Misdirected Feelings

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For nxghtmarish cause she wanted angst. All in First person POV

I stared at him as he started filling up his bags. I know what everyone says about him, he's emotionless, he's a psychic, but most of all he's weird. A weirdo, not popular, a freak. Everyone thinks and whispers that about him. But I don't, I just see him as Kageyama-kun, or Mob, a very kind and misunderstood person.

I kind of regret not going up and talking with him sooner, I was shy and ignorant. I knew I developed feelings for him. After that one time...no many times, he saved me. After being such a clumsy person of course, not even clumsy, I was a downright accident prone. I would always need saving. Tripping, falling, dropping things, it was usual routine really. I got called things too, klutz, but the one that most hurt...burden. Everyone saw me as a burden, even I knew I was a burden. The word burned into my mind and soon enough that was my signature word.

All can point and easily shout, "Oh look there she goes being a klutz and always needing help." And I know the spite they held. Even when they did help, they didn't do it out of kindness, but pity or mostly just because it was a job. All except for Mob, I met him during my first year at Salt Middle School.

I was walking down the hallway stairs with shaky legs, determined not to fall down. I wouldn't fall on my first day, I was going to show everyone I'm not just accident prone. Although my attempt proved to no avail as I already felt the weightlessness of the air. Gravity took over and I accepted it. Well, at least I'm used to the teasing. With clenched eyes I awaited the hard ground, but I only felt more air. Almost as if...I was floating. My eyes snapped open and it was true, I was hovering just inches above the ground.

"That was close." A male's voice said. I turned my head slightly, out of the corner of my eye seeing a first year with a bowl haircut, and a very blank face.

"Wha-?!" I was put gently on the ground. Next to where my scattered books and papers were. The male tread down the stairs crouching down next to you and gathered my papers. He gave them to me in a big disorganized group.

"Here, sorry I had to use my powers. I was too far away to grab you so I wouldn't have made it. This is the last time." He said completely devoid of emotion. I was at a loss for words that anything that came out of my mouth was sputtering noises. I was just so confused, and I was embarrassing myself even more.

"THANK YOU!" I finally yelled out a little too loudly. It made him flinch ever so slightly.

"It's alright, but you didn't need to yell."

I turned red and my face was on fire.

"W-Was that psychic power?" I stuttered out. It was a stupid question really, I mean what else could it have been?

The male nodded anyway, "Yeah. I'm an esper." He said bluntly.

Espers...I've heard of esper. People with incredible psychic powers, something about them I always found admiring. Or maybe because I just found the concept intriguing.

"That's...so cool." I said unconsciously. He froze right before picking up a book. His face still held that emotionless expression however.

"Did you just say cool?" He asked. He stared at me to the point where I was getting a little uncomfortable. I fidgeted nervously before taking in a breath.

"Y-Yeah, psychic powers are pretty cool. Plus they seem convient, and the way you saved me...I think you're cool. Also thanks for saving me by the way."

I went on and on trying to distract my self from everything that felt embarrassing. The male put two hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes.

"Do you mean it?"


"Do you think I'm cool?"

"Um yeah."

"Not lying?"

"Not lying."

A shadow cast over the male's eyes, and it took him a solid minute to look me in the eyes. But this time he held a tiny smile, I swore I could feel my heart skip a beat.

"No one's said that about me before." He said.

"Really? I would've thought you would be popular and praised because of your powers."

He gave a sarcastic huff and his blank face returned.
"There's a lot of irony in that statement."

I felt like I offended him, because he certainly sounded offended. He stood up dusting himself off.

"Um, Im sorry." I could do nothing but apologize.

"It's fine. Are you ok to get up?" He asked. I nodded and got up myself, he certainly was a little on the shorter side.

"Um, what's your name?" I asked nervously. Why was I so nervous? I mean I'm always nervous with meeting new people but never this much.

"Kageyama Shigeo, but I'm known as Mob." He said simply. I nodded gathering my things in a sloppy fashion. Mob took my things not even listening to my protests.

"I'll help you." He said bluntly. My cheeks were burning again, but not out of embarrassment.

He guided me to my class, which ironically happened to be his class as well. As I sat down I couldn't help but stare at Mob. Even when the teacher began his lectures, I cast glances at him. That was only the beginning.

We had become very good friends during the whole first year. People thought I was weird for hanging out with the weirdo, but I didn't care I was used to teasing. But when our friendship progressed my crush had gotten worse.

"Oh? Hey ______-chan, have you gotten the math assignment?" Mob asked casually during lunch.

"H-Huh? O-Oh yeah..." I stuttered. My stuttering had increased around him. Anyone would think I would have a speech impediment with how much I stuttered around him. But he didn't notice thanks to his lack of skills of reading the atmosphere.

