77|| The Puppet

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Jeon Jungkook

"I want you to jam all the signals." I mutter in a hushed voice and a few clicks later, Soobin replies back, "Done, sir."

I look at Jimin hyung through my –half– face mask which didn't cover our mouths. Mine was a beautiful black studded bunny, whereas Hyung's is a purple half face masquerade mask that has silver studs swirling around. I looked at him, planning our next move. For now, all the communication devices except our's is blocked. It is to create chaos in the building. Jimin hyung is stuck to the almost-broken wall, trying to hide in the shadows.

Along with Jimin hyung and me, we have Namjoon and Hobi hyung. They're out, waiting there as a back up. I look at Jimin hyung, his adam's apple bobbing up and down in anticipation.

We don't know the count of people in there, heck we don't even know if they are armed. So why are we here? It's because we noticed a pattern.

Everytime Hyungseok decided to hide, the transactions done by Black Feathers didn't stop. Nothing related to Black Feathers ever really stopped even though Hyungseok was no more there.

That can only mean one thing, a puppet. The only way this is possible is that Hyungseok having a puppet planted here. Someone we don't know. And right now, we are hunting for that same puppet.

You, distract and I'll go kill. I sign towards Jimin hyung, and a subtle nod made me nod back. He picks out a smoke bomb from the pockets of his pant, and threw the bomb in the opposite side where we were standing.

Thank goodness for this building being totally disheveled. The walls were almost broken and the building was swallowed by the nature. Noone even in their dreams could even think of this place being a lobby.

Then how did we get to know? It was because of some random unknown person sending us this location through a video. Are we walking in a trap? Maybe. But my gut feeling says, it's not a trap.

The smoke bomb successfully caught the guards' attention as I sneaked behind one of them. Even before he could notice me and shout to alert others, I covered his mouth and my knife was quick to slice through his throat. I could feel the life evaporating out of his body, as his body fell on the ground with a thump.

The other guards were trying to get out of the smoke, and the body's thump caught their attention. Panic took over their bodies as they tried not to react loudly. I swiftly sneak around one of them again and my knife did the job.

Jimin hyung was slick enough to tackle the other two guards, and now, it's clear. "All clear." I inform in the Bluetooth and walk ahead.

The weed and twigs behind our boots were practically the only sound that was audible. I walk towards the dead bodies that slumped over each other, searching for some kind of ID or something. Shrugging, I picked up their guns and tucked them in my pants.

"Jungkook, over here." Jimin hyung says, his voice was merely above a whisper. I walk towards him, and saw a basement door kind of thing that was hidden behind woods and branches of creepers.

"It can only be opened from the inside." he informs and i nod. "Soobin, can you hack into this?" I asked, hearing a 'yes' from the other line. "And it's open for you, sir." he says and i nod, forgetting he can't look at me.

"Sending a drone." he informs, "An armed one so that noone escapes." I add.

With that, I open the door with the help of the little handle that suspended itself after Soobin hacked into it. The red lights were so bright that it practically stabbed my eyes.

Squinting, I take a step inside. Guards unaware of our presence. Jimin hyung and I sticked ourselves to the walls, walking on our tippy toes to catch no unwanted attention. Two guards were facing their backs towards us, Jimin Hyung and I shared a eye contact and attacked them together.

Once they were dead, Jimin hyung patted down the dead guard's body to find any IDs. He nodded looking at me, his hand was repeatedly patting the upper pocket of the guard. "Something's here," he said and i nod.

He plucks out the laminated ID, stating some personal information of the guard, along with employ ID and Barcode. That might be important.

Hyung takes it and we walk ahead. We had to take a right and soon we met a strip of white led. Wait. I stop hyung by sticking my hand out. I stick out my palm, asking for that ID we stole from the guard.

I observe the white led and notice a small slot there. I stick the card inside the slot, and the white led turns green. I take a deep breath in and we walk ahead, fastening our pace. If someone comes from the outside, then we are fucked up.

