°#11. HE IS BACK°

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Let you guys clear, the italic style indicates for conscience talk so it will be in the present tense.

Thank you guys for bearing me.

°Mercy POV:°

My voice blanked and only a wind came out of it as I tried to call out her name. Autumn couldn't walk her all alone as somehow she managed to sit. And  dad and David were out of the city so of course  they didn't escort with her. I swiped my terror face along with tears. Who took her? And why? Did my baby kidnap? Oh no no, we were not that much a rich and a famous so anyone took advantage of it. 

"AUTUUUMNNNNN," I screamed, nervously.

I hurriedly unwrap myself from a duvet and with bare feet, out of the bedroom and glanced at every side of corners.

My heart sinks when bad thoughts were entering into my head. I shook my both hands in dismissive, no, she would be safe. My heart says she was alright. But where? I ran my hands through my hair, whilst my sweats and tears both were mixing with each other on my face.

What if Hanny accompanied with Autumn because she always carried Autumn for a morning walks. I sighed in relief but not really.  Yes, she would be, right? I soothed myself but it was question than assured.

But suddenly, I reminded that Hanny had day shift which started around seven at morning and here it was already nine indicating by a wall clock.  I put a hand on my chest, to control my accelerated beats.

Forgive your mom for too much carelessness!!!

I was the worst mom. I wept as covered my face by hands. I couldn't even take care of a small baby, I would surely blame for further. My mind stuck on one thing how someone took her as all the door and the windows were locked? I chewed my nails. I think, I should find her rather than wasting time on any deem.

"But how and where?" I mumbled whilst sobbing and broke into a loud voice. I put a hand on my head then pressed my forehead, I think, I should phone to cops.

I picked up a land-line phone, but the familiar velvety whistle sound coming from my back, stopped me to press the number button. My body stiffened not move an inch as the familiar cologne hit my nose. I pressed my lips tight together. Why this whistle and fragrance were familiar to me? I heard this before and about cologne it was a same as... "Him,"

A drop of sweats fell on my shaky hand as the volume of his voice was increasing, realized me his proximity.  A sudden knot felt in my stomach as my back was brushing against his chest. I hardly swallowed my hot saliva praying that he shouldn't be him.

I jumped in terror as he nibbled then brushing his dirty lips against my earlobe. I bit my lips whilst clenching my fist not only hold my tears but the disgusting emotions. His touch was sending a fear, a fear which haunted like a nightmare. I urged to punch him until he lost his breath and crawled his mom's name. Abruptly, a chilled shiver passes my spine as he whispered,

Take off all your clothes
Take off, take off
Take off all of your clothes
They say only the good die young
That just ain't right
'Cause we're having too much fun
Too much fun tonight, yeah.

With flit, I twirled around, panting like I ran thousands of miles, made my face bow down and shoe his scandalous song by making a good distance between us, his smooth half- opened chest view into my eyes.  

I let out sharp breath and closed my puffy eyes, no, I didn't want to see him again, the again harassment, again torture and his sexual talks, but what if he wouldn't? Hoping that he wouldn't and someone else. Ohh Mercy who else? And who the hell entered your house? Mercy before you would predict to much, just confirm it, I lifted my head to confirm with petrified eyes and faced him.

I mislaid my own balance and stumbled on my legs, my world turned into upside down, beats were hammering would ready to come out, the throat dried even though after gulping my saliva several  times.

"Mr. Alfanso?" I gasped as I muttered, and my hallucination converted into reality.  His reddish-brown hair perfectly gelled into the spike.

His white shirt exposed his body shape, you could clearly see his six packs and the dark blue jeans having slightly sky blue shades covered his long legs, white sports shoes having blue lace. Strange? Wait!!! Why he would be here, at my home? What did he want?Why he...my breath stopped for a second as I saw my Autumn with one of his intimidate bodyguard.

His hand around my baby, literally crushed her tiny torso. He wore black pair, and he stood like a robot and looking a very scary, trust me. I gave dark glare and IF-YOU-HURT-HER-I-WILL-BREAK-YOUR-FACE  expression to scary man, in return he changed Autumn to left arm to right.

I ran with stumble legs towards scary man as Autumn wiggled in his arms, signed of her wake up. Oh no, she would be scared. 'Don't worry my baby, I'm coming, no one will hurt you, I'm coming.'   As I almost approached to my small baby,  someone hard hand grasped my arms and with great impact dragging off,  blocking my way towards Autumn and my left shoulder badly collided with a chest with same person who dragged me, Mr. Alfanso who else.

His face was emotionless like nothing effect on him. Didn't he realize my baby would scare? How did he so brutal? Oh sorry I forget, he was a bastard criminal who snatched thousands of innocent's life to only serve food to his family.

I bit my lower lip, nervously. I had only one choice though I didn't ready for it, but for my baby I glad to accept it.  "Please Mr. Alfanso, Lea-leave my da-daughter. She is-is innocent. I'll do what you'll command. But ple-please leav-leave her. " I wobble on my words.  I broke down and bent on my knee with lowered face,  joining two hands, literally begging to leave my innocent baby.

He passed a victory smile and cocked his head as he grabbed a couch, settle his ass on it. I know, I became too weak but if this weakness save my child life then I probably happy to accept it. Still his lips didn't leave a smile. I bit my inner flesh cheek as he took figure four posture. Jerk. Yeah, he probably ecstatic, he got what he wants. My body.

He took his eyes away as I swiped tears from my cheek, with little sniff. He enlightened the cigarette and smoke out in the air. "Oven, read the contract," He ordered, my eyes snapped to Oven. Oven, who thanked me to save Mr. Alfanso in the hospital. The worst day of my life to save his life or could say starting of my hell life. If I wasn't a doctor then seldom to be I rot and Autumn in dangered.

Oven's brown hair slipped set back, wore a blue jacket over yellow long sleeve tee and a black jeans. Oven nodded in a positive, then starred at me with those deep black guilty eyes. I didn't understand why he was guilty? And which contract they were discussing? Oven broke his eye contact and followed his boss's command and carried out some papers from his jacket  and unrolled the paper, cleared his throat put fist against his mouth.

I knitted my brows in confuse and gazed again to Mr. Alfanso, as usual his cloudy eyes full of pure lust whereas mine was pure of overanxious.  I bit my lower lip and turned my head down as he showed his death glare. What did he want to do with me? Why did he always annoy me? Why me? why?I was still on the floor, joining two hands. Now, I hate myself for being too weak. I was the one who always encouraged to girls to being strong in every situation, even though the death in front of you.

Oven voice brought me into my reality, my weakness.  "I, David Lavish," My eyes widened in shock,  hearing a David name from Oven mouth, reading from the paper. David? Contract? What the hell was going on? Oven continued before clearing his throat. "Going to sell my wife, Mercy Lavish and daughter, Autumn Lavish  to Mr. Alfanso in exchange of 2 million dollars. "

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