Part 11

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

At the University:-
In the cafeteria:-

Sheriyar arrive at the table where Amara was already waiting for him.

Sheriyar : Hi...

Amara : Hi...umm I ordered the food you wait here, I'll bring it.

Sheriyar : Okay.

Amara walk towards the counter and before she can pick her tray of food someone else take it. Amara hold the hand of that girl.

Random Girl{confused} : What are you doing?

Amara : What are you doing? That's my order.

Random Girl : You are mistaken, this is my order.

Amara : I know what I ordered. {People start to gather around them}

Random Girl : I'm also aware what's my order.

Amara : How can you order the same items.

Random Girl : Why not?

Amara : You just...{canteen boy come to Amara with a tray in his hand}

Canteen boy : Didi, your order.

Random Girl{annoyed to Amara} : Without knowing, you started to blame me.

Sheriyar : Listen, let's end this matter. 

Random Girl : She humiliated me publicly, now she need to apologize publicly.

Amara : (Oh shoot!!!) {bite her tounge} (Now what, think Amara think. Idea.....)

Amara : Fine, I'll apologize.

Sheriyar{astonished} : (Did I heard right? She agreed, that's not her style. Shut up Sheriyar you don't know her well)

While saying "I am...I am..." Amara faints, one girl tell "Oh God, she fainted" another tells "take her to the medical room." Some girls take her to the medical room with Sheriyar.


Classmate{pat her cheeks} : Amara! Amara! Water! {She sprinkle some drops on her face} Amara, open your eyes.

Amara{she slowly open her eyes} : What happened? Where am I?

Sheriyar : (She is such a drama queen. She is pretending, so that she doesn't have to apologize.)

Classmate : I'll go and call the nurse. {Amara and Sheriyar were alone, Sheriyar was staring at her}

Amara{nervous} : What?

Sheriyar{curiously} : Suddenly what happened to you?

Amara : Uh..I was very tense about our project, I haven't eaten anything from morning. So, I fainted.

Sheriyar : Oh, was that the reason?

Amara : Yes, it happens with me. The day I dont eat I faint.

Sheriyar{mocking} : Look at your condition, let me take to a hospital.

Amara : No!!! Its all right. I'm feeling better now.

Sheriyar : You act well, why don't you try for daily soaps? {Amara look at him with shock} Don't give me that look, you were wrong you had to apologize.

Amara : I know but...{she pouts}

Sheriyar{smiling} : Drama Queen.


Flashback :-
Last evening:-
Phone conversation:-

Sarfaraz : Alishba signed those documents.

Person : Great.

Sarfaraz : I want to know if she is okay?

Person : She will be fine as long as you obey my orders.

Sarfaraz{annoyed} : What do you want from us?

Person : That's for me to know and for you to find out. Enough of this talks, listen carefully what you need to do next. {He explain him the plan}

Sarfaraz : Impossible.

Person : Nothing is impossible, if you want to do it.

Sarfaraz : How am I gonna do it?

Person : I am so nice and smart, I made Miss Alishba sign those documents for a reason. You can use it, tomorrow I should hear the good news.


PA : Nice plan Mr A.

Mr A : This is just the start, be ready for more fireworks to blast in their life's, hahahahaha.


At the Institute:-

Anaya and Ayaan were in the canteen drinking their coffee. After sometime they both start to proceed towards their class. When Ayaan's steps halt in the corridor.

Anaya : What happen?

Ayaan : I left my phone in the canteen, you go ahead I'll join you.

Anaya : Alright.

Ayaan walk in the direction of the canteen. Anaya settle herself in her bench unaware of the fact that someone has just picked up her coffee mug which has her lipstick mark on it from the canteen table.

Ayaan return back to the class with Shehzad at the back of him. The lecture was going on.

Lecturer : Where were you both?

Ayaan/Shehzad : Canteen.

Lecturer : Next time be on time.

Both of them enter inside the class and sit on their respective seats.


ASM Industries:-

Sarfaraz : Mr Qatri will you please call Miss Alishba to my cabin?

Imran : You could call her too.

Sarfaraz : Mr Qatri!!!

Imran : Sorry Sir, I'll just do it. {Alishba arrive to Sarfaraz's cabin with Mr Irfan}

Sarfaraz : I would like to talk to Miss Alishba alone.

Irfan : Akele hum akele tum, Jo hum tum sang hain to phir kya gham...

Alishba : Mr Qatri!!!

Irfan : Sorry Ma'am. {Both the Qatri brothers take a leave}

Sarfaraz : Have a seat.

Alishba : What's the matter?

Sarfaraz : Will you marry me?

Alishba{shocked} : WHAT???!!!!!

Sarfaraz : It's a simple question, WILL YOU MARRY ME? (Say yes I don't want to use those documents to blackmail you)

Alishba{angry} : Are you in your senses?

Sarfaraz : Yes or No?

Alishba : Marriage is a big decision, you can't take it in 5min.

Sarfaraz : You will after reading these documents. {Forward her the legal documents sent by Mr A}(Sorry Alishba)

Alishba{after reading them} : You can't do this.

Sarfaraz : I have done it already.

Alishba : But...

Sarfaraz : If you love your family accept my proposal.

Alishba{furious} : I trusted you.

Sarfaraz : No one asked you to. {Alishba get up from her chair, move towards Sarfaraz and grab his collar}

Alishba : How dare you make me sign the power of attorney in your name? Huhhh?

Sarfaraz{removing her hands with expressionless face} : Hmm, I asked you to read the papers once, but you...

Alishba{hold her head and speak to herself} : This isn't happening, I can't fail in judging a person. (What will I answer to my siblings?)

Sarfaraz : Let's not waste time and come to the point. Here, this is marriage contract, sign it. (Don't make it hard for me Alishba)

Alishba{crying} : This is a joke right? Your joking right? Please tell me it is a joke.

Sarfaraz : This is the bitter truth Miss Alishba Sheikh. Oh! sorry, I mean soon to be Mrs Alishba Mirza.

Alishba : Stop!!! I'll...

Sarfaraz : You can't do anything about it, if you refuse to sign I'll destroy your companies and you with your family will be road.

Alishba : You won't do it.

Sarfaraz : I can and I will do it. (To save her I can go to any extent)

Alishba{sobbing} : Listen to me...

Sarfaraz : Sign this marriage contract, otherwise you know what I can do right?

Alishba : Why are you doing this? We were at good terms.

Sarfaraz : Just do it. {Alishba sign the papers while sobbing}

Alishba : I hate you.

Sarfaraz : (I too hate myself now) Tomorrow we will reveal to our families that we are getting married.


Sheikh villa:-

Alishba enter into the villa with dry tear drop marks on her face. She was stressed because she cannot tell anybody about what took place in the company today.

Anaya : Di, should I serve the dinner?

Alishba{without making eye contact} : Amara and you have dinner, I'll have it later on.

Anaya : Di, are you fine?

Alishba : Yeah, a little head ache. After a shower I'll feel better.

Anaya{unsatisfied} : Okay. (Something is definitely wrong)

Alishba go to her room, lock it. Then enter into the washroom, open the shower and stand under it. She couldn't stop herself from crying and blaming for her mistake of trusting Sarfaraz.

Alishba : (my one mistake destroyed everything, why??? I miss you Dad, Mom wish you were here to guide me)


Who took Anaya's cup from the canteen?

Did Sarfaraz do right?

To save the video girl he is destroying two lives, is it correct?

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