Chapter 2

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Nora James P. O. V

Sighing in frustration, I look down at my phone screen once again not wanting to miss if any message did come.

None had.

Settling further into the seat, I sigh aloud into the empty cabin.

Both Alexander and Damien hadn't returned from whatever the hell they were doing.

What could one actually do suspended in air?

Looking out the window the sun setting can be seen as the rays gently stream into the slightly cold cabin and onto my face.

I close my eyes and sigh out once more, my mind still replaying Alexander's cold behavior towards me.

Why was he acting that way towards me?

Had I done something wrong?

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear the cabin door opening.

Turning my head, I see Alexander stare at me with those same cold eyes before he sits down next to me and looks out the very same window I was once gazing out of.

"Have I done something wrong?" I question in a whisper.

For some reason my voice doesn't come out strong and steady but falters instead.

He doesn't say anything but gives a short sharp shake of his head.

"Then why?" Is all I ask.

He still doesn't respond and exhales a breath.

And that's when it hits me.

That strong sharp smell.

"Have you been drinking?"

Alexander turns his head towards me and rolls his eyes.

"It's nothing." He says curtly.

I assess Alexander's every move to see if he's telling the truth or not.

He wasn't slurring over his words or showing any other signs of being drunk.

"What's wrong Alexander? Talk to me." I demand looking into his eyes, pleading with him to reply properly and not just brush me off like dirt on his shoulder.

"You're really asking me that?" He scoffs incredulously.

"Alexander they're both fine and stable, they've probably even been shifted from the ICU. I know how you feel so why are you blocking me out for goodness sake?" I snap at him, grasping at straws for some explanation.

"No you do not know how I feel. They're in the god damn hospital and here I am wasting time on this stupid honeymoon with you when I could have been with them, with my family!"

Did he really mean that?

He couldn't have, could he?

The tears that I had been holding in for so long now once again sting my eyes and before I can stop myself, one falls down my cheek, creating a trail for more to come. Quickly raising my hand I wipe it away and just nod at him.

"Okay." I whisper out and turn away from him only to dimly stare at the reddish brown carpeted floor of the plane.

More thoughts were now roaming though my head.

So many 'why's' and 'whats'.

I can hear Alexander sigh and then out of my peripheral vision, I see him turn towards me.

I duck my head lower so he doesn't see the traitorous tears as they roll down my cheeks.

I felt so stupid for crying, I should be worrying about Abby and Stella not my stupid feelings for him being cold towards me.

But I can't help myself.

Can't help myself from thinking what I have done wrong for him to be so cold and harsh towards me.

Does he regret marrying me?

Is he unhappy?

So many questions are running through my brain only adding to all the other ones I know will remain unanswered.

Heat spreads from my hand and shoots up to my enclosed hand, leaving a trail of fire behind.

Alexander grasps firmly onto my hand and gives it a tight squeeze.

Still I don't look up and towards him, he seems to realize this as he tugs at my arm gently.

Raising my head, I finally look at him only to find warm chocolate brown eyes staring back at me.

"I'm so sorry love." He whispers out as he pulls me into him, he wraps his arms tightly around me as he plants a firm kiss to my forehead.

I remain stiff in his arms not allowing myself to relax, feeling hesitant.

He ignores that and pulls me up and onto his lap making me face him.

Ignoring the fact that I'm wearing a dress, I straddle him but don't give into him, resisting the urge to nuzzle into his gray shirt clad chest.

Alexander lightly sighs as he looks into my eyes, holding me tightly to him.

"I'm such an asshole for making you cry," he murmurs as he puts a stray lock of hair back into its rightful place behind my ear.

He wipes my nearly dried up tears with the pad of his thumb and then slowly caresses my cheek.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things. Especially about us, I love you, you know that right? I'm an idiot for saying that, I regret nothing." Alexander says sternly, still looking into my eyes.


"But nothing," he says cutting me off, "I don't have the right to say things like that to you just because I'm in a bad mood. They're your family as much as mine right?"

"Definitely." I say.

"Good." He replies back as he pecks me on the lips.

"You have no idea how much I love you, do you?" He mutters, his cold breath fanning my face.

"I have a pretty good idea." I answer back, finally giving into him as I press my lips to his with new found energy.

Kissing him makes me feel alive once again and I can't help but to smile into the kiss, he responds back by smirking and pulling me to him even closer.

Even now though as we're wrapped up in one another I can't help but to think something is wrong with Alexander.

The kiss feels weird and somehow wrong but what could it actually be.

My thoughts probably running wild as they always do, over thinking every single thing.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I respond to his plea of entrance and part my lips for him to slip his tongue into my mouth, both of us kissing each other with fervor.

It's probably nothing right?

AN: Hi everyone. Hope you all liked this chapter! I feel so evil right now but it is necessary xD I still don't have a updating schedule but I as soon as I do I'll let you all know. Please remember to:


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