C H A P T E R 14

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"Lets see how long can you take it, amorina." he whispered in my ear sending tingles down my spine.

I wanted to push him away but despite my hands being free, I couldn't move. He removed his hands from my shoulders and I saw him walking out of the room with one of his men behind him. I had no idea what he was capable of. I only knew that he hadn't tried hurting me physically. I knew he could do it if he wanted to but he opted out of it. That didn't give me any sense of control over him, rather it terrified me. What was he going to do with me? 

I got up when I saw his guard closing the door behind him and I heard the lock click. I was alone and I knew they were leaving. My breath hitched in my throat and every hair on my body stood up in anticipation of what was going to happen and just then, the lone light bulb blinked. 

Instinctively, I took a step back knocking myself on to the chair. My eyes were trained on the blinking bulb and with one last blink, the light gave out. The darkness fell upon me knocking my breath out and I froze. I couldn't see a single object except the faint traces of light which my eyes had fixated on when the bulb was on. Slowly, it faded away and I blinked to bring it back. 

"This is not funny." I called out, getting back on my feet.

Nobody responded but the echo of my own voice. 

"Asher!" I called out again, my voice cracking, "Let me out!" 

I stumbled my way towards where the door was and I banged on it furiously, "LET ME OUT!" I screamed again.

I could feel something creeping on my arm and I smacked it unconsciously. Instantly, I felt it on my back and smacked despite my hand not reaching my back. Fear rose up in my throat and I stumbled along the wall into a corner. 

My eyes closed in fear, and I slid down the wall wishing it would open and swallow me whole. I just wanted to be out of here. My breathing became heavier and I struggled to breathe. Just then, I realized, I was crying. Tears streamed down my face freely and I hid my face in my lap. I brought my kees to my chest and cried again, "Let me out," a feeble attempt against the heavy darkness which seemed to be engulfing me.

"Please," I whispered to myself. My eyes felt heavy as I hugged myself and imagined a better place.

The sun was bright but cold breeze formed goosebumps on my arms as I chased the little butterfly into the pale horizon. The sunflower field was always on my bucket list and now, I could see the tiny yellow heads which disappeared into an endless distance. I was so close to to the field yet to far. I kept running ignoring my mother's calls asking me to wait for her. I was impatient. It seemed like if I waited long enough, the scenery in front of me will fade away. It felt like a painting and I wanted to touch it to ascertain that a dream was coming true.

"Let's take a picture!" My mom said to me, excitement evident in her voice. I straightened my yellow checkered sundress and gave her a smile.


"Let's go!" I called out to mom but my throat constricted making no sound. I tried again but failed. My limbs felt heavy and I desperately tried to call mom. She waited for me to call out but the weight of time was bogging me down. I wanted to move but I couldn't. Suddenly, my mom turned her back towards me and began walking. I looked up at my hand waving at her to stop and listen but my hand felt weird. I focused hard on it and realized I had six fingers.

Six fingers.

My high spirits vanished and I stopped trying. This wasn't a reality. It was a dream. One of the good ones. I closed my eyes and asked myself to wake up but that didn't feel right. Why didn't I want to wake up?

The sun began fading out and I saw nothing. Darkness engulfing me again. I was back in the basement...but I was no longer scared of the dark. I sat there looking into the darkness imagining the light bulb that would shine bright. I didn't want to call for anyone.

Loneliness has always scared me. I used to think a lot about, what if I end up being alone? What will happen then? When I have no friend that I can call and no family to go back to? What will life feel like then?

Soon enough, I met with the answer and I didn't like it. I wanted to be happy while being alone. Isn't that everyone's reality? We are all scared of being alone but that's exactly how we'll end up. How does one stay happy in lonliness? How does one find peace without longing for a companion? Why can't I be enough for myself? Nobody can answer that.

I got up and dragged myself along the walls, looking for the door. The cold iron clanged as soon as I found it and I began banging it again. I knew it was of no use but I liked the sound that my fists made whenever I thrashed against the door. My fingers ached but it was comforting.

After a few minutes of listening to my rhythmic pounding of door, I heard keys jangling.

Someone had unlocked the door.

"You came back early." I smiled at Asher who stood there, his features laced with... concern?

"What?" I asked but he didn't answer. Instead, his hand shot out and warm fingers wrapped around my wrist. He pulled me towards him and I finally saw light. My eyes squinted in the uncomfortable brightness.

