Chapter 12

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Nora Davis P. O. V

I low gasp escapes my mouth while I look behind me to Alexander's ashen and pale face who still stands there rigid in shock, then turn back to Caleb who looks at me pointedly.

"B-but that's not possible. How?" I manage to stutter out, still in complete surprise.

"I'm sure you know and don't need me to tell you the whole 'when a mommy and daddy fall in love talk'" Caleb says completely serious.

Valentino throws Caleb a sharp look but he ignores it and leans into Valentines embrace as he continues on, "shit, this is why I'm gay. I'm not going to be getting any surprises there." Caleb says letting out a light laugh. I know he's only trying to lighten the mood but I can barely process anything right now.

I ignore his playful jabs my way as I try and recollect everything as I sort through my brain.

My body goes slack and I nearly shove the forgotten tray full of food into a now grinning Stella's hands.

"No no, we're all good," I say calming down and trying to ease the tension out of a still wound up Alexander, "my period is going to start soon." I say almost laughing in relief not even caring of the company we have, especially Valentino.

If that man truly is Caleb's boyfriend then he has nothing to worry about, absolutely nothing.

Alexander slowly looks down at me and shakes his head.

"That was last week." He whispers so low I can barely catch what he is saying.

My eyes widen as I quickly realise today's date and not even two minutes later org Alexander and I are saying goodbye to our small group and rushing to the car, heading to the nearest supermarket.


"Alexander we don't need that many." I almost screech as he scoops up as many as he can into his arms and hurriedly walks away.

"Yes we do." He says adamantly while I scowl at him.

Am I the only sane one here?

"How the hell am I supposed to pee on all of them?" I question at his retreating back as he strides down the aisle.

Alexander pauses in his steps midway, before turning around and placing them as neatly as possible back onto the shelves, grabbing three pregnancy tests along with my hand and then dragging me over to the check out counter, not even bothering to see if I'm able to catch up with him or not.


"Are you done yet?" Alexander calls from the other side of the door, a low thud resonating from the other side and a shadow underneath the door alerting me of him leaning against the door.

"No." I groan in frustration as my head hangs low.

"I can't pee." I moan dreadfully.

"Damn it Nora". Alexander says loudly, almost whining if it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation, as he slams the door open ignoring my swirling self as I try to cover everything up, my cheeks burning.

"Babe I've seen you naked several times." He says while he walks over to the tap and turns it on before looking at me once again.

"No Alexander get out, I can't do this while you're looking at me."

Though I appreciate the gesture of him doing whatever he can to help.

It takes a lot of hard work to pee when you don't need to actually go.

Alexander raises his hand and yanks at his hair roughly as he walks out the bathroom once again, closing the door behind him.

Finally sighing in relief, I go through whatever the instruction leaflet tells me to do and after washing my hands I go to open the bathroom door.

"Is it done?" Alexander questions.

Looking into his soothing brown eyes, I can see worry and tiredness in them but what stands out is the look of comfort he gives me as he pulls me into an embrace.

"Yeah, I've even set the timer." I mumble as he kisses my forehead and rubs his hand through my hair in a calming manner.

Oh God I'm too young to have a child, I'm not even prepared. What am I going to do? What are we going to do?

All these thoughts run frantically in my head but I already know the answer, I just hope to the lord above that Alexander feels the same way and has the same answer as me.

"Is it done yet?" Alexander asks tense.

"No." I murmur shaking my head, "the bell will go off."

Alexander nods back and tightens his grasp around me and then kisses me on the head once more.

The next minute is by far the longest I've even been through.

Each tick of the clock in the walk and each number decreasing on my phone, drove me mad with anxiousness.

Am I going to have a baby?

Am I carrying a child inside of me?

Are we going to be parents?

Nerves flow through me both good and bad.

The though of being a mother, a parent is just mind blowing.

The buzzing of my phone reverberates through the room as bot Alexander and I freeze up once more.

Lifting my head I smile at him, shaking as tremors take through me.

Never have I been this nervous.

Alexander smiles back and grasps my hand as we go over to the three long sticks aligned next to each other with my phone lying on the side showing zeros of the countdown.

All three pregnancy tests have the same results as I gasp in shock, raising my hands to my mouth.

Quickly turning around, I look at Alexander who is completely rigid, face blank.

My excitement that I don't even known which was coursing through me almost screeches to a halt as I take in his expression.

"Alexander?" I question in worry.

Alexander's gaze shifts from the tests with the positive signs over to me, his eyes still blank.

Almost too fast and blinding for me to see, Alexander grabs a hold of me and kisses me harshly on the lips as he steps back all in one fluid movement.

A smile spreads across my face as tears brim his eyes.

"Holy crap". He chokes out, "we're having a baby, we're pregnant, I'm going to be dad." Alexander continues in excitement, his words running into one another as his eyes light up and a blinding smile spreads across his face.

"Holy crap". He whispers once more as he pulls me into a hug and then lifting me up slightly off of the ground and into his arms.

I laugh in joy as he sets me back down again.

Why have I ever doubted him?

No matter what he always comes through for me.


AN: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate it, and even if you don't celebrate either I hope you have a great day in general! This is my gift to all of you regardless and I do hope you like it even though it is a little short. Please remember to:



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