C H A P T E R 34

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I woke up with my phone blaring into my ears. I grabbed my phone from the side table and hit the accept button.

"Yes?" I snapped into the phone as I rubbed my eyes.

"Is this Amelia Torres?" A man's voice spoke. I almost choked at 'Torres'.

"Yes. Who's this?" I asked sitting up ignoring the slight pain in my head which I have no idea why is there.

"This is Aly Gerard speaking." I remembered him. He was the police officer who arrested my father after he assaulted Regina for the company.
But why was he calling me now?

"Yes, Mr. Gerard. I remember you. Is everything alright?" I asked rubbing my temples.

"Your father's been bailed out."

My world turned upside down. He can't be free. He just can't.

"How? Who did it?" I choked out.

"Miss. Phoebe Richard."

Now who the hell was Phoebe Richard. I just don't get why I can't have peace for two minutes in my life.  Whenever I see a speck of happiness in my life, it disappears right in front of my eyes. It seems that I am prone to trouble. Prone to misery.

"Who's her? I don't know about her."
It was the first thing which left my mouth. I didn't remember any relative by that name. Maybe she is one of his friends or maybe they were lovers. I really don't care about her. The thing which is eating me up right now is 'My father is free. The hell of my father is freely roaming around the streets most probably looking for me or-

Oh my God.
I need to get back to her.

"She said she knows your father and is very well familiar with your family." I heard him sigh, "Anyways, we just wanted to inform you about your father being out of the Central jail."

"Uh..okay thank you officer." I hung up. This was not going good. My father can't be free. Owen Torres can't be free.

I flopped back onto the bed. I had to inform Regina.

I quickly dialled Regina's number.

"Hey Amy! How are you?!"

"Regina where's Madeleine?" I almost snapped into the phone.

"She is sleeping. Is everything alright? You sound....scared."

"No. Nothing is right." A sob left my mouth, "Father. Owen is free. He will come after Madeleine. Please protect her."

"How is it possible?! He can't be free." She sounded as horror-struck as me, "I need to talk to Asher. I'll call you back. Just don't worry about Madeleine. She's with me. Okay?"

"Okay." I breathed out. Tears brimmed the corners of my eyes. I feel so helpless. I am so far from my little sister that I can't even protect her.

The day a left that hell hole was the day I vowed to protect Madeleine. To protect her from what I could never protect myself of. I can never think of Madeleine struggling through the life I was living. She is innocent.

I was innocent too. But he took it all from me. My innocence, my peace, my everything and left me like a lifeless rag doll.


I backed up into the wall as I heard his footsteps nearing the door. He was coming to my room. His angry footsteps boomed in the hallway becoming louder just as my heartbeats.

I wasn't ready for this. Again. The bruises from previous night were still fresh on my skin.

His beatings were unbearable. He never thought who I was when he was drunk. I just wonder how could a person be so cruel to beat his own daughter, his own blood like a rag doll.

After what he did to me previous night, I vowed to never disobey him, especially when he was drunk. He was worst than a madman. But yet I refused him. Refused him to sleep with his most important client who was worth thouands of dollars.

The door burst open revealing my enraged father. The same steel baseball bat was in his hand which we used to play baseball with in the backyard on cool summer days with mom.

He banged the door shut behind him. I straightened up covering myself with my arms and backing up into the wall as if it would open and engulf me saving me from my worst nightmare. My father.

"I...am.." I started but was shut down with the loud banging of bat on the wall.

"Don't. You filthy slut. I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut in front of him." He breathed out, anger was radiating off him, I held my breath, I had never seen him in such a rage, "You. Now you will face the consequences, jinx."

In a lightening speed he charged towards me. It was just a blink of eye when I felt sharp pain in my side with a loud thud.

I opened my eyes. I was dropped on the floor panting hard. But I was not feeling the pain anymore. It felt like it just vanished. Just a sharp prick and poof.

Then I felt another sharp prick. Then another. And another.