The more we walked, the closer we got to the noise of people chattering. Soobin is hacking into the cameras, so that we don't get into the trouble.

Our grips onto our weapons tightened as we nodded at each other. 3...2....1 and i kick the doors, grabbing instant attention. Fuck. Bullets started flying around along with screams of women who scrambled around to find some safe spot.

"Where did they com–!?" a fat man screamed but even before he could finish, my bullet got into his skull, leaving a hole just in between his thickass eyebrows. From hell to send you back there, motherfucker.

"I won't hurt anyone, excuse the ones dead." I said, after shooting some bullets onto the floor to grab everyone's attention.

From Z. I remember the text. But I can't ask for someone named Z directly. That might put that person in danger, or risk myself and Jimin hyung into anything.

I look around and one particular person was confident enough. Z. "Leave them, I'll come with you." the one I assume as Z speaks up, I nod. I walk towards the blonde man and tie his hands, "Just in case, bro. No offence." I said and smiled. We walked over where Jimin hyung was standing, gun pointed at a middle aged man.

"Continue with your night, fuckers." Hyung says, and we walked out. We'll come back later and clear this place out.

"Z?" I ask, and he nods, "Zane." he adds and i nod. "I would've given you a shakehand, but you tied me up, Bunny man." he sighs. Jimin hyung shoots him a death glare. I laughed at him.

"Are you offended, your majesty?" he asks and i shake my head. "You reminded me of my wife, your Queen." I smile remembering Lily. Zane scoffs, "I'm a part of Black Feathers, we are totally against Bangtan, the ones who are in rule currently. We neither take you as our king, nor Lilac as our queen." I stop on my tracks after hearing his words.

"Mind your words." Hyung says, pushing Zane forward, while I still stood there, highly offended. We can't kill him soon.

"Just kidding, sir." he raised his hands up in surrender position and i roll my eyes at him.

"Let's get to the point, why did you send that video to us? Whats your relationship with Hyungseok? Whats your intension?" Hyung asked him, while walking out of the basement.

"Calm down, guys." he chuckles.

"Mission successful, Z or also known as Zane is captured. Heading back safely." we walk towards our van and i informed Soobin through the Bluetooth.

"Jaeyoung and Susie ma'am keeps on contacting us." Soobin informs.

"Even after knowing that we're on a mission?"

"Yes," he says and I look at Jimin hyung. "Something's wrong." he says and i nod.

"Sir, I spoke to Jaeyoung, she informed that Seo Eun ma'am is taken to hospital."

"What the fuck." we said in unison, and Zane looked as if we are mad. Of course we are, it's about Seo Eun noona and our baby niece or nephew.

"She's in labor."


I'm finishing this chapter while on a trip😂 i chose to write while actually relaxing cuz writing is something that relaxes my mind. I don't want to write when I'm under pressure of giving an update.

It's been like 15 days that I gave my boards. And in these 15 days I've read 2 books, those were the Cat and Mouse Duo by H.D. Carlton (Haunting and Hunting Adeline.)

I can't believe how similar this chapter and the overall book, especially the character, Z. (I planned this chapter long before I read the books so yeah it's a coincidence) 

And, upon that, rn I'm on a road trip to Goa with my family to celebrate me finishing my 10th. My parents used to live in Goa when they were newly married and i technically lived there too.. (I was in my mom lol)

I'm currently reading A Good Girls Guide To Murder. I've read few chapters (maybe 5) but it's a lil slow start, and I'll probably finish reading it soon cuz it's getting interesting.

My life's been smooth too, cutting out the part that I can't meet my besties anytime soon... But, we have to face these and remember, life goes on.

That's it with my rant, (i couldn't speak to my boyfriend or best friend for 2 days cuz of these packings and last min shoppings so you guys gotta listen to these lol)

Thank you for reading 'Mr. & Mrs. Ceo'
Pls vote and support!

~Inha Choi.

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