66|| Regret

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Jeon Lilac Carter

I was happy, my parents started hurting me.

I was happy again, Hyungseok decided to cheat on me.

I was happy once again, my company got sabotaged.

I was finally happy, and Jungkook decided to do this to me.

Why? Why is the life so mean to me? What have I ever done to deserve this?

Am I not worthy enough for a proper, happy and peaceful life?

"You are worthy enough." Hyungseok's voice got me out of my thoughts as I looked at him with wide eyes. Its not like he has not done it before. It used to be as if he could read my thoughts.

Once focusing back on Hyungseok, I saw him bending down, uncomfortably closer to me.

"Take deep breaths. I will never be foolish enough to hurt you again, Lily baby." he breathed out, his voice was just like honey. Sweet. But with past experiences I can definately say that you should not trust that voice of his.

He's a manipulative bitch.

His hands worked behind my back as he slowly undid those knots of the ropes, loosening them around my arms but not my legs.

"Sorry, but gotta keep those for some more time." he said, pointing out the ropes around my ankles. He definately learned his lesson after he tried to get hold of me. My kicks are strong enough and he knows that.

The iron door on my right corner opened, and few foot steps were heard. Around 2 members.

"The transformer had a blast, master. They are trying their best to restore the electricity." a man with croaky voice said, his voice having respect and fear for Hyungseok.

"Okay, leave us alone." Hyungseok replied, and then a thud was heard. The wooden stool was dragged until it was near mine, and Hyungseok plopped over it, followed by the thud of that iron door.

"I want you to listen to me, babybear." he sat down with a towel in his hand.

"Firstly, it's gonna sting okay?" I nod. His hand came up to my face while his eyes glittered with a familiar glint. Its been quite a long time that I saw it in his eyes.

His hands slowly dabbed the wet towel onto my forehead, his lips held that small smile permanently while his blue eyes just looked at my face with adoration.

Where did we go wrong?

He always loved me. So did I.

But he lied to me, he cheated on me, he hurts innocent souls on daily basis. And that all cannot be forgiven.

But even Jungkook lied to me.

Maybe he hurts innocent souls on daily basis too.

Did he ever cheat on me? No, and i can bet it on my life.

"I'm really sorry for what happened between us. I should have waited. I swear, i should have not done that behind your back. But even I'm a man with needs right?" his hands slowly wiped the dust on my face, reaching my lower lip while doing so.

"That's not a fucking excuse to get your dick into other's pussies." I said, firmly. His eyes lowered, is he guilty?

"But, I regret everything I did. Don't you too? As soon as I got to know about this 'verbal contract' marraige of yours, i tried warning you. I tried calling you heck number of times, even talk to your parents, but you didnt listen to neither of us." he said and my mind floated back to that incident.


Next day after meeting Jungkook's parents.

"You sure, you don't want me to come?" Jungkook asked me, and i nodded.

"I'll try to be as quick as possible, and hope that they won't come to this wedding." I said, finger crossing over each other. Jungkook nodded and chuckled, patting my head before i got out of the car.

"Lily," Jungkook called me. I looked back at him, bending over the passanger seat to talk to me.

"Have a smile on your face the whole time." he mumbled, his fingers pushing up the corner of my lips into a smile. I tired biting his fingers but he was quick to pull them back to him.

"Remember to smile." he shout from the car and I nod, before closing the door.

I took in a deep breath, looking at those stairs which led to the house which was mine a long time ago.

The stairs were still the same, the door was still the same, the garden was still the same. What changed? The love that my parents held for me. Why? I'm a girl child.

But it's not my fault that my mom has some health issues. Not my fault that dad's seed had X chromosome instead of y.

Huffing slightly, I took my legs up the stairs, not at all ready to face those smiles of my 'once' family.

Reaching up the antique door bell, i rang it, waiting for someone to open the door. And that someone had to be my mother.

Fuck my life. Why not any other maid?

