Part 1

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" You are so dumb Aadhya " 

" You were the only reason for this Aadhya " 

" You are not even beautiful enough  that's why your husband cheated on you " 

" You are really straightforward and arrogant that is the reason for your divorce Aadhya " 

I shut my ears , these taunts were continuously ringing inside my head .  . My whole body was stif like a rock my eyes were swollen and red because of crying . 

" Look here she is " said my aunt she just wants  drama in her life that's why she came here 

" Aadhya have you were look at yourself , you look nothing as compare to that girl shanaya . It was obvious " said one more aunt and my parents were looking down .. but whyy?? 

" Aunty if he had ever  loved me he would never betrayed me ... Just get lost from my house please i am requesting please " i shouted with emotionless face 

" See she has no manners at all , she is soo rude ... I think your husband was fed up by your this attitude " 

" That's enough , you can't insult my daughter ... Please get lost " , my father said with rage ... for the first he has taken my stand i wish during my marriage he had listened me too .. 


" Aadhya , Please come here daughter " , said papa and maa 

" What happen papa , lemme guess again marriage " , i said with frustration 

" Beta look him he is so good and he is soo rich too , he will keep you happy " , said papa 

" But papa his money and looks are not gonna decide that he is a right person or a wrong person " , i said calmly 

" Beta see you are 26 now , and you know i have worked in their company for so long as manager and i have met him few times he is a really nice guy .. And the best part is he is of our caste too " said papa 

" Papa but how could i marry a mere  stranger " , i was annoyed  by all this 

" See Aadhya i am your father and i want you to have a well settled life" said papa in his ordering nature i hate this 

" just say yes Aadhya " , said aunt  i hate these aunts so much 

" Bhaisaabh you have pampered her so much , she is so spoiled by you ", said aunt  

" When i was her age i was so afraid to deny my father for anything and look at her , spoilt brat " , she said again  my blood was boiling in anger 

" I guess bhaisaabh she is having affair with any boy , lemme tell you Aadhya we are against of this kinda marriages ok said aunt again 

" She is right Aadhya " said papa  , and here we go my father got manupilated by these aunts 

" Aadhya you have to marry him for the sake of our respect please " , said papa 

" Why are you even taking her permission bhaisaabh just order her for the marriage " said aunt again ... My mother was sitting quiet all the time , she wants to take my side but she can't because of that bloody aunt 

" Aadhya you have to do this marriage , the guy is really perfect for you and he will keep you happy .. even you don't have to do job after marriage because he is so rich  " said papa 

" They are coming tomorrow and we will fix your marriage and i don't wanna hear anything now " said papa and aunty smirked 

I lock myself in the room , tears streamed from my eyes ... i cried my heart out .. I opened my phone and messaged my boyfriend Arjun 

Aadya- I am breaking up with you  
Arjun - why ? what happen aadu ? 
Aadhya - I don't want to be in this relationship now arjun ( but reality was something  else )
Arjun- Have I done anything to you Aadu ? 

He tried to call me but i blocked his number 

" Why on earth i am being suffered " i breakdown in to tears 



"Aadhya i have said this before also plz don't interfere in my life" ,said arhaan out of frustration

"What have I said arhaan, I am just asking why you didn't came home last night", said Aadhya 

"Sooo you are suspecting me, but don't forget Aadhya I don't love you . I don't even consider you as my wife  "said Arhaan these words pierced  Aadhya's heart 

"I know Arhaan we had an arrange marriage but as your wife I have right to ask that" said Aadhya trying not to tear up 

"I was in some business party and I was drunk too so I slept in the same hotel ... And yeah plz don't tell this dad ",said Arhaan

"Thank you for telling me the truth", said Aadhya and left the room

Arhaan phone beeped and it was his Secretary's call

"Hiiii darling, yesterday was fun right", said shanaya

"Yeah it wass seriously I was so tired that I slept there only ",said arhaan with a smirk

"Did your wife asked something ",asked shanaya 

"She did but I lied", said arhaan and sighed he was fed of all these lies 

"Baby how long you have to pretend to be her husband, I can't see you with that women at all ",said shanaya with slightly sad tone

"Shanaya  I have to do this until my father make me the chairman of the company , and after that i will give divorce to her" said Arhaan

"I Will wait for you darling ,but I am insecure about you", said shanaya 

"Don't worry shanaya there is nothing between us I don't even consider her as my friend", said Arhaan

"Glad to know that ",said shanaya

" Okkk byeee will meet you at office now ",said Arhaan and cut the phone


"Arhaan and Aadhya your marriage has completed 2 years when are you going to give me a grandson/ daughter", said Arhaan's mom  Aadhya look down because she knew Arhaan didn't want a child 

"Mom plz don't start , you know I am not ready to be a father", said Arhaan out of frustration

"Okk beta I understand your problems but one day you have to take this responsibility" said supriya in a gloomy tone 


In office

"Sir there is your today's schedule for meetings" said shanaya showing him all the files 

Arhaan pulled her towards him and made her sit on his lap

"What are you doing sir??? Leave mee... If someone see us like this , it would create problem "said shanaya while struggling in his grip

Arhaan hugged her and rest his head on her shoulder 

"You know what shanaya you are like a fresh air in my life ,said arhaan 

"I love you Arhaan" said shanaya and peck on his lips

"Soon you will be mine forever shanaya", he said  and they both smiled 

"Okkk you can do romance afterwards also, she came out from his grip and left his chamber

Few days later

Aadhya was giving Arhaan's clothes for dry cleaning but then her eyes fell on a shirt which has lipstick stain, she was kinda surprised to see that . She check one of his blazer's pocket and there was one more phone. She took that out and opened it, there was no password. She opened gallery .
She saw her husband's pictures with shanaya, ground slipped beneath her feet.. She was shocked that Arhaan could stoop this low. She just wanna break everything , she want to shout , she want to cry her eyes out  .. She never knew she'll get this in return from him 

At night Arhaan came in his room , he was kinda shocked to see Aadhya's condition

"What happened to you , and what have you done to yourself ? You should dress properly ", He asked rudely  but she remained silent

" You know you should get ready because papa asked me to take you out for a date , if he'll see you like that then it'll create problems " he said not giving an af tone . 

"You're a cheater" she said in a husky tone he got lil surprised by hearing this 

"Heyy what the hell are you speaking??", He said while stammering . 

"You're a liar, you're a cheater. You are having affair with shanaya ",she shout he was surprised to hear that 

"I know Arhaan we had an arrange marriage but how can you spoil my life"?, shout  Aadhya and  broke down into tears 

"Aadhya please don't tell this to my parents please... I will give you whatever you want.. Please don't tell this to my parents .. I'll give you divorce soon .. I'll give you whatever you'll ask ", he said and tried to hold her hand but she yanked her hand 

"Wow Arhaan now you are ashamed of your deeds, I haven't seen a rascal like you in my entire life", shout Aadhya

"Mind your words Aadhya ", arhan's jaw clenched in anger  

"Your parents should know about your affair, I will tell them", said Aadhya and stormed out of the room in rage . 

"Holyyy shittt what am I going to do now , this girl will ruin my plan of becoming chairman of the company ?? ",Said Arhaan in frustration 


I hope you all loved the first chapter 

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