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"So, you know you can share anything you want to?" The woman said fixing her rimmed glasses on her nose. Her wrinkled face showed the irksome challenges she faced in her life. Despite those wrinkles she was still looking beautiful in her own way.

I never wanted to visit any psychologist. I wasn't a psycho but turned out that they're helpful even if you're not a psycho. I looked around the room. It was dull. Really dull with crème walls and carpet, brown couches and a round wooden table in the centre.

"Yeah right. I just wanted to make sure that this session is free, isn't it?" I asked fumbling with my pale cold fingers. I didn't want to spend the few dollar bills left in my purse just because my brain is not functioning properly.

"Absolutely. Just be comfortable and spill the beans!" The old Dr. Mindy chuckled making her dull blue eyes sparkle for a moment. Even a small smile can hide everything on your face. It's a mask for all your worries. It is for everyone. I have one too.

"Okay." I wasn't sure if I could really spill the beans but what goes in trying, "I am Amelia and..," my throat constricted and a wave of nausea hit me, breathing hard I continued,"and I'm not a whore."

"No one's a whore." She said smiling and I smiled back at her. How easy it was to say those words. 'No one's a whore.' We can't tell how despair feels until we have faced the same circumstances ourselves. It is always easy to comfort people. Dozen of people will come to console you in your loss. Why? Because it requires just a few words. 'You'll be fine.', 'everything's going to be alright.'. The day consoling will require something practical, trust me, out of those dozen people, you'll not have more then two.

Hollow. That's what people are. And that's what life has taught me.

"My father, Owen Torres, always kept me in a room." Calling him father left a bitter taste in my mouth. Taking a deep breath I continued, "He never allowed me to leave the house except for school. Once I tried to escape for a night. And I did escape, but when I returned, he assaulted me with a baseball bat all night. And the best part, I didn't lose my consciousness so I knew that he did beat me all night." A dark chuckle escaped my mouth,

"I've done a lot of things that one could ever think of. I've destroyed homes. I've destroyed people." My hands weren't trembling anymore and I kept my voice steady as I continued, "I knew I was doing wrong but I never stopped. I couldn't stop." I couldn't help the traitor tear that escaped my eye.

"Did you want to do that?" she asked as she scribbled something on the paper taking notes of how miserable my life was.

"No. Owen compelled me to do that." I needed to let it all out, "He made me seduce men for money. He didn't care about me. He loved money and the company which didn't even belong to him. It belonged to my step sister and he had it under his control. Illegally."

"Where was your mom? Did she even know?" She fixed her glasses again.

I scoffed. "She was already fed up of Owen's sadism so after asking her twelve year old daughter to sleep with her little sister in another room she decided to hang herself with the same ropes, her husband used to tie her with. But little did she know, that twelve year old daughter couldn't sleep that night and saw everything being taken away from her right before her eyes?"

"Oh Amelia. We can stop if you want. We can continue this session some other day." Pity radiated from her, cutting deep through my soul. I never wanted anyone's pity.

"Waiting for another day won't change the reality. Damage has been done." I replied in the same steady tone which I wasn't able to keep anymore.

"Okay. Why didn't you refuse then? You could've left him." She asked as she kept scribbling on the paper in front of her.

"My little sister, Madeleine. She was my only hope. He threatened me. He said he would kill her if I ever refused him." Tears were now flowing freely down my cheeks and I was letting them, "First I thought he couldn't kill his own child but then I remember, if he could make his own child do such shameful acts then how couldn't he kill? He was a sadist anyway."

"Where's your father now? Is he alive?"

"Bad people don't leave this world early. He got imprisoned a few months ago."

"What's your regret?" She asked as she placed the pencil and her notebook on the table. Her complete attention was on me now.

"Regret?"I continued as I tucked back the deep red lock falling on the side, "I've spent my whole life as the one person, I didn't want to be."

"And who's that person?"

The name echoed in my brain haunting my soul and leaving me wretched and void.
I sighed as all the memories flooded back into my mind and replied,

"Rebecca Torres."


(Name the stars as you please)






Hello Pandas!

There's more to come.
Meet Alarick Knight in the next chapter. :)
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Till the next time.

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