43|| Cooking

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Inha Choi

"I wanna, but I'm hungry as fuck..." Lily mumbled like a kid with her lower lip pushed up into a pout which was adorable for Jungkook.

"Are you sure you don't have split personality?" He mumbled while caressing her waist underwater. She was still seated on his lap which neither of them minded.

"100%" She smirked and captured his lips again. "If you really wanna eat then stop doing this... Orelse i swear i won't let you eat till midnight." He groaned as soon as they pulled out of the kiss.

Lily slowly gulped making him burst out into laughter. "Wait here..." He said before standing up. The towels were in his reach and as soon as he stood up, Lily turned her head away with a tint painting over her cheeks.

"Why are you shy? You saw everything." Jungkook chuckled in a husky tone making her look at him. He smiled at her again and her eyes slowly moved down at his wet upper body. Checking him out.

The water droplets slowly trickled down his toned chest and made its way to his vline, disappearing when they met his towel.

"If you want then we can skip the dinner.." he smirked while a open towel was spread on his hands. "Come here.." he said and Lily shook her head.

"What? I just saw you stripping and you were sitting on my lap! Naked.."

"So what? Give me that towel and turn around." She spat making him chuckle with his hands up in air as if he was surrendering.

"As you say ma'am" Lily slowly stood up in the water and wrapped the towel around her torso.

"Done?" He asked slowly and heard a hum. He turned and Lily rested her arm on his shoulder, talking a support to get out of the bathtub without slipping.

"Hey don't!" Lily stopped on her tracks and looked at Jungkook with a confused face.

"Um... I wanna pick you up..." Jungkook's lips pressed into a thin line and he looked at her with his big doe eyes. "Why?" Lily questioned while her hand still rested on his shoulder. Jungkook's arm slowly wrapped around her waist and he looked at her with love and adore filled in his eyes.

"Just a part of my plan..." He said with a bunny smile. A shy smile curved onto Lily's lips and she leaned in, pecking his cheeks.

With that, Jungkook hooked his arm under her knee and another hand was on her back, balancing her before picking her up.

A gasp left Lily's mouth and she sweared, she could never get used to this. "Kookie.." she slowly called him out, her voice was almost inaudible.

"Im sorry... I ruined the mood" she said, looking at everywhere but his eyes.

"Hey... It's fine, your comfort is much more important and who told you that I'm going to drop my plan huh? I'll continue it after you eat something" a wink punctuated his sentence and a hit was what she replied with.

Jungkook slowly made her sit on the bed and Lily's hand were still loosely wrapped around his waist.

"Let go?" Jungkook gulped at her puppy eyes. A small pull by his waist was a clear call for him.

His hand slowly pushed Lily by her shoulder, making her fall on the bed. Along with her, Jungkook fell on his side making Lily giggle. He clearly understood the assignment.

Lily threw her leg on his and her upperbody was on his body while she attacked him with kisses. "I don't wanna let go you." The cheesy line made him laugh.

"Leave me.. you... gotta eat!" Jungkook said in between of his laughs. "It's tickling!" He complained and Lily stopped them while panting hard.

"I love you.." he said while his hands were pushing back some of the hair strands on her face. Their faces were so close and Lily replied with capturing his lips.

A few minutes into the deep passionate kiss made them pull out while catching their breaths.

"You seriously have to eat Lil.." he said getting up and walking towards the shared closet. After a few minutes, he came out with her clothes.

"Dress up.." he mumbled slowly and handed her the clothes. "Okay." She mumbled back and pecked his cheeks with a giggle.


Lily walked down the stairs while rubbing her hands together, applying her hand cream. Jungkook was already in the kitchen, finding the items with which he can make something for her.

"What do you want to eat?" His back faced her while he was still searching in the cabinets.

"You..." She said in a low, seductive voice making him roll his eyes. "I swear I'll pin you to this island and fuck you like there's no tomorrow." His growled while pointing on the kitchen island on which Lily was resting her elbows, making a plank so that her face can rest on it.

Their faces were inches far from each other and their hot breaths were mixing.

"Veggie roll..? Can you make me some?" Lily breathed out and Jungkook replied with a smile.

"Of course! But I need assistance.." he backed off with a clap.

"Assistant! Grab vegetables!" He ordered making Lily get down the stool. "Aye aye Captain" she winked with the signature pirate salute.

"Onion, tomatoes, lettuce and carrots!" She placed them all and took a bite of the raw carrot. She loves carrots!

"Okk! Now, I'll wash them up.." the veggies were soon dumped into the strainer and were placed into the sink, letting them bath in luke warm water.

"Lil, grab the flour." Jungkook ordered, while his hands momentarily shuffled the vegetables in the strainer.

"Why should I do everything?" Lily looked at him with squinted eyes. "Are you hanging out with Suga hyung?" He chuckled, shifting the veggies into the dry container to cut them.

"From where did he come from?" Her expressions were same like the previous once. "That look... It's copyrighted by hyung." His finger bobbed her nose and she roared at him, threatening to bite his finger.

"Do it! Get the flour from there." Jungkook pointed his chin up in the air, indicating the cabinate next to the gas. His look was nudging her to do the work while his hands were skillfully slicing the carrots.

Lily nodded with a hum, her hand stole some pieces of carrots making Jungkook scold her for her behaviour.

Obviously, playfully.

"Ah.. comeon!" She muttered to herself while standing on her tippy toes. Blaming her not-so short height. "Why is the cabinets so high!!?" She complained, trying to grab that jar with 'flour' marked on it.

Lilac tried jumping and she almost succeeded. The container was at the verge on falling and one push from a side can make it land perfectly in her arms according to her calculations. But the poor girl was bad at physics by birth.

"Last time... 1...2..-"

"Lily?" Her concentration was destroyed by his sudden call of her own name making her look at the man sitting on the counter.

Lily looked up at the falling container which looked like it was happening in slow motion. Her eyes widened and she shut her eyes closed, putting her arms wide just to catch the container, which looked so impossible to her.

A short yell was followed by a huge gasp making the girl look at the heavy container in her hands. "Woah! Nice one! You should be in the baseball team of S.K" Jungkook chuckled at the drama happening.

"Yah! You were supposed to save me!"

"Save you..? From what?" His voice was filled confusion, while his eyebrows were raised up in air, thinking of all logical reasons for saving 'her' from that mere jar of flour.

"What if that jar fell on my head? I could have been hurt really badly which could have made me go into a coma or something!" She huffed, placing the jar on the counter.

"Dramatic ass!" Jungkook chuckled and recieved a hit on his bicep.

"Tell me, you want your tomatoes to be diced or cut into circles?"

"Circles please!"

"Noted!" The couple giggled. "The veggies are done... But now comes the issue.." Jungkook said with hesitation.

"What happened..? Are we running out of any ingredient?" Lily questioned and recieved a shook of head.

"I don't know how to knead the dough.."


One of my personal favourite chapter!!😂

The story is almost at its climax but i wont tell you the number of chapters left 😶☁️

Thank you for reading 'Mr & Mrs Ceo'
Pls vote and support!

~Inha Choi.

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