonomous, and allows it to savagely destroy Unit-03, crushing the cockpit in its teeth. Emotionally wounded by his father's cold decision, Shinji leaves NERV. Despite Mari, Rei and Misato's attempts to have him stay.

Asuka survives, but is grievously injured and placed in quarantine for fear of mental contamination by the Angel. Shinji heads out of the city, but a new Angel attacks before the organization had time to recover.
The 11th Angel: Zeruel.

So he flees to an emergency shelter while one of the most physically powerful Angels, bulldozes through most of the NERV weaponry in seconds and destroys most of the entire city with ease. Gendo fails to activate Unit-01 without Shinji, so Mari hijacks Unit-02 and heads out to fight the Angel alone. Instead of removing Unit-02's limiters and launches an all-out attack in "Berserk Mode," she fights the Angel head on with her combat training skills and defense/strike and dodge tactics with all of the Eva Weaponry she could use at her disposal to keep Zeruel from entering the Geofront.

(Because really, why would we just lessen the significance of a living monstrous Eva and showcasing its true power when no longer under NERV' control, just for the sake of more action. It's a waste of time, disrespects and treats Eva01's Berserk Mode like its less important. Example?: Goku going Super Saiyan and showing the importance/amazing power he held in his Super Saiyan form by defeating Frieza, then later on Vegeta turning Siper Saiyan and easily getting defeated by an Android who appears and acts significantly less threatening/evil than Frieza) 

The Angel severely damages Unit-02, Rei joins the fight with the damaged Unit-00, and charges at the Angel with a missile. The missile detonates, but fails to destroy the Angel while critcally damaging both Evas. The Angel consumes Unit-00 and integrates it with its own body (while evolving to gain a giantic humanoid body similar to Rei's), allowing it to bypass NERV's defenses.

Upon seeing Rei consumed along with Unit-00 and Unit 02's head crashing into a shelter he hid inside earlier, he rushes the Geofront, gets inspired by Kaji to do what's right for himself and others, rushes back to Gendo and asks to pilot Unit-01 again. And just like in the original movie, Shinji fends off the Angel, but before he can defeat it, Unit-01 runs out of power and shuts down.

Unit-01 reactivates in a different form of berserk mode in response to Shinji's rage at the loss of Rei and Mari being harmed. A significantly stronger variant of Berserk and far worse than the original variant:
Awakening Mode.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It easily takes down the Angel, and Shinji uses the EVA to reach inside the Angel's core to save Rei. Unit-01 then starts transcending its physical boundaries to grant Shinji's wish. At the moment Shinji retrieves Rei, Unit-01 pulls Unit-00's core out of the Angel. The Angel explodes and its remains, along with Unit-00's core, are absorbed into Unit-01, fusing them all into one being. Unit-01 then sprouts giant wings of light, and Misato, who has been watching the battle, sees that they are identical to the ones she saw during Second Impact.
Even Kaji, who watched from afar, was a bit surprised by this sudden turn of events. Ritsuko realizes that the Eva has become a divine being, triggering Third Impact and declares this to be the end of the world.

The End is near........

In a post-credits scene, a spear shoots down from the Moon and impales Unit-01 in the middle of its apotheosis, neutralizing it and stopping Third Impact.

Kaworu then descends from the Moon in Evangelion Unit 06, saying that this time, he will show Shinji true happiness.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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