Dislocation (forty-seven)

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​​ This is destined to be a sleepless night, and both Longchuan Feiyuan and Wang Tianxiang did not rest. After sending Li Ningyu back, Wang Tianxiang returned to Longchuan. Longchuan had already prepared meals and planned to change his mood.

  Wang Tianxiang knelt down at the table, picked out a bowl of noodles and was about to eat it. I just heard Longchuan Feiyuan chatting with Wang Tianxiang, who was also eating noodles.

  "The big Zuo people have been sent back, but Li Ningyu entered Gu Xiaomeng's room."

  "It's been hard work, Director Wang. Director Wang's election in Jiangzhou was good, but unfortunately these people didn't understand. This drama in Jiangzhou led to a big drama of killing a lover. Director Wang didn't make it this night. Hard work."

  "Dr. Longchuan is too famous, but tonight's big show really made me see some clues. Your analysis is so right, Captain. Bai Xiaonian, Wu Zhiguo and Li Ningyu are really suspicious. One is more than one." After speaking, he lowered his head and ate the bowl of noodles, and then went on to say his own opinion.

  "Let's talk about Bai Xiaonian, he was the most troublesome at dinner, first provoke Jin to make fire, and then provoke Gu Xiaomeng, provoke Li Ningyu and Wu Zhiguo, and Wu Zhiguo, the evil star, he did not let go, this is obvious, it is a guilty conscience and chaos. If I say that he muddled the water on purpose, if nothing happened to Li Ningyu and Wu Zhiguo, he would be at least 80% suspect. However, the incident of Li Ningyu and Wu Zhiguo happened tonight, which changed my mind somewhat. If it's just about love and love, although it's embarrassing, it won't make him so nervous that he will step on the bug when he enters the door. This obviously shows that Wu Zhiguo has a ghost in his heart, and what he said to Li Ningyu must not be that simple. Wang Tianxiang lowered his head to eat the noodles again.

  "But a leader who kills without blinking an eye, a rich daughter, is too deliberate to fight for a deciphering genius at this time? I always feel that the three of them are hiding something." Longchuan proposed his own doubt.

  "Speaking of it, it's not deliberate. After all, the whole headquarters knows about Li Ningyu and Wu Zhiguo's broken affairs. Wu Zhiguo has always been interested in Li Ningyu. Li Ningyu has been married three times. Now this husband is a waste. The day before Zhuang, Li Ningyu's husband went to the headquarters to make a scene. The angry Gu Xiaomeng and Wu Zhiguo almost killed in public. It is said that Gu Xiaomeng scared Wu Zhiguo at the time. Gu Xiaomeng grabbed the knife and scratched his hand. In the evening, it is said that Li Ningyu went into the Gu family's old house for a whole night, and the next day, King Gu's car was sent to the Suppression Headquarters together." Wang Tianxiang analyzed.

  "If the three of them have this kind of relationship, it would be too baffling for Li Ningyu to mention her former lover. Even now Li Ningyu has climbed the high branch of Gu Xiaomeng, after all, Gu Xiaomeng has not yet established a firm foothold in the Suppression Headquarters, so he may not be able to. Not to mention that it really helped her, with Li Ningyu's ingenuity, she wouldn't be able to tear up her face with Wu Zhiguo so quickly, regardless of whether she would raise a gun to kill her. Gu Xiaomeng's attitude is very clear, she clearly wants to kill Pan Hanqing and Wu Zhiguo ." Longchuan raised doubts again.

  "Maybe Li Ningyu can't get rid of Wu Zhiguo, so he wants to borrow your hand..."

  "Lend my hand, if you say that, then Li Ningyu is the most ruthless woman in the world, but Li Ningyu not only reported Wu Zhiguo, but also pulled Bai Xiaonian, Li Ningyu and Bai Xiaonian have nothing to do with each other, Why is Li Ningyu still pulling Bai Xiaonian?" Long Chuan asked one after another.

