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   So here is David pov as per my lovely reader's wish. Sebastain pov will be soon.

#Totally unedited chapter, due to my health issue, so please bear it.

'You are brave,
Untill you dig your own grave.

Be my savior, my boss, but
you put my life on a toss.'



°David p.o.v°

Something spiked over my face, I opened my one eye that only examined blonde grass. 'Grass?' I shocked, jerkily widened two eyes and removed the grass or whatever. Only glancing  up the strange ceil with sleepy eyes, which barely opened.

'Where am I?'

Why the hell my head was paining? Why did my body fell the cold breeze? I scratched my neck like a manic where a blonde grass itched me. I followed  the grass to suspect where it was belonging from? My jaw dropped, f-ck this was not a grass but a hair, a girl's hair. I groaned on finding myself naked too. Suspiciously starring at the beside laying girl on her flat.  She covered with white nylon sheet that I could merely see her naked back, not even her face.

Guess what, this was my fifth,
one- night stand. I couldn't remember anything how I supposed to be here? And ever I asked this question to myself, though I forced my eyes to recall but nope nothing got in return, except I was drinking a liquor from the bottle in a famous bar, starring at the beautiful girls who were swaying their hips in the air, and everything was fuzzy. I sighed and an eventually gave up with shaking head because it was waste of time to recollect a memory of the last night.

"Morning darling," The night stand  girl, softly whispered against my ear while hanging on my shoulder putting her both hands around my neck as I rose up. I scrunched my nose on her sticky skin and a foul breath. She sounded like a Mercy, who always over hanged on me and her given nickname 'Darling'. It was so disgusting and sometimes awkward when she kissed me behalf of her best-friend, Hannah.

I shook my head and faced to the night stand girl while unwrapping her hands, relieving my neck from her grip. She had blonde curly hair reached at her shoulder, intense with green eyes and still the make up caked on her face. I made puke face made her little frowned. She again jumped on me, behaving like a teenager. Ugh, this girl!!! Gosh, this was the one night stand not hang out on my hand.

I pulled her by her arms, she literally supported by my hands, if I would loosen my hold, then again, she would be on me. I roared in a baffle with dark eyes,

"Listen Miss whatever you are, take your money." While pointing to my scattered clothes and continued, "And get out from here, I have a superb night with you. Now leave me alone." I gritted my teeth on a last word. Well, I appreciated her though not had a memory of the last night.

I pressed my paining head. Nope, neither alcohol nor this young girl was my headache but the compensation.

I lost 2 million dollars in the gamble, and they were finding me like a hulk. But the worst thing was, rule in the casino. A person got shoot on being failed to repay. I held out sharp sigh, seriously I didn't have that much of money. I guessed, I would win but my f-ck luck. I put my hand between my palms

Dragging out of my trance when the night girl started to trailing her finger over my chest. She was still here? Those dogs were already on my nerves and she annoyed me. F-ck my world. I made WILL-YOU-LEAVE ME-ALONE face. In seductive voice, she whispered softly, "Call me anytime," with a winked, she left me and my thought alone not before gave flying kiss, collecting bunch of dollars and especially her slutty clothes. At least, she went on.

I wore same clothes of  a previous day, of course this was not my room but bar room where everyone had one-night stand.

My eyes were searching all over the bed where my phone rang, throwing every single thing on the floor "There I got you!" Shit, shit, shit!!! I squeezed my shut eyes in frustration seeing the name on the screen, It was him. I banged my phone on the bed and sat beside it. I didn't know how would I was going to refund them. Neither had money nor have any kind of property. I swiped sweats over from my face. Should I mention, my beats were hammering against my skin on thinking of my death. I gadded on the floor with the bare foot,  circling the finger over my forehead.

The ringtone stopped and the entire room silent made me relief breath. But guess what, every silence was the signature of strong storm.

  They were starving for money like a dog. Later or sooner, they would scout me out and I knew, the consequences wouldn't be better but hadn't any option, Did I? But hell No, I didn't want to die, I was too young. I nearly cried out loud. I shouldn't have to gambling.

I again jumped on my position hearing same sound of the ring, chill shivers spread over my skin, shirt wet due to over sweats.

I grabbed my mobile with shaky hand and muted the ring and again sighed in distress, I know, this was not for a long time.

Tin tin tin!

The message was blinking on my screen. I knitted my brows in confuse. Who messaged me? My eyes widened in panic as I opened inbox. F-ck had happened same thing what I reckoned. I swiped my face and continued to read.

Money should be on desk next morning  at 9:00 am  otherwise will ready  for die.


What should I do now? Jesus help me, I didn't want to die but live a long life. My head had been going to burst. I shouldn't have to enroll  into the casino by taking Sebastian's name as he was golden member.  Ohh Yes! Hell yes! How I forgot him, yes he-he would help me. My eyes gleamed, hopefully. I threw out my breath. At once, I felt alive again.


"Hey dude, what happened to your hand?" I Interrogated to Dustin. I was at Sebastian's mansion and he was engaged with his client as per Dustin's word. I hope Sebastian would help me especially to me because this was my third time he was going to refund with the bunch of money. I faced to Dustin, waiting for his answer, who apparently in his day dream.

I swayed Dustin by his shoulder, made him jump on his seat "F-ck off, hell yeah, I-I slipped in the washroom." I lifted my brows knowing that he lied to me but I nodded in a positive as it was not important for me at all, so I ignored him. He half shrugged and again lost in his thought facing the reversed magazine. I rolled my eyes on his behavior.

I climbed the stairs and about to knock a door but one beautiful lady already opened it, sticking handkerchief around her nose, tears were streaming from her eyes and without glimpsed at me running towards the exit door.

I sighed, so she was his client.  Nope, he still neither had girlfriend nor mistress. But hell yeah, he slept with many girl until his frustration ease out but always ended up with crying, hollering, commanding and  much more like a few minutes earlier happened.

As I entered in his study room, his commanding voice echoed over the room. "Open the black bag." With confused mind, I unzipped the bag. Jesus!!! My eyes widened as a diamond. Oh my god!!! I couldn't believe on my eyes either. "It's entirely yours," My mouth hanged on. Did he announce same as I hear?

He sat on his wide arm chair, sipping the alcohol  from his glass. "2 million dollars are yours." My eyes were dancing in excitement as he again repeated. Actually, I couldn't explain it in words, he actually saved me without exchanging words.

He was my savior. Wait! How did he get know about my debt?Who told him? As long as, I had never discussed with anyone. But who cares, I got what I needed the most.

His voice dragged me out of from revolving question around my head.  "you will take it, but on one condition." He stated tasting the alcohol. With a confused face, I repeated his word.


How did Sebastian get to know about David's debt?

✔️Anyone can predict his condition?

Hope you guys enjoyed it.😆😆😆😆

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