"Hm? _________ -chan you're cheeks are red again. Are you sure you're not sick? That's the third time this week."

His comment made me panic, usually I would try to keep my cool. But there would be days where I just put in a pathetic effort. Today would be one of those days.

"Um," I tried to think of a good subject changer, but my mind was not up to it.

"M-Mob are you available after school to hang out today?" I squeaked. I wanted to facepalm and just hide under something.

"Ah, no sorry." He said simply. I had asked before, but he just gave the same reply every time. I couldn't help but develop a tiny feeling of frustration in my chest. We were friends so the least he could do is hang out his school. But he at least gave me an 'It's an esper reason' answer.

"Ok." I left the matter there, with a feeling of disappointment.

Time went on and we became second years. I was going to do it, confess my feelings for him.

The bell rang signaling the end of the last period, I took in a deep breath, and gave a determined stare. I started walking over to Mob, not before tripping over one of the chair legs. I fell knees first on the floor, not to my surprise the entire class laughed. It was extremely embarrassing. I looked towards Mob who just stared ahead blankly.

I expected him to help me, but he just stared. I don't know why, but the laughing grew louder and louder, until I broke running after out of the classroom.

The overwhelming feeling of embarrassment caused me to run to the roof. I crouched near the fence and just cried. The kids laughing was only a dulled down pain, what hurt was that Mob didn't even step up to help at all. And here I thought he was always there to save me.

I continued to cry, until something landed on my head. It caused me to snap my head up, a small stuffed bear landed on the floor. It glowed in a soft blue light, and sprung to life. It waved it's stuffed arm and even did a little dance, I will admit I giggled slightly because of how silly it looked. But then I frowned.

"Mob..." I called. He came from his hiding spot his hand emitting the same soft glow. He sat next to me but I turned my head away from him, I still felt hurt.

"Why didn't you help me?"

"I was going to."

"You sound like you're lying. You are lying."

He sighed rubbing the back of his head.

"__________" He said my first name without any honorifics either, this immediately caught my attention. His eyes shifted everywhere and he looked slightly guilty for once. Now this surprised me.

"I'm sorry. It's just, my esper powers. I've been bottling up my emotions to control them. And I felt like snapping when I heard the laughing as well as the insulting whispers so..."

I felt something clench in my heart, and now this time I was feeling guilty. I was probably relying too much on Mob. I couldn't help myself and wrapped my arms around him. Mob blinked confused as he felt awkward, his arms still at his side.

"It's alright. Let's just...hug it out." I said closing my eyes. He may not be the best at comforting but this made me feel more better than words.

Although I didn't realize at the time...Mob didn't hug me back.

Finally two weeks after, I was finally going to confess...again. This time I asked him to meet up on the roof during lunch. I gathered all my courage and just said it.

"M-Mob I-I love you!"

I exclaimed it in a loud voice, I bet even the students down below us could've heard it. Mob just stared at me frozen, I didn't know if that was good sign or bad so I just kept talking.

"I have been in love with you since we were first years! So..." At this point I just shut my eyes not knowing what to say or what to expect.

"_________, I'm sorry." That was it, that was the answer I expected the most, but wanted the least. I just didn't want to believe it.

"I...like someone else. You were my first friend and I really appreciate that, it's just that I have fallen hard for someone else." Each word hurt much more than a stab from a knife. This must be what they mean by 'love hurts.'

"Can I at least know who?" My voice cracked, but it wasn't the time to break down. Not in front of Mob, that would just look really pathetic and embarrassing.

"Ah, it's Tsubomi." He said as his cheeks turned pink. Tsubomi, one of the most beautiful girls that went to Salt middle school. Ah, now I got it, pretty, talented, not to mention popular. I should have known, I'm so...stupid.

"Oh, ok. I wish you good luck then." I said giving my best smile. He nodded not even seeing the pain I was going through. He was stupid, extremely, but I still liked him. And it hurt like hell, it was like someone was pulling my heart out of my chest like in those horror movies.

"Oh, do you have your lunch? If you don't I-"

"I'm not hungry thanks anyway!"

I just wanted to get out of there before the first few tears spilled and I left Mob there without another word. Once I reached a good distance I finally collapsed and broke. Who knew heartbreak could be so painful. It's even more painful to experience it then to see it on a drama show. I felt broken down just by one rejection. I know I shouldn't have let one rejection get to me. But for Mob, I have been crushing on him for over a year, and to know that all those feelings were a waste is really agonizing.

And no one could console me now as I wept loudly.

My first love was a failure.