  "Master Longchuan, is it possible that they have other plans on the cipher ship, in order to keep secrets and accuse each other of trying to kill each other and monopolize this secret, Li Ningyu reported Bai Xiaonian and Wu Zhiguo, and when Gu Xiaomeng reported it, he also brought I always feel that all the secrets between them are related to the cipher ship. If this is the case, then the behavior of Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng can be explained. "

  "So does this mean that Gu Xiaomeng and Li Ningyu may be old ghosts?"

  "You suspect Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng? I think it's Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian."

  "I can suspect anyone without sufficient evidence, but I can't confirm it, so I can only look for loopholes in them. It's obvious that Wu Zhiguo has an affair with Li Ningyu. That's why it was in the first interrogation, then Bravado. Wu Zhiguo's real purpose is to provoke me so that I can focus all my attention on him and cover Li Ningyu. A high-level CCP spy will not let his own personal feelings go wild. From this point of view, he does not Like an old ghost."

  "According to your conjecture, Chief, then Wu Zhiguo deeply loves Li Ningyu, and Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng are now entangled. Wu Zhiguo's doing this will undoubtedly pull Li Ningyu into the water, but the attention of one person in the Chief has been diverted. That's Bai Xiaonian. You didn't realize that at lunch today, Bai Xiaonian was the most active person, and now we all start to subconsciously ignore Bai Xiaonian. I think if Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian cover each other, then they The plan has been successful. Wu Zhiguo deliberately created a discord with Bai Xiaonian, and then pulled Li Ningyu into the water tonight, that is, retaliating against Li Ningyu and protecting Bai Xiaonian. Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian, if he directly reported Li Ningyu's assassination, everyone would think he was retaliating. And I believe they should all know the existence of bugs, so if he tore off a bug and left a Only bugs are not in line with his style of doing things. A master murderer who works meticulously will never leave such mistakes. If you want to muddy the water in Qiuzhuang, it is better to tear off all the bugs and make Li Ningyu speechless. I can't tell at all. Although I am also suspicious of my own, after all, I can keep one person, Bai Xiaonian. And if Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian are really old ghosts, then his feelings for Li Ningyu are not personal. Emotional indulgence is so simple. In recent years, there have been rumors in the Intelligence Department that Wu Zhiguo knew about it earlier than Jin Shenghuo. At first, I thought that Wu Zhiguo's intelligence from Li Ningyu's set was just to make more contributions and climb faster. , but now it seems that he used a handsome man's plan, and exchanged meat for intelligence. Now he has a good eye and sees that Li Ningyu is going to abandon him, and he and his companions are behind bars. It is better to take Li Ningyu and die together. Going out for Bai Xiaonian can still keep the CCP's intelligence network, the CCP's spies are really powerful." Wang Tianxiang analyzed again.

  At this time, there was a sound from the bug, like the sound of constantly smashing objects. After careful identification, it was found that it was from Wu Zhiguo's room, and then the voice was interrupted. It should be that Wu Zhiguo had found the eavesdropper and cut it off.

  "Director Wang, what did you hear from this voice?"

  "Wu Zhiguo is smashing the bug in his room?"

  "No, it's anger. He didn't expect that this time, he didn't kill Li Ningyu and let Gu Xiaomeng get involved. It's even harder for him to get revenge on Li Ningyu. Or, he just regrets it, because our previous direction and speculation may It's simply wrong, Wu Zhiguo doesn't know anything, he just conflicted with Li Ningyu because of their feelings, and Li Ningyu has been acting. Li Ningyu constantly stimulates me and Wu Zhiguo, because stimulating me can make me Losing his senses and provoking Wu Zhiguo will make Wu Zhiguo behave abnormally, so that we can attract our attention. Moreover, no matter what kind of layout we make, she and Gu Xiaomeng seem to have been covering up something. In the end, the two of them will always guide everything. in a strange direction."

  "Mr. Morita is saying that the two of them have been misleading our direction?" Wang Tianxiang asked cautiously.

