69|| But I Still Want You

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Jeon Lilac Carter

I need Jungkook asap. A. S. A. P.

You've been saying that for alot of time Lilac.

Becuz i need him. We need him.

I lift my head up to look at Hyungseok mumbling curses at someone. Unlucky bitch on the other side of the call.


"Oh you are awake!" he exclaimed as soon as he turned. Over dramatic basturd. As if I ever slept. He just ended the call abruptly and walked towards me.

"Hyungseok, I'm sick of sitting here... Can you unchain my legs, they are basically scratching off my skin." I said, feeling sick. I don't know what's happening with me, but my chest is paining.

"Oh baby, I'm afraid I can't do that for you." he called as he neared towards my face. He was half squatting, trying to not dirty his white suite.

"You wanna eat something? Your favourite custard pie?" It is no more my favourite cuz of this basturd here.

"No." I'm hungry. So famished that I can eat anything. Except sweet. Yeah, except sweet. I wanna eat something sour.

"You still look the same." he whispered, his cigar breath hitting my face. Ew go brush your teeth man.

"Hyungseok, get away!" I said pushing him.

"Why cant you see my struggles to get back with you?" Becuz i don't want you! I'm married! I want Jungkook.

Hunger and headache shot up my system together. I felt weak, miserable. Which is why I gave up. Hyungseok held both of my wrists as he squatted down, his face extremely close to my face.

I looked at him in the eyes. His eyes on my lips. It is disgusting me. Imma puke.




Come and get me koo.

Where are you!?

I need you

No I'm angry at him.

But i still want you.

Jungkook take me away from this monster.

He is not less than a monster himself.

Atleast he loves me truly.

You never know.

I hate to think this.

Jungkook. All I want is to be in your arms. Please come and get me.

"Deep into thoughts, babygirl?"

This man is disgusting Koo. Take me away from here. I need yo–

His one hand was enough to get hold onto both of my wrists. My legs we already tied. His breath neared towards my face as my eyes shut closed. I could feel his breath on my lips.

Jungkook please. I don't wanna be here. I need you koo.

I need yo–

My eyes opened at the sudden bang which made me flinch. Hyungseok just looked at the metallic door which broke open and

It was Jungkook.

"Back off before i empty my bullets into your head, Hyungseok!" Hyungseok's head snapped to look at Jungkook, who had free hands. His chest was tied up in leather harness and so was his right tigh. I could see 3 guns on his body. But he was still calm, collected and super super angry.

He looks hot– You are getting us distracted.

"Voilà! Look the king is here for his Queen!" Hyungseok clapped his hands once, sarcasm dripping of his voice. Jungkook's eyes widened and he was about to lunge on Hyungseok, but Jimin was fast to get a hold over him.

"A little late but it's fine, i guess." Hyungseok chuckled as he walked towards Jungkook who was still in Jimin's hold.

I could practically see Jungkook growling at Hyungseok like an animal. A Lion. The King. Hyungseok leaned in, nearing Jungkook's right ear. Looks like he whispered somethi-

The loud thud got me startled. Jungkook tackled Hyungseok down to the ground, despite of Jimin trying to hold him in place. He threw punches blindly. Some were missed, but the rest managed to hit Hyungseok right in his face, dirtying his pale skin, staining it with the blood that was flowing down his punctured lower lip and nose.

"How. Dare. You?" each punch was punctuated with a punch on Hyungseok's face while he just snickered.

The punches didn't stop. Until this moment. Jimin pulled Jungkook by his tattooed bicep, trying to get him up from the poor, not-so poor man. Pulling the half-beaten, Hyungseok up by his collar, Jungkook painted the white cloth red. Before pushing him back.

I don't know who's blood it is, but Hyungseok's face and Jungkook's tattooed knuckles had the same situation. Fucked up. Hyungseok groaned once his back crashed onto the floor. He was still laughing. Maniac. Jimin finally let Jungkook's arm go when he was in a safe distance with Hyungseok.

He was panting. He was sweated. He just starred at the wall behind my chair. And I'm still chained up to this fucking chair. 
Ignoring the half-beaten man on the floor, Jungkook shot his eyes to a man and then looked up at me.

His eyes were fierce,
But they still held that softness.
His features held anger,
But he still had concern written over them.
He looked like he was fighting a battle,

But his arms were still a safe face.

He was the perfect example of oxymoron at this situation.

Shiver ran down my spine when I looked at a quite young boy walking towards me. His combat boots –that everyone in the room wore– made heavy sound as he neared me.

No. Please don't come closer. I only want Jungkoo

I tried to keep my face calm. The unknown male approached me, swiftly sliding onto his knee as he did something with the chain.

And once it was off, I sighed with relief.

"Queen," his voice was much deeper than Taehyung's. He spread his hand out, waiting for me to give my hand in.

But I refused. I just smiled and stood up myself, and I regret.

The sudden movement got my head spinning. I spread my hands out, trying to balance. Few people gathered, but he was the fastest.

His hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me into his warmth. I still couldn't understand how the fuck did he react so quick. He was sitting far away!

But disgust ran in me and i pushed him away. Out of my will.

"Lil–" a quick hand raise of mine got him to shut his mouth.

I blinked my eyes, try to stop the dizzy feeling. We hadn't eaten anything since a long time.

I finally opened my eyes to see men standing infront of the door, in a straight line Jungkook spread his hand out for me to take it, but i ignored it and looked ahead.

That's when I noticed they were quite a few of them, Jimin being one of them.

Jungkook led the way as I followed him. Men lied on the floor with blood surrounding them. The sight i never wanted to witness in real life.

People were stabbed at different places, few had bullet in their skull and rest had knife stabs. But alot of them were lying there, no hurt or whatsoever. How did they die? Maybe some martial arts.

The whole way through the building I walked with my eyes partially close. I couldn't stand looking at those especially knowing that were dead bodies.

Once we were out, i breathed in the night air as my body relaxed. I am out. I'm safe now. The car stopped infront of me as i opened my eyes. Jungkook opened the door for me and I got into the car.

The ride was silent. It was only 4 of us. Jimin,  Jungkook and myself. The fourth person was someone with dark chestnut haired man who only looked ahead.

My heart and mind were racing, and the only thing I wonder is,

What did Hyungseok say that made Jungkook react like that?



I had to post this to celebrate happy 6k!

Thank you for reading 'Mr & Mrs Ceo'
Pls vote and support!

~Inha Choi.

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