Chapter 11

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This chapter is unedited and might contain some errors.


   I made the coffee and thankfully this time he didn't spit it out.

    I went back into the kitchen. Suzy was looking at me expectantly. What happened?? "

     He didn't spit it out this time"

      "Wow. Congratulations!!"

     "Thank you. I guess " I said."Aaaand he asked me to clean his room."

     "Really?" She asked. She looked really surprised.
    "What?, Is that a bad thing?"

   "No. Not at all. I'm surprised that's all. He has never let anyone clean his room. Ever. He always does it himself." She said.

    I carefully think of any reason as to why he would let me clean his room but come up with none." Well...I guess he got tired of doing it himself."

     Suzy nods in agreement. "I guess so"

   I pick up everything I'm going to need in cleaning the room and then I go back.  Surprisingly, there is no one in the room but the sound of shower proves he's just taking a bath.

    I start tidying the room. Keeping everything where it belongs. I change the bedsheets, taking the previous one to the washing machine. Then I sweep the room. I finish sweeping the room and he's still in the bathroom.

     Did he die in there?, Phhh. I wish

I chuckle a little at my weird thought and I start moping the floor. I am almost done when the door opens revealing him. With only a towel wrapped around his waist. I swiftly look down.

   "Look at me" He says with a commanding  tone that I just have to obey.

  I look at him and I could see that he was enjoying this by the smirk plastered on his face. He started inching towards me and I was stuck to my spot. Suddenly, his expression changed to shock as he slipped and fell. Hard. and his towel left his waist. My eyes widened to the size of saucers and I turned around as fast as possible.

  I hear him wince in pain. And it took all the willpower in me not to laugh out loud. I heard shuffling as he stood up from the floor. "Youuuu,you did this in purpose right?, you wet the floor so I would slip right?"

    I could actually believe he was accusing me of it. "No"

    "Look at me when I'm talking to you!!"

  "Have you replaced your towel?" I asked

   "None of your business" he answered with such arrogance.

   I very gradually turned with one of my eyes closed. Just in case. Fortunately, the towel was back to it's position. I release the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

  "You did it and I'm going to make you pay" he said with such menace.

   "I said I didn't" I raised my voice a little to prove my point cause I was getting angry.

   He kept looking at me with a fierce look and I look at him with equal fierceness. I was not ready to back down, after a while he looked away and a wave of satisfaction hit me knowing I had won this round.

  I finished my mopping and I left. I told Suzy everything that happened and we both busted into fits of laughter.

   "He totally deserved that" Suzy said in between laughter.

    "100 percent"I agreed. After some time,I happened to see him exit his room fully ready and went to work.

   " pheeww" I sigh and relax even more since he wasn't around anymore.

  The entire day,Suzy and I did things together and we got to know each other more. Turns out she dropped out of high school in order to work here. She gave me a secret tour of the house. And I found out it has a ball room,a library, indoor gym, a more elegant kitchen and a total of 10 bedrooms.

   It is such a big house,I wonder how he lives here alone.

  I asked Suzy about his family and she said he has a very fun sister and she's is only family member that comes by.

It was around 4:00pm when another car pulled up in the driveway. The driver opened walked out and opened the door then a beautiful girl walked out and she looked familiar. It was the girl that was with Mr Jerk first time I saw him at the supermarket. Emerald. She was wearing a very fancy looking uniform. I presume she was back from school. She walked through the front door with a frown on her face.

   "Food!!!!" She screamed and I had to protect my ears. Payton(another house help) rushed out of the kitchen with a plate of food.

There were all at her service. "Why are you all like this??" I asked Suzy.

"Mr Damon loves her so much. Make her angry and face his wrath"

I nodded in understanding. "Well I'm gonna go teach her some manners."

  "No, no, come back here" Suzy called me back but it was already too late. My mind was made up.

I walked to where Emerald was sitting and stood in front of her. She looked up with a scowl on her face and after some time, she smiled a little. "Heyy, it's you, the lady from the supermarket. Summer!! She said.

" yes, it's me. You remember" I said

"How could I forget you. After how you spoke to my dad" she said

  "He he" I said and scratched my head.

   " what are you doing here?" She asked me looking thoughtful.

   "I work here now" I said to avoid more questions.

  "Oh. That's great. Now scoot, I can't see the TV" she said gesturing for me to move.

   She screamed again." I need water!!!!"

  "Emerald?" I called out.

  "Hmm?" She said looking away form the TV to me.

  "Why don't you get the water yourself?" I said in a very nice tune. Suzy was bringing the water so I signaled for her to take it back. She gave me a warning look and went back.

  Emerald looked at me with a frown. "But dad said I don't have to do anything myself and that that's what the maids are for" she said.

   Classic Jerk

   "Well...sorry to say but your dad was wrong. It gives you a sort of sense of fulfilment when you do something yourself,Like you've achieved something. You know?"

  "Never tried it"

  "Why don't you try it now?"

She slowly got up from the chair and went to the kitchen. Everyone watched with their jaws on the floor as she opened the fridge and carried a bottle if water. Then she picked up a glass and poured it with shaky hands. She then came back to the living room.

  "How did that feel?" I asked her.

"It felt ok...I guess" She shrugged.

  Baby steps. I thought to myself

The front door opened and the single person I was dreading to see walked in.

  "Daddy!" Emerald ran as fast as she could and gave him a big hug. He picked her up and spun her around.

"How is my baby doing?" He asked her with such a grin,I was wondering if he was the same person.

  "Very fyn" she answered with a grin too.

  I stood there like the outsider that I am and watched the encounter between a father and daughter and I smiled remembering how we used to be so close with my dad.  He kept her on the ground then he turned his gaze to me and glared.


"What were you doing?"

"Summer was teaching me how to do things myself"

  My breath hitched in my throat as I braced myself for the worst. I closed my eyes waiting for it to come.

  "That's good" I heard him say. I thought my ears were deceiving me. I looked at him and he quickly looked away.

"Daddy is really tired now so. I'll see you later?" He spoke to his daughter

  "OK daddy" she answered. He walked upstairs to his room without sparing me another glance.

I gave Eme a smile." I'm gonna go back now"

"No. Don't go. Pleeeaaasee" she begged.

"Ok. I'm gonna stay for some minutes" I said.

   "Yayyy" she jumped up and down. Then, she held my hand and dragged me to sit on the chair she was sitting on.

I laughed at him cute she was being.

We watched TV for a while. Then I went back to the kitchen to help out. The way things were going I couldn't say it was totally bad. There were good parts to going in thus house but also major bad parts. I think of my mother and sister every single minute and pray to God that they're safe and sound.


A/N hello guys(waves forever). How have you been my readers?

How do you like Mr Damon so far?? Or should I say how do you hate him so far😁😁.

What do you think of Emerald??

Pls comment your thoughts.

And don't forget to vote!!!!.

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