  "Gu Xiaomeng's midnight scream proves that at that night, those five people must have turned every speck of dust in the room to be clear. There are only two cases when they found the bug and didn't deal with it. Fear of any eavesdropping. Second, leave eavesdropping to pass false information. And Li Ningyu is most likely to do the latter."

  "Li Ningyu deliberately arranged a bug, but how could she possibly go to Wu Zhiguo to find her? It's just as short as she is now, so Li Ningyu is too stupid."

  "No, we fell into Li Ningyu's trap when we decided to disclose the information. After she knew that she framed Wu Zhiguo, with Wu Zhiguo's character, she would definitely confront her, and Wu Zhiguo must want to know why she did it, said Maybe Wu Zhiguo was looking for her to discuss it. In order to make us suspicious of Wu Zhiguo, he deliberately left a bug for Wu Zhiguo to find out. Otherwise, she only needs to deal with it, Wu Zhiguo can see it at a glance, and it is not necessary to completely tear it off. Doubt. Wu Zhiguo unknowingly entered Li Ningyu's room without being discovered, which can be said to serve multiple purposes. So tearing off the bug is completely unnecessary, and Li Ningyu actually indulged Wu Zhiguo to do it..."

  "What does Chief Longchuan mean?"

  "Assuming, Wu Zhiguo should have a big handle that could kill Li Ningyu. Wu Zhiguo wanted to negotiate with Li Ningyu with this. But now in your Director Wang's eyes, it has become Wu Zhiguo's counter-argument."

  "Oh, Chief, if you think about it in reverse, Li Ningyu does have a big handle in Wu Zhiguo's hand, so how dare she bite Wu Zhiguo to death in front of you?"

  "Director Wang, you seem to have to make Wu Zhiguo an old ghost. Where did your obsession come from?"

  "Misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding, I and they are old colleagues who eat in the same pot, right, I, the director of the special affairs department, are usually only responsible for anti-special torture, and are completely separate from the intelligence department. Well, there is no hatred and no prejudice. I think that Wu Zhiguo is an old ghost because he is the most suspicious. Besides, he and Bai Xiaonian are really strange. "

  "No, your obsession is not because of enmity, and secondly because of prejudice. You were misled by Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng. Bai Xiaonian, and Wu Zhiguo

The performance on this day is so eye-catching that people will unconsciously pay attention to them. Just like the most prominent person on the stage is always the one with the most scenes. All the practices of Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng today have broken through your line of defense, allowing you to think with their guidance, allowing you to subconsciously collect evidence that Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian are old ghosts. Moreover, Wu Zhiguo's targeting of Bai Xiaonian today also makes you linger in fear, and you are also afraid that if Wu Zhiguo leaves Qiuzhuang, he will not let you go. Therefore, you started to establish a set of logical reasoning, and you must make Wu Zhiguo an old ghost. "

  "Could it be that you don't doubt Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian at all, Colonel? Or is the reasoning I just made a complete middle-of-the-road trap?"

  "No, your suspicion of Wu Zhiguo and Bai Xiaonian is not only valid, but also completely reasonable. But you must always remember that as an interrogator, the encryption of your own thoughts is more indestructible than the second-generation Enigma machine. Allow anyone to guide your mind."


  "Li Ningyu, Wu Zhiguo, Gu Xiaomeng, Bai Xiaonian, there's more than one person lying here. Those who lie are either old ghosts, or they must be related to old ghosts." Longchuan thought about it, and immediately decided, "Go now, take the The detectors were distributed to each room, including Wu Zhiguo's, and asked them to carry out a thorough cleaning of their room and remove all monitoring equipment."

  "Master, those people are all old fritters, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere, but they can't find any clues. If the surveillance equipment is really removed, then it will not be turned upside down?" Wang Tianxiang looked puzzled.

  "I just want them to be turned upside down. I want to see how they collude to confess, and how they will cover each other to get a chance to survive. If they are vigilant and dare not even say a word, how can the old ghost be caught?"

  "Yes." After speaking, Wang Tianxiang saluted and went out to perform the task assigned by Longchuan.

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