first meeting him.

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Y/n p.o.v

I am a princess, a very important one to be exact. I control evil and bowser can't even stop me. Count Bleck keeps sending me letters on joining his organization to take over the world with evil. I walked to my front door of my palace and saw a note sitting on my door step. The note read:
Dear Miss y/n, I would like our organization to be apart of your kingdom for the better write back on what day and time and I will send one of my minions to talk with you and everything
Signed Count Bleck

'Why does he bother me so much?! I guess if I have to I will.' I thought getting out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote letter saying:
Count Bleck, you can send one of your minions here to try and convince me but if they can't I will not let your organization join my kingdom
Sincerely~ princess y/n

I thought it was perfect and sent it off. The bad part is that I have to leave to go to peach's castle. My best friend is sisters with peach, and peach likes me coming over. The only thing I don't like about her is that she's too much of a positive person. I got on my horse and rode to mushroom kingdom. Not far by horse only takes about a hour ride. Once I got there I put the horse in the stables and walked up to the palace to see peach outside. "Hey peach." I said  walking up to her. "Hey y/n, so what's going on now you don't sound like usual you." She said in a concern tone. "I have to meet up with one of Count Bleck's minions to see if they can join my kingdom." I told her in a annoyed voice. She nodded and told me that shadow might be able to help so I headed to her place. When I arrived it looked like peach's kingdom but more dark. "Hey shadow!" I said as I ran up and hugged her. she hugged back with a smile. "Hi y/n I missed you anyway how's it going with Bleck?" Shadow asked with one eyebrow raised. "Well he's sending one of his minions tomorrow." I told her and she nodded. "Well I better be heading home." I told her and we waved as I headed off home.
Time skip
When I arrived home I found another letter on my door step. The note read:
Princess, I will be sending two of my minions I picked out. They will be there by noon and will talk to you.
Yours truly~ Count Bleck

'Great' was the only thought that came into my mind when he sent that letter. I walked inside and it started raining. I just feel lonely when it rains. I got dressed into pajamas and got into bed. 'I wish I wasn't so lonely ' was all I thought before I fell asleep.

Mr.l p.o.v.
"You will be going with dimentio to Princess y/n 's house so be ready by 10 a.m" Bleck said as he passed my room.
I nodded and kept working on bro bot. 'I'm meeting a girl maybe she might be the one.' I thought to myself as I grabbed my wrench. "No that would be silly I would never find the one for me she would never like me." I said aloud to myself. Just loneliness has me trapped in a hole that I want out of. 'No princess would ever want me.' I thought to myself as a tear fell. I felt weak crying but I only do this when I'm alone. I wiped it away then went into the bathroom to clean up and put on pajamas. 'This will be a long night.. but I might as well get some sleep before I leave Tomorrow.' I thought to myself as I laid down and went to sleep.
3rd p.o.v.
Both of them woke up in the morning and got ready. Mr.l and dimentio were on their way to the castle while the princess waited. When they arrived the princess greeted them and let them in.
Y/n p.o.v
"Well hello boys you must be Count Bleck's minions he mentioned." I said smiling at both of them and they both nodded. The one was really cute.. no hot. He had his brown hair popping out from under his dark green hat, black clothes with two gold buttons and belt. He looked just like Luigi only darker. Then the other guy who looked like a idiot. He looked like as if he were a clown. "Yes and we're here to join our nation with yours." The black and white guy said. "And I'm dimentio and that's mr.l" He black and white guy said then pointed to the hot guy. "Alright you can join my nation." I told them and they smiled. "Bleck would be happy." Dimentio said and mr.l wouldn't look at me. "So princess are you married or something..." mr.l asked with a blush. "Umm no actually I don't have anyone." I told him and his eyes seemed to widen a little. "Why you ask?" I asked him while blushing and he just shrugged and hid his face under his hat. "Awwh L has a crush." Dimentio teased him and then laughed.
Mr.l p.o.v

Dimentio won't stop teasing me about having a crush on her. I mean I just met her and I'm already starting to like her. I just keep hiding my face because my blush on my face will be too embarrassing. I'm just to scared of it and I know she won't like me back. "Mr.l are you okay?" Y/n asked me as I was lost in thought. I just nodded and smiled at her. We finished and left to go home. I felt something grab my arm when I turned around it was y/n. "Yeah?" I asked with a blush on my face. She handed me a piece of paper and walked away. I opened it and it was her number! I smiled and walked home after that we talked for a while and I asked her out, she said yes now I'm going over to her house for our first date.

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