02|| 'Partnership?' Rejected

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Lilac Carter

Almost after the incident, I excused myself and got out of Ball Dance.

I ran towards the table where Taehyung and JaeYoung were seated. As soon as I reached the table, Taehyung caught the glimpse of my flushed cheeks which I tried to hide, but failed miserably.

"Gurll, who got you blushing like that!?" Taehyung asked in a teasing way with a smirk lingering on his face. The smirk grew when he saw Jungkook walking behind me. Goshh!! imma kill him! Lilac just do it, I'll sponsor you the weapons too!

"Shut the fuck up Taehyung!" I said while trying my best to not throw my hands on him. Well I don't want him to lose his image near his 'Childhood Sweetheart'

"What's up guys?" said Jungkook while coming back in the frame. "Nothing" I replied while still shooting daggers with my eyes. If looks could kill people, then I bet, what I'm currently wearing is perfect for Taehyung's funeral.

"Should we grab more drinks?" JaeYoung asked in a lower voice trying to divert me and my brother from this toxic atmosphere. I could see how Taehyung thanked JaeYoung for diverting me.

The night went long and we drank moderately, trying our best to maintain our image instead of getting drunk like other cheap CEOs did. This is why I don't prefer drinking in the parties where your every action will cost you one customer in future.

Dropping off Taehyung back in his home, I drove to mine, thinking how good a hot water bath now would feel.


Getting into the bathtub filled with hot burning water, I soaked myself in the bathtub full of blue bubbles. The only thing which can calm me down after Taehyung.

I slowly tugged my imperfect hair strand behind my ear which made me remember that incident.

'Yeppeo' his voice ran inside my head which I couldn't seem to ignore. His deep, raspy voice was clearly ringing in my ears despite the loud orchestral music that was playing in the background. 'What's happening with me?' I asked myself, when I saw my reflection in the full size mirror placed beside my bathtub.

I saw my cheeks turn in the hue of crimson red, just by the thought of 'Him'. This never happened with me in this span of 3 years. I only felt this with my Ex. But I'm damn sure that he never made me feel this 'Feeling'. Then what is this..? 'What am I feeling?'

°•° 3 Weeks Later °•°

It's been three weeks since I met the Jeon Siblings. These three weeks were kind of hectic becuz of the new project my company is working on.

Since the day of the Ball, I started getting many Partnership Requests which I'm rejecting. Just the way Taehyung told me, Politely.

In those Partnership Requests, one was of my Ex. They literally meant it when they said, Think of the Demon, and he will be there, I thought of my dumbass Ex, and the next day he was in my Office.

The Ceo of a falling company, Shin Corps., Shin Hyungseok is the one whom I'm talking about. I still don't understand what I saw in him, that I was ready to leave my company for him *face palm*

Well, that's why they also say that 'Love Is Blind' well yeah, I was blind to blindly trust him, and then the reality hit me like a damn fucking bullet train. I guess that's what I deserve to love him like a fool.

Shaking my head to get out of these idiotic thoughts which did nothing good to me, I looked at my Laptop to focus on the E-Mail I was typing to reject another Letter of Making of a Partnership.

This concentration was disturbed by a beep on my desk, it was by my Secretary Ms.Choi.

"Yes, Emily?" I responded to her call with her first name. "The Ceo of JJK, Mr. Jeon Jungkook is here to meet you Ma'am" Emily said through the intercom which made me roll my eyes at his name. "Does he have an appointment, Emily?" "N-No ma'am. But he says it's a really important emergency and only you can help." she said, while I listen to him making her say that. 'What could be so bad that only I can help?' "Ok let him in"

I said, and the intercom stopped beeping. Soon I started hearing the faint voice of loud footsteps getting closer and closer with each second passing by. Soon his blurred figure was in my sight through the translucent glass of my cabin.

Not a second later a figure rushed into my office, almost slamming the door so hard that it would definitely break the door in two or more pieces. I knew this would happen by seeing his pace of walking. But by God's grace, my door is all safe and sound, in one single piece.

"Don't you know how to knock, Mr.Jeon?" I said mockingly which made him roll his eyes, while his buffed chest was going up and down, and his grey sweatshirt, actually soaked in sweat.

"First tell me where on the Earth is Taehyung?" He asked. He wants to meet Taehyung? At 9:30am on a Monday? Shouldn't he as well as Taehyung be in their respective offices by this time?

"I'm not a GPS tracker for your information." Now- I'm done with his shit.

"JaeYoung is not at home!!! She sneaked out at 1;30 am in a Grey Audi! And Taehyung has one!!! She isn't even picking up my calls nor hyung is!" He practically screamed for which I scrunched my nose. I hate noise. I set my table for a minute and then calmly replied to his queries.

"One, JaeYoung is Above-Age and can do whatever she wants. Even go out with Tae or anything further than a kiss. Two, Taehyung is responsible so don't worry she is safe." I said and giving him a smile, which actually meant 'now please fuck off'.

"Are you sure s-she's safe?" He asked me hesitantly. Wait? Is he actually 'protective' big brother like Taehyung is for me?

"Yes she is." I assured him, for which he only nodded and left with his head hanging low. 'Aww, is he actually that big brother who gets scared if he don't get to see his baby sister early in the morning??' 'soo cuteee' said Lilac nearly drooling over this scene of Jungkook. Well, not to lie, that was actually soo good of Jungkook.

But a little more of over protective *eye roll*

Soon after Jungkook left, I picked up my phone to call Taehyung. Where the fuck is this boy?

