chương 2

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-She's very busy with work, Luric, go to the lady's place and get tea and dessert, I'll eat here.

-"Yes, Your Highness" Luric replied and left the room with me.

-Madam, don't be sad, the duke was originally like that.


*I felt so empty, I brought tea and cake to the garden.



-What's wrong? I called you several times but no one responded.

-Ah, nothing. I'm thinking about something.

-If you have anything, please tell me, don't keep it to yourself. If the duke can't share it with you, let me.....

-What did you say?

*Lucy and I were startled, turned around, and saw Baisac with a cold face and sharp eyes looking at Lucy.

-Lucy, you go first.

-Yes, Lady.

-Who let you go?

-Baisac, stop, that's my servant, you have no right to touch it.

-But, I'm a Duke, and you and I are already married.

-Huh, it's just a marriage contract. Do you remember the 10th article in the contract, party A and party B will not have the right to touch the property or anything belonging to the other party. If you continue, you will be breaking the law.


-I would like to leave first, Your Highness.

*I just turned around and left, ignoring the angry Baisac behind me.

*The next few months passed like that, and he and I no longer came to eat together. We only meet occasionally to discuss work, but nothing else.


-Is that Lucy? Come in.

-It's me, ma'am.

*I looked up while working and it was Luric, Baisac's assistant.

-Oh, is that Mr. Luric? come in.

-Thank you, Madam.

-Lucy, please bring me tea.

*After Lucy left, Luric and I sat on the sofa, an awkward atmosphere filled the large room.

-You came to see me today, there must be something important.

-Yes, today I came to find you about Lanlel's matter.

-I thought the duke was the one directly responsible for this.

-About this, I will tell you the reason later. This must be dealt with first.

-Ha, okay, say something.

- Surely you know the Sociat merchant group, ma'am?

-That's right, it's one of the empire's famous merchants, and it belongs to Lanlel, right?


-So, what's going on?

-5 days ago, the Sociat merchant group left the Western empire after completing the trade between Lanlel and the first Western empire and nobles there. After returning, the goods inside were and is in a damaged state. But when interrogating the merchants on the ship, they said they let the sailors check and that they themselves had checked all the goods.

-How could that be possible, or was there someone on the ship who did it?

-Of course that is impossible, Madam, because the doorman of the goods room is manager Arlous, he is the manager from the former duke's time, very loyal, many families can't even want to have it. .

-So what's the reason?

-Madam, how will you handle it?

-I plan to ride out to the caravan now and check directly. You should go ask the duke's opinion, I will go prepare, the duke will let us go anyway.

-Then why doesn't the duke take charge of this matter?

-Let's talk when I get back.

*After that I changed my clothes and found a horse in the mansion to go to the Sociat company. In front of my eyes now is a merchant corporation with that majestic appearance, but in fact the work here is busy all day long. This place has been renovated by Baisac since last year so it looks new as if newly built, I Enter the cargo room, open each box.

-Madam, this, all the goods are covered with mold.

-Luric, is this the Teruie mushroom from the Western Empire?

-That's it, Madam.

- We have found the reason. These mushrooms will grow one after another, so it is likely that during the days in the Western Empire it will grow on the ship.

-So that's it, no wonder why it turned out like this.

-Lanlel will pay back the merchant group for these goods. Luric, please talk about this with Baisac.

-Yes, Madam.

-Hello, Madam .

*I turned around, it was manager Arlous.

-Ah, hello, manager Arlous.

-Thank you, Madam, for everything you have handled for our trade group.

-Nothing, I have something to tell you.

- Lady, keep talking.

- First, give all the crew members on the ship some antifungal medicine, because they can have severe allergies to that fungus. Second, take that pile of goods and destroy them, because they contain Teruie mushrooms. If left, it will affect the empire and Lanlel's territory will be seriously affected. Third, have someone clean all parts of the ship and after cleaning, use disinfectant to kill mold, you will have to use it once a day. Let the ship be disinfected for a week, during that time let everyone in the company rest and go home, they have worked hard recently.

-Yes, Madam.

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