"What did you do?" He whispered, holding my hands in his, as if speaking to himself.

"What did you do?" He said again, his voice weaker this time. I looked down at my hands and finally saw what caused his reaction. My hands were bruised and swollen. I was surprised and just then, I felt the pain coming. I didn't feel it earlier but looking at them, like this, was definitely having it's effect.

"What did I do?" I heard myself repeating. I realized Asher wasn't alone. The man that had come earlier with him was standing behind him.

"Come with me." He said gently tugging on my sleeve asking me to follow him and I did. They didn't bother blindfolding me this time but I didn't want to focus on the place. The walls felt the same. All of the hallways were same and I just found myself trailing behind a man who surprisingly had shown concern. My mind was occupied with the way Asher's face grimaced with concern for me. He looked like he cared and it was hard not to think about.

They took me out of the basement and back into the mansion. I wanted to question why he didn't take me back to the quarters since it looked like way too early in the morning. Everybody would be asleep.

He took me to his study and asked me to wait for a doctor for the bruises on my hands. It's been only a few weeks and I was all bruised up. First, that driver incident left me with a beaten up face and now I did this to myself. This is absurd and my skin being susceptible to bruising isn't helping my case.

I sat there and waited for the doctor who came after an eternity and bandaged my hands.

"Don't keep the bandages on for too long. Use the medicine and focus more on your diet. It feels like you have been starving yourself." He said in a monotonous voice and I blinked at him. I'm pretty sure I have been eating good. What was he saying?

The doctor left and I got a chance to get up as well. I walked towards the window that was closed. I wanted fresh air. As soon as I reached the window, I saw my reflection in the glass. It was a faint reflection but enough to shock me. It felt like a stranger staring back at me. I wanted to have a closer look but I couldn't. I recoiled back and went inside the bathroom to have a look in the mirror and sure enough, I looked awful. My skin was pale and dark circles were bad. The bruises were no longer there which irked me. What the hell happened to me? 

"You were completely out for 4 days." I heard a familiar voice and my head snapped towards the entrance. Asher stood there, arms crossed and leaning in the door frame staring deep down into my soul.

"4 days?" I exclaimed and instantly regretted it because I felt nauseated. I pushed past him and walked towards the couch where I noticed food was lying on the coffee table. The sight of steak brought the nausea back but weirdly enough, I wanted to devour it.

"Eat and then we can talk." I heard Asher saying and I didn't need to hear it twice. It was 6 in the morning, yet I devoured the steak and made a mental note to ask who made it since chefs don't come this early from the quarters. It was delicious.

"What did you want to talk about? But before that, can you tell me what the fuck happened to me? Why and how was I out for so many days? Did nobody check up on me?!" I bombarded him with questions, simultaneously being surprised that I was still being civil with him after our last encounter. He still is my boss and I need this job and to live in his house.

Asher kept quiet for a minute and I felt like he was avoiding looking directly at me. That was new. He looked almost embarrassed.

"I..." His voice trailed off. He scratched the back of his head and then began rubbing his face in frustration.

"Can you speak already please. I don't like suspense." I said to make the mood lighter. It got awkward for me to look at him.

"Whatever happened, it was your own fault for being stubborn. You are making it hard for everyone." He said walking towards his desk.

"What will happen once I tell you where they are?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'll forget any of this happened and you can continue working here." He sat into his chair, his eyes deep set on me.

"So you won't help me." I said, more to myself than him. Suddenly my pride was back. I was frustrated that I even thought about asking for his help. I decided to give the diamonds up thinking about the few peaceful days left for me to live before Steele shows up on my door. It was inevitable.

I nodded at him even though he hadn't said anything and got up.

"Alright then, here it is." I reached under my shirt and unclipped my bra, removing it and throwing it at his desk. I almost hit him in his face which startled me but I immediately pulled up the facade of confidence that I was emanating in front of him.

I gathered myself and walked out of the door. My face was aflame but I wasn't going to stay here and listen to him. I thought sewing diamonds in my bra lining was genius but it was of no use. I had to give it up myself.

The more I live, the more I understand how incredibly alone I'll always be. I can't look up to someone for saving me. It'll always be 'help yourself' for me. The thought makes me sad that I'll never have a shoulder to cry on but I don't have time to waste my tears. I need to pull myself together while praying for a miracle now.






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