I was not hissing in pain or groaning out. And maybe that enraged him even more. He charged on me again, pulling me up with my hairs.

This time I hissed as my scalp felt being ripped out.

"Stop. Please."

But that made him even more furious because he tightened the grip on my hairs pulling them out and threw me against the wall hard. I hit my head on the wall and black spots invaded my sight.

Please just this once, let me lose it.

I prayed silently. I wanted to lose conciousness so that I would not have to feel this pain. I never fainted. That was the worst part. Owen beat me until he was tired. He always left me just because he was tired.

Just when I thought I lost it, the black spots disappeared. I sobbed loudly.

Maybe this is my fate. Owen kept his assault going with the bat. Again until he was tired.

I sighed contently when he kicked me in the stomach. It was always his last. A kick in the stomach and then he was gone.

Finally, a few hours filled with nothingness and


...End of the flashback....

I will never let that happen to Madeleine. She doesn't know how cruel and heartless her father is. For her, mother was a sweet angel who went back to God and father was as loving as any father would be.

Owen never laid a hand on her because I was there all the time. He acted like the most loving father to her. But the thing that confuses me is Madeleine never asked for him all these months. She never asked where he was or if he would come back.

When we moved to the apartment, the only thing she asked was, "Is dad going to be with us?" To which I shook my head and screamed 'never' in my head. She didn't ask anything else.

I walked into the bathroom to freshen up but the lump in my throat kept increasing. I just wanted to cry loudly. These sobs were not enough. I wanted to let it all out but it felt like my tears were stuck in my throat and it hurt to even cry.

Just then I heard the doorknob move. I knew it was Alarick. Only he had the master key.

"Hey princess!" He came inside dressed in a simple white v neck and gray sweatpants. He smiled.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" He sat beside me on the bed sliding his arms around me and pulling me into him.

I kept silent. He held my chin and tilted my head to have a better look. He frowned.

"Why were you crying?" His voice was stern and I could feel him stiffen under my touch.

I sighed and rested my head against his chest listening to his rythmic heartbeats.

"Tell me. What's bothering my Rose?" He said and pressed his lips against my hair.

I took a deep breath. At least I could share my problems with him. May be that would help me loosen myself.

"He is free."

"Who?" He pulled me even closer.

"Owen. My father." It feels disgusting to call him father. He was a black spot to the beautiful relationship between father and a daughter.

I pulled back to see his face. He looked calm. No anger or fear on his face. Extremely calm.

He cupped my cheek and his expressions soften.

"It was going to happen someday. We can't always push things away." He neared, "We had to face it one day. Don't worry. He will not lay a hand on you or Madeleine. I'll make that sure."

A smile crept on my lips and I hugged him. I didn't even tell him that I was worried for Madeleine yet he knew. I felt my heart lighten. He always brought peace to me.

"I love you, Alarick."

I closed my eyes and hugged him harder when I realized he had stiffen. I pulled back and frowned. His expression had changed in a matter of few seconds. This time I saw something in his eyes which I never thought would ever see. Fear. Was he afraid of Owen? That can't be even close to being possible. He can be afraid of anything but Owen. Then what-

Just then I realized what I had said. I just confessed. I freaking just confessed my feelings! I just said those three words without even realizing.

"W-What happened?" I stuttered out. He stared at me for a few seconds and then smiled.

"Nothing." He pulled me for a hug and I felt him take a deep content breath. He is such a mystery. How can someone seem to be feared at one moment and then happy and satisfied the other? Yes its Alarick. Only Alarick can do that.

I knew he didn't confess his feelings back. But I will wait for him. Why? Because he's worth waiting and I can't give up on him so early.

Sometimes it's good to wait. To wait for things that would bring happiness to you someday.

Those things are worth waiting and so was Alarick.






Finally an update?
Well how was it?

Playlist: Roses- The chainsmokers. (P.S I love them.)

And Mr. Control Freak is at rank 18 in romance!!!

Thanks for reading and voting on this book!

Love you,

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