Part 2

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Pantnagar Airport, India:-

Anaya : Di, I'll be back from the washroom. You message me where to meet you.

Amara : Di, I'll go and buy something to drink. This flight took a decade to reach here.

Alishba : Okay.

Alishba walk towards the baggage carousel, picks up their luggage and put them on the luggage cart. She then move in the direction of arrivals gate to check, who has come to pick them up. She look around and find twins who were standing side by side, holding the name boards of 'Sheikh's' & 'Mirza's'. She goes to them, at the same time someone else also arrive beside her.

Alishba{to twins} : Hi! I'm Alishba Sheikh.

Person{to twins} : Hi! I'm Sarfaraz Mirza

One twin : Oh hello! Ma'am, hello! Sir, I'm Mr Irfan Qatri(40yrs) and this is my brother Mr Imran Qatri(40yrs).

Sarfaraz : Nice to meet you.

Irfan : I work for Sheikh's and he works for Mirza's.

Alishba : So you are twins?

Imran : No, I'm his mirror image.

Irfan : Imran!!! Sorry Ma'am, actually he is a bit sarcastic and I'm a bit funny. We are poles apart.

Sarfaraz : You work as....

Irfan : Sir, we are your branch managers cum PA cum your house caretakers. I mean if you need anything you can contact us.

Imran : In short we are your smartphones, I mean we do multiple tasks right?

Alishba : Uhh...right, How are we going to Nainital?

Imran{sarcastically} : In train..., obviously you will go by car.

Sarfaraz : Mr Qatri!!!

Imran : Sorry Sir.

Irfan : Car is ready Ma'am, let's keep your luggage in it.

Alishba : Sure.

Imran : Sir, this way is our car. {Both the parties go in different directions}


Near the washroom:-

Anaya who was coming out of the washroom collides with someone.

Anaya{angrily} : Are you blind?

Person{proudly} : I'm not blind, I'm The Shehzad Mirza.

Anaya{roll her eyes} : Whatever.

Shehzad : If you wanted a selfie, you could have just asked. What was the need for all this?

Anaya : Hah! selfie, with you? Do you see yourself in a mirror?

Shehzad : Yes, hundred times a day.(and I look dashing)

Anaya : Poor mirror tch tch tch...

Shehzad{offended} : What do you mean by that?

Anaya : Nevermind, get yourself a mental checkup.(how can he be so self-obsessed)

Shehzad{points a finger to her} : Now you are crossing your limits.

Anaya : So where is my ticket?[speed ticket](hah! Take that)

Shehzad : You are lucky that I'm exhausted, otherwise....

Anaya : Otherwise what?... You know what goodbye. Hope to never see you again.

Shehzad : Feelings are mutual.{they both walk in opposite directions}


At thick shakes factory:-

Counter attendant : Your order Ma'am?

Amara : 1 Oreo thick shake, 1 Chocochip cookies thick shake and 1 Triple chocochips thick shake.

Counter attendant : Any extra toppings Ma'am?

Amara : No thanks.

Counter attendant : Your order will be ready in 15 to 20mins Ma'am. Have a seat till then.

Amara : Okay.

She walks around and notices that a boy is looking at the menu from last 5mins. She concludes that he is not able to decide and proceed to help him.

Amara : Hi! I'm Amara and you?

Person{confused} : Sheriyar

Amara : Try Oreo thick shake, it's my favorite you'll love it.

Sheriyar : Thanks for the advice but I can manage.

Amara : How can you manage? From last 5min you are deciding.

Sheriyar : Could you please leave me alone?

Amara : Wow, here I'm trying to help you and you're showing me attitude.

Sheriyar : Did I ask for your help?

Amara{clap her hands} : Just wow, there is no value of good hearted people now-a-days.

Waiter{brings her takeaway} : Ma'am your order.

Amara : Thank you and 1 Oreo thick shake for him{gives him the money with a smile and turn to Sheriyar} and you, open up a bit otherwise you will be alone forever. Bye.

Sheriyar : What the... (Finally, she is gone. I wish I never meet her again)


Outside the airport:-

Everything was loaded in the car and Alishba was waiting for her sisters. Anaya and Amara walk out at the same time. Amara hand over Triple chocochips to Anaya and Chocochip cookies thick shake to Alishba. They then sit inside the car and the drive starts to their villa.

Alishba : Mr Qatri, in how much time will we reach?

Mr Irfan Qatri : About one an half hour Ma'am.

Anaya : So long Di, this is so tiring.

Alishba : Adjust my dear.

Mr Qatri : Hasste Hasste Kat Jaye Raste, Zindagi Yuhi Chalti Rahe.....

Amara : What?!!!

Mr Qatri : Uhh... Ma'am, this song suited the situation so.

Amara : Ohhh.


Sarfaraz and Shehzad were at the car when an annoyed Sheriyar come to them with Oreo thick shake in his hand.

Sarfaraz : Why are you angry?

Shehzad : Which flavour is that?

Sheriyar : Don't ask bhai, I met an over friendly girl and she ordered this for me.

Shehzad : Oooooh!!!

Sheriyar : What Ooooh, it's Oreo and you know I don't like it.

Sarfaraz : Give it try, maybe you'll like it.

They settle themselves in the car and head towards their destination which was Nainital.

Shehzad : We are going straight to the Bungalow, right?

Mr Imran Qatri : No, we are going to Naini lake... obviously we will go to the Bungalow.

Sarfaraz : Mr Qatri!!!

Mr Qatri : Sorry Sir.


The Sheikh's and Mirza's arrive at the Sheikh Villa / Mirza Bungalow respectively. The Qatri brothers after informing the basic information take a leave from there. The Sheikh sisters and Mirza brothers who were tired from the flight head towards their rooms to sleep.

They all were enjoying their pleasant sleep whereas somewhere in a dark room Mr A was planning how to implement his next moves and smiling devilishly.


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