80|| Scream My Name

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Jeon Jungkook

"Waiting for me, huh?" I ask, walking in the room. More specifically, the basement under Tae's mansion.

Zane was bloodied, but he now his wounds were healing. He's currently a really important clue to me and I can't even afford to loose him. If I loose him, I loose Hyungseok. I can't let that happen.

"Why not? You are handsome." he says, looking up. I chuckle, looking at my boots. He's far inside the room and I'm near the table that was placed by the door. The table that had all the torture devices.

"And you are a little crooked." I scoff, walking towards him with empty hands. "Ahh, only for you." And I scoff again.

"Flirting, are we?" I walked closer, and Felix was quick enough to grab the chair for me. I sit, face to face with Zane. His hair was all messy and sweaty while his clothes definitely didn't belong to him.

'Of course." he answers. "Okay, let's first finish our business and then flirt." I said, and I sit back, manspreading like usual.

"Why would you send me that video?" I ask and he shrugs. "Felt like being a bad-" and a punch landed on his face.

"Ow man!" he groans, his face bent towards the right.

"Don't act smart with me. I can kill you and still find where Hyungseok is." I say, looking at the heavy rings sitting on my right hand's fingers. It gives extra fun in punching some douchebags like him.

"You've been working with him for like 14 years. Why did you decide to be a mole now?" I asked, bending to get face to face with him.

Felix took the que and he held Zane's face by his hair making him groan.


"Uhm- hey." I turn back to look at the delicate voice. Lily. She can't be here.

Lily started to accept my work but this is too soon to see how I work. "Z-Zane." she gasped and I looked at Felix, and he left his hair.


"Baby, you can't be here already." I get up,  my right hand behind my back as I approached Lily, blocking her off from seeing the man that was tied up and a little bad in condition.

"This is a little bit gore and you should not see this kind of stuff! It'll affect you and champ both." I whisper, my left hand settling on Lily's waist. Her eyes looking at mine and she chuckled.

"I've watched plenty of thriller and horror-"

"She was the reason why I sent that video." Zane shouted, coughing at the end of the sentence and she peeped at him. I turned back, shocked to here.

"I swear, won't joke when I say it's about her, for her." I gulp, turning back at Lily to see at her with my worried eyes. "You'll be fine?" I ask and she nodded, her hand squeezing mine to assure.

"Felix, untie him." she said and I widened my eyes.

"No Lily-" she cut me off with her hand in the air. Uff queen.

"Thanks, princess." he chuckled, pulling his hands back to himself. Zane rubbed his wrists, rope cuts clear on them.

His white shirt was torn and little bloodied and his left eye was blue. Blood oozed out of the fresh cut that was made by my rings.

"How are you?" he asked, and Lily smiled. "I'm good, but I don't think you fulfilled your promise." Lily said standing up and walking towards the first aid box in the corner of the room.

She walked back and sat on the chair, opening the box to take out some cotton. "Uhm... About that, you know it's not easy. But, I decided to this is the end. That's why I sent Jeon something that would help him." I frowned, not understanding the single thing. But I decided to not to interrupt and listen.

"I'm sorry." he said and Lily looked up, confused. Even I was confused. "The car crash, I let that happen." he sighed.

"You were forced to, you couldn't do anything." she smiled a little, dabbing the damp cotton onto his cheek.

"Jeon," I looked at him, asking him to continue. "The reason I sent you that video was because Hyungseok is now getting more and more psychotic, he's planning on something that even I don't know, and he still has his eyes on Lily. And this time I don't wanna stand there looking at your family getting hurt anymore. Now that you are having kids too." Lily and I shared a look and she looked scared. I held her shoulder, rubbing it to tell her that it's gonna be fine.

"Why are you doing this? He would kill you. What about her?"

Zane chuckled, almost sadly, "I am doing this because I have no reason to stay alive anymore, Lily. She's no more." Lily gasped.

"I can die, but never let you to." he said looking at me.

"You are a great king, Jeon. Hyungseok is shit scared of you, but still he's planning an attack. He would not back off." I nod.

"Felix, take him to the guest quaters. Tighten the security. Zane, nothing's gonna happen to you anymore. But I need to know about every plan. We'll talk about that later." he nods, standing up.

"Thanks, bro." he said, walking out with Felix.

"Who was 'she'?" I asked Lily and she sighed. "His daughter. He was a single dad. His girlfriend died while birthing her. I never met her, but with the stories I heard from him, she was an angel. She was born with cystic fibrosis, and the doctors said she wouldn't live long. When I heard about her, she was 7. That's like 5 years ago."

"Zane took care of her as if she was a petal. Never let anything happen to her, and for money, he walked to Hyungseok, earning his trust and money for her medication. But with time her condition worsened. And now you know how worse it must have got." she gulped, tears in her eyes. I pulled her head to my chest, shushing her quietly.

"He always had that spark when he spoke to me, he told me I reminded him of his girlfriend. That's why he helped me to get away from Hyungseok." she sucked a deep breath.

"But now, Jungkook, he lost that spark in his eyes. That will to live." she sobbed and I pulled away, wiping her tears.

"Calm down." I said, swinging her side to side.

"Let's go up, Taehyungie hyung must be searching for you." I said, changing the topic. She nodded and we walked up.

Lily is now cool with Jae and hyung after sharing the news. And now, hyung is over overprotective of her.

"Lily it's 4! You are supposed to be having your juice, what were you doing, huh?" he asked walking towards us with a glass of green-colored juice.

Ewww what's in there?

He would kill us if he gets to know that Lily was down in the bloody basement.

"And you, Jungkook. Grow up! Take your fishing responsibilities!" that's his no-cursing-near-the-baby protocol. With how much habituated he is with cursing, he decided he needs 7 months of practice.

"Okay, hyung, I'll take care of my fishing responsibilities." I sigh, and Lily looked at me with a 'help-me' look. Her cheeks where full of the God knows what juice and she gulped it hardly.

"Can help you with anyyyything, but not when it involves hyung, sorry." I said, shrugging.

Lily groans with her mouth full of another sip and I laugh. I walk near her, bending low to whisper in her ear.

"Anything also includes the exercise in which you scream my name."


Unholy chapter name but nothing unholy in here. Hehe

ALSO! I finished my first co-written book, with my lovely co-author ivyB4winter

Please check out 'Soul Piece' on my profile, I swear it is definitely worth it!

Thank you for reading 'Mr. & Mrs. CEO'
Pls vote & support!

~Inha Choi.

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