C H A P T E R 7

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Alarick Knight in the above banner.

(Theodore Peter James Kinnaird Taptaklis. Bæ. He looks tired tho.)


"Miss. Primrose?" He asked as he walked towards his chair behind the large table.

"Um...Yes."I said while nodding as he took a seat. I wonder why he's pretending like nothing happened back in Regina's house.

That's weird.

"Where's your CV?" he asked in a curt voice which caused me to frown. If he's ignoring the fact that he knows me way too well, then I will do the same. What's wrong in playing along? But I'll bring it up real soon.

"I thought I was hired." I replied in rather professional tone. Wait. Do I really know what professional tone is?

"Miss. Primrose, do as you have been asked." He stated like he has been controlling his anger. You can easily tell by his facial expression that he's annoyed but for what? I don't know.

I haven't said anything wrong then why does he looks so angry. That must be his normal expression.

I shuffled in to my bag and took out a file. I handed it to him and walked back to my spot where I was standing.

"Take a seat Miss. Primrose."

Literal mood swing. This guy is now scaring me. I wish he isn't a psychopath who likes to intimidate his employees for no reason. I took a reluctant step towards the chair when I stumbled.

I looked down at the broken strap of my sandal. I groaned aloud not bothering if I was being watched or not.

Well, my luck. Thank you.

I stood there with my hands on my hips, looking down at my broken sandal mocking at me 'Deal with it.".

I bent down and removed both of my sandals. With naked feet, I straightened up to see even more annoyed face of Alarick. What should I do? If he knows something better, then he can suggest. I bet if he is annoyed, thinking that I can't afford a sandal then I am going to literally smack him. Wait no, that would make me lose my job. And I think all bosses are the same, rude and egotistic human beings. So, if he's acting like a bitch then its normal right.

Sitting down on the most comfortable chair in this world and digging into my bag for some snacks I asked,

"Okay?" I settled the bag on my lap and opened the pack of chips keeping it inside and started eating it sheepishly since he was busy reading my CV and scribbling down something on notepad. I would never do that if I was not hungry and my stomach was growling. It's better to eat something than let other people hear your stomach growling like a monster.

I made sure that the pack wasn't noisy and he was totally focused on my CV than on me eating.

I kept stuffing my mouth with chips and he kept ogling at the CV not even sparing me annoyed glances now and then so it means he doesn't know what I am doing. Yes, victory. Someone should just learn how to eat without being noticed besides I don't think this is wrong. Is it wrong? To eat in front of your boss?

I know it is wrong, if you don't offer but why would I offer something to this-

"Stop it!" He slammed the file on table jerking me out of my chair with my chips all over the floor and one chip still in my hands, ready to go in my mouth.

"W-What?" I stuttered as I plopped the remaining one in my mouth making a loud crunching sound.

"You eat like a pig!" he snapped.

"Huh?" I gasped at his words.

That stings buddy.

"Leave." He stood up and placing his hands on the table he inhaled deeply. I think I have infuriated him a little too much but I thought he didn't notice!

"Um...where should I go?" I asked picking up my bag and sandals. This is awkward. So, so awkward. I think I should just leave this job and look for another company. Away from Alarick Knight.

"Layla will tell you everything. Just go now."

I didn't miss a second and scurried out of the room before he could throw something at me.


Well now I know, I should not eat in front of my boss. Yes.

Got to make a list.

1. You shouldn't eat in front of your boss, even if it looks like he isn't watching you. Your boss will always have alien hearing power and eyes.

Now where to find this Layla? I think it's the same secretary.

Standing outside the double doors, I noticed another door with label of secretary. I quickly went towards it and opened it. Poking my head inside I saw Layla sitting in her chair.

"You need something?" she said when she noticed me.

"Um...Ala...Mr. Knight said to ask you for further details." I said as I stepped inside the room.

She stood up and passing by me she exited the door. I followed her and she lead me to the room beside her with 'interior designer' label on it.

She opened the door.

"This is going to be your room." she stepped aside and I entered the room. It wasn't that big but all cozy and comfortable with lemon green walls and medium brown table in the center, a white couch and table in a corner and a small shelf in the other corner.

"And what will be my work for today?" I asked after a minute of examining the room.

"Mr. Knight didn't discuss anything?" She asked frowning.


"He is angry?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. I nodded.

"Maybe you should wait for some time and go back to discuss the project."

"How much time should I wait for?" I asked as I strode towards my table and settled in the chair behind it.

"An hour or two."


She shook her head and saying this she left the room leaving me alone to think about the only man sitting in couple rooms away,

"His anger takes much time to settle down."









Till the next time,

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