"Lily– Lilac! Is that you?" her perfectly manicured nails reached up her red-lipped mouth, which was in an 'o' shape.

Me too mother, me too. Never have I ever thought that I would be back at this doorstep on my own. I'm doing this for Jungkook and Mom.

"You can see me." Yeah, unless you are on 'no-no powder' you can not hallucinate me.

"Yes. I can! I'm just too... stunned to see you here again! Come in. Please come in." I nod. A smile lingering on my lips just like Jungkook asked me to have.

"Honey! See who's here!" mother's voice echoed through the mansion's walls, while i looked around. Nothing much changed. The things were in their places, just like they were 10 years ago. I can't believe it's gonna be a decade since i didn't step into this house.

"Why are you screaming, I am not dea– Lily?" father widened his eyes. His hand holding a newspaper while his reading glasses stood on the tip of his nose.

He removed his glasses and looked at me again, giving a similar reaction to the previous one. He ran downstairs, looking at me with a huge smile.

"Lily.... Baby... We missed you." his voice quivered.

"Its Lilac for you, father." I said, and the smile on their faces dropped like expected.

"Ah- yeah, Lilac. How have you been, daughter?" he asked, gesturing towards the couch.

Both, mother and father eyed the basket in my hand, covered with white netted cloth. The wedding invitation.

"Im doing well. I really don't wish to beat around the bushes right now. I'm getting married." gasps filled the room as I looked at those maids who were hiding behind the curtains.

"What?" she asked, and i looked back at her.

"You heard me. I'm getting married." I said, handling the basket to father as his shaky hands opened the knot.

"Lilac Catherine Carter with Jeon Jung Gguk." another trail of gasps were heard and I glared at those maids through the curtain.

"Lilac? What the hell?" mother gasped, tears brimming at the corner of her eyes.

"Seokie! He- how can you do this to him?"

"Mother. Firstly, we broke up, 4 years ago. Is that too tough to digest?" I said.

"But, but he's perfect for you." she tried to argue.

"He slept with bunch of women." I stated, for the hundredth time.

"So what? He's a young man with needs, it was you who didn't satisfy him. Be thankful that he still likes you, despite your attitude."  Despite my attitude?

"Calling me by the name Laura? The very next day of fucking another girl on the bed I used to sleep? Father, that's not a fucking mistake!"

"Lilac, mind your language."

"Mind your mind first! Are you even in your senses? Trying to set up your own daughter with someone as cheap as Hyungseok? Siding him when the whole mistake was his? Do you guys even call yourselves parents in the first place?" I burst. I did. It felt good though, saying everything which I wanted to since years.

"Lilac, we understand that you are angry on us, but try understanding Jungkook is not the guy you are thinking he is! You should stay as far as you can from hi–" mother argued. My palm in the air got her sentence to halt.

"Woah. The irony! Mother, you know what? Wait, let it be. Its a waste of time to explain you shit. I'm leaving. I was only here to invite you for my wedding. If you love me an ounce, you won't show up that day." I stood up, and my hands instinctively smoothened the creases on my skirt.

"I thought we would atleast get closer with time." I said, voice as hard as stone.

"I'm leaving." I announced and started walking towards the door. My patience was on its last straw and Jungkook is the only one who can calm me down.

"Lilac Carter, you'll regret this." father's stern voice made me halt my steps.

"Regret my ass," I mumbled under my breath.

"Father, I guess you are mistaken. I'm Lilac Carter, and I don't regret my choices. This one's gonna be the same." with that, I take my final steps out of the mansion. My mother's screechy screams were ignored by my ears while I threw a 'peace' sign out in the air.


Jungkook, please don't make me regret this decision of mine.



Idk hows it, but i wanted to update cuz, a lot! I actually mean i lot of people added 'Mr. & Mrs. Ceo' to their reading lists.

I really love you guys for supporting this book. <3

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~Inha Choi.

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