After a few rings, a sleepy Taehyung picked the call and I'm sure, he was wide awake after my 'greeting'. "Where the hell are you Taehyung??! Is JaeYoung with you?" I directly started interrogating him. "I'm in my Penthouse near Han River. And yes JaeYoungie is with me" I swear I can imagine him blushing at this sentence. And what's with JaeYoung 'ie' !!? - I thought to myself and just hummed.

"Bring back JaeYoung if you don't want to die young" I said, more likely warned him. "What do you mean?" He asked with clear confusion in his voice. "Jungkook just dashed into my office searching for you and JaeYoung. Be here with her if you love your life". I said and cut the call.


In an hour, the peace maintained in my office was destroyed as soon as Taehyung walked into my office. That too HANDS IN HANDS with JaeYoung.

I knew that something was happening. "Good morning" JaeYoung greeted me while I just gave a smile in return. And then again, my gaze was on their hands locked with each other.

"So... How was your night together" I asked and I could see Taehyung mumbling curses under his breath and Jaeyoung's face turning red.

I love teasing him

"Will you mind shutting your mouth up?" He asked while gritting his teeth while I just mouthed a 'NO' which he failed to notice.

Not so soon after, my door was opened without permission. Not again- I mumbled to myself when I saw Fully formally dressed Jungkook walk into my cabin. WHERE IS EMILY?! AND THE GUARDS?!!!!

"Mr.Jeon, I suggest you to learn how to knoc-" even before I could complete my sentence, Jungkook pulled Taehyung by his blazer to stand up in front of him. Nice drama to see. Lily, do you have some popcorn??? - I wish I had.

"Did anything happen hyung?" He asked while Taehyung raised his hand up showing he's surrendering. "No," Taehyung replied. Even before Tae could continue, I saw JaeYoung pull Jungkook away from Taehyung. Should we step in and stop Jungkook? Nahh, let's wait.

"Did you do anything with her hyung?" Jungkook asked again. "No Jungkook. I swear, I just showed her the night view from Han River, and then when she fell asleep I took her to my Penthouse nearby" Taehyung detailed the whole story while Jungkook just left him.

He's just worried for his sister. Even Taehyung would do the same if he wouldn't find you in your bed at fucking 1;30am instead find you with a guy.

"I'm sorry hyung. It was just that I was scared." Jungkook said as he hugged Taehyung hard. I saw Taehyung's eyes widen. Even JaeYoung's.

"But please, inform me before you go somewhere. Even if it's freaking 3 am." He said, making Tae and JaeYoung nod.

"Can you drop me off to my office on your way ?" JaeYoung asked Taehyung, but Jungkook opened his mouth. Maybe to answer, but soon he shut his mouth with the realisation that it was for Taehyung. "Hm" Taehyung just hummed while ruffling Jaeyoung's hair. Cute sight to see. With that, Taehyung and JaeYoung left my office.

I looked at Jungkook giving him 'when-will-you-fuck-off?' look but he just shot me a smile and walked towards my desk, sitting on the chair opposite to mine.

"So how are you Lily? Sorry I couldn't greet you properly becuz of these." he said with disbelief taking over his voice. He was actually scared for her.

"I would appreciate if you be a bit professional Mr.Jeon"

"Oh fine then, Ms.Carter" his Busan accent is enough for that unfamiliar feeling to take over my body.

"Ok. Now I'm actually being a bit professional. Ms.Carter, you know that my company is all about Leather Products and Accessories. And to be an all-rounder company for beauty and accessories, all I need is to make up with cosmetics." He gave a pause to see my reaction, while I maintained my all time cold look. Seeing this he continued,

"So being the no.1 cosmetic company, would you like to make up a partnership?" He asked while I just listened to him patiently. Again. Another partnership request.

"What will I gain with the partnership?" I asked leaning on my chair, while half-spinning it and my legs crossed upon each other.

"Do you know how poor your marketing is?" He questioned for which I raised an eyebrow how dare he?

"Your choices with models and editors is poor. And I hope you heard, 'What we see, we believe'. But in case of business it's 'What we see, we buy'."

"So now you are saying my marketing is poor?"

"Yepp, your products are the best. No doubt, but you aren't utilising it." He said as he leaned back on his chair, playing with my paper weight, spinning it.

Well, this is actually true. But why didn't I think of it first. Now that he told me, I will actually work on this.

"So how about, I help you with Marketing, and you help me by giving a small extension of your company?" "We will have equal profits." He concluded but even this time it's the same answer.

"Sorry Mr.Jeon but no, thank you." I said and I took the file I had to review.

"What 'No'?!" he repeated for which I nodded.

"Did you just say 'No'?" he gasped, making me sigh. I dropped the pen I was holding and placed my elbows on the desk, bringing my palms on each other and placing my face on it.

"Yes I said no. N-O 'No Thank you' in English, 'Aniyo, gwaenchan-hseubnida' in Korean, 'No, Gracias' in Spanish, 'No, Grazie' in Italian and 'Non, Merci' in French. Do you want to hear it in any other language Mr.Jeon?" I asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, Hindi?"

"'Nahi, Dhanyawad' ." I replied, for which he just seemed to be done.

Well this was the best rejection I have ever done.

He just stood up and mumbled 'thank you' with a defeated look on his face.

Not a single rejection in my life made me feel this way. It felt funny to irritate him. And to be honest, he was looking soo cute in that annoyed pout. To see that pout again and again, I would annoy him more, I swear.


Word Count: 2153

Woah! A long chapter, and took longer than expected to finish. Hope you liked it.

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