Luckily afterwards, I was able to trick my aunt and uncle for the next week and didn't go to school. I lived with them since I wanted to go transfer Salt Middle school, but that's not important. I avoided school so I could avoid Mob. Just...my brain didn't motivate me, and I was laying in bed of a broken heart. I guess I was more affected than anyone thought I was. It was a good thing my aunt was a charitable person, because she even tried to console me. But nothing could fix the scattered pieces.

"__________, honey! You got a letter from your parents!" I heard my aunt call. I literally dragged myself off the bed and cringed as I met the light. It was a petty action I know, but I didn't care. My aunt was in the kitchen with the most solemn look I have seen on her for a while, usually she was so bright.

"You should read this. It's Urgent." She emphasized the last two words, and my curiosity peaked slightly. I got the letter and perused through the writing, and then suddenly my brain just snapped.

Father...Hospital...Heart Attack...Come home now

That's all the words I registered before something just snapped. First I started hysterically laughing like the world was starting to play some joke with me, and it was a pretty cruel one at that. But then I realized, it was reality, and did it hit hard. The laughing turned to ugly sobbing, like I felt something was out to get me. All the negative feelings I must have stored in my brain just poured out again...like it did last week.


Why was I thinking about him again I wonder. Well the answer was easy, I wanted him here, even after I've been escaping him. Just his presence was enough to comfort me out of the cruelest of situations at school. Now I needed him, but he wasn't coming to my rescue now. Sure I have been avoiding him, but did I really want to leave him, probably forever? Somewhere deep down I didn't...I wanted to stay. But I knew there was never any choice. I knew it was hypocritical, aren't all humans?

The next day I would be out and going back to my parents, however not without a goodbye first.

I waited for him near the school entrance, a lot on the anxious side. Finally I spotted his bowl hair cut trudging up slowly. I was running out of time so I just ran towards him.


His expression changed slightly from his usual stoic to a slightly surprised.

"_________? You're finally back." He said. I could pick up the relief, suddenly I felt conflicted some part was happy but another was pain, still a scar from the rejection that had marked my heart. Overall my emotions were a mess.

"I am...but not for long."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving." I stated. Short, quick, and blunt like he always said his sentences. I had to show no emotion or I might go crazy.

"You're...leaving?" He repeated out of disbelief.

"But you're coming back right?" He asked. You just shook your head.

"Not for a while. Here." I shoved the letter in his chest and he grabbed hold of it. His face still holding a look of disbelief.

"Please...read it. And don't let your esper powers go out of control when I'm not around."

And that was that.

I quickly engulfed him in a hug, it all happened so fast that he didn't even have time to respond. It was like what happened before, only I'm giving the bad news this time. Then I ran, ran fast and far before he could pull me back with his powers. I don't think he would though, he once told me "I will never use my powers on a person."

Mob still couldn't move as he was shocked. He looked at the letter clenched in his fingers, and slowly opened it.

Dear Mob,

Sorry about the short notice. But I have to leave, I have no choice. The reason well...my dad had a heart attack, still in critical condition. So I have to be there you know? I can imagine you would do the same thing. But just so you know, I don't know how long I'm going to stay. Worst case scenerio is forever, but you never know. Just know, I'm going to miss you so much. And I'm sorry, truly sorry about not coming to school. Truth is that I was avoiding you, because I couldn't take the heartbreak and rejection. It probably sounds petty but it hurt. A lot. But no worries now, it's in the past, I was hoping to come back to school sometime this week. But that's not going to happen. So I just have a few regards, take care of Ritsu. Good luck with Tsubomi, she really is pretty. And most of all take care of yourself. I know you told me of your powers when you lost control. So just...be careful out there. That's all I have to say. Good bye...


A tiny smile spread on Mob's face, but it wasn't a happy one. This one was very dejected. He was losing his one and only best friend, the one who actually found him a pretty admirable guy. Who accepted his faults, his weirdness, and powers. And he felt slightly at fault. He didn't know why but he did, and that ravaged inside him.

"Sorry _______, but I don't think I can keep that promise on control."

So much emotion at once brought him to 100%

A giant fissure opened on the ground as Mob slightly clenched his teeth. Tears spilling from his eyes as he watched the direction of where you ran. He knew, he just knew...

That you weren't coming back.

Two beings separated and full of nothing but grief, all because fate decided to play a little game.

A/N: HAHAHA I SUCK AT ANGST. I Kri ;-;. I think I failed ;-; did I fulfill your expectations? Cause this thing is over 3k words. That's the most I've written in a while. Originally It was 6k but that was just too much so I edited and edited and blaaaaaah. Plus I have slight writers block so. Looks like grieving Mob is going to need some Happiness in his life you know what I'm saying *wink wink nudge nudge*

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