3 Days Till Christmas

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"Kyle get up." Melody said. I pulled the covers from my bed over my head and threw a pillow at her. I groaned.

"Kyle it's three days before Christmas. Why aren't you excited. What kid isn't excited for Christmas?" Melody asked. Me. That's who. I took another pillow and put it on my head. Melody slammed a pillow on me. I groaned again.

"Kyle. Tell. Me. What's. Wrong." Melody said between hitting me on the head with the pillow between each word. I rolled over, tangling me self in the pillow. I rolled a little too far and fell off the bed. I laid there doing nothing. The blankets everywhere but on me. Melody's head appeared from the edge of the bed.

"Now you going to tell me?" She asked. I shook my head no. She took a pillow slammed her face in it and dropped back onto the bed. I pulled her wrist and she fell on the floor right next to me. She slammed the pillow she was holding on my face.

"Ugh I hate you." She said. I laughed.

"This isn't funny. I already did my hair and everything." Melody said. I ruffled her hair, messing up the two braids she had made.

"Kyle!" She said loudly. She slammed another pillow on my face. I took mine and slammed it on her.

Then we kinda had a pillow fight. Pillows went flying everywhere. Feathers were floating everywhere. Alice walked in the door and a pillow went flying in her face, spilling the tea she had in her hands when it fell.

We didn't do anything. Alice pulled a feather out or her mouth.

"Garbage duty." She said not screaming, but clearly mad. "Then you clean up this mess. Then you both sit in the living room. No books. No nothing. For an half an hour." We hurried out of the room.

We pulled on hats, gloves, and boots. We slipped into our jackets and took the many, large amounts of garbage bags out the door. We each took two of the eight and started down the long pathway we had to walk.

"We're in so much trouble." Melody said. I shook my head.

"Alice ever get that mad since you moved here?" Melody asked. I shook my head.

"We're in so much trouble." Melody said again. I shook my head again.

We threw out all the garbage bags and hurried back inside. We cleaned up all the feathers in my room. We made the bed, and cleaned up the spilled tea. Melody quickly re-braided her hair and I got changed into black sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. We went into the living room, sat on a coach with our hands in our lap and our heads bent down slightly. Melody had her phone on the table, with a timer on for 30 minutes.

Kelley and Zach walked into the room. Kelley started laughing her head off.

"Geez. What did you guys do? Alice walked into the room with tea all over her. It was so funny and it was so hard not to laugh at." Kelley said laughing. I scrunched up my nose. Kelley better shut up, because I'm already getting mad.

"And then when Melody walked out. Her hair was a complete mess! I videotaped it all. It's now on snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook." Kelley laughed again. Melody slammed another pillow in her face.

"Kelley take those down. You know what happened last time."

"What you got bullied? Geez Melody grow up. It's not a big deal." Kelley said laughing even harder. I could tell Melody was crying. And that was already enough. I jumped off the coach and lunched at Kelley. She screamed at a pitch. I slapped her face, and tried to hit her. But she blocked me and threw a few punches at me, one getting me in the nose. I punched her in the arm. We would have done more, but Melody took hold of me and was holding me from lunging back at her. Zach was doing the same to Kelley.

"You and Melody are wimps. You can't even fight for yourselves." Kelley said. "No wonder you guys get along so well. You're both cowards and weirdos. Especially you Melody." Kelley added. I pulled agents Melody's arms again. Alice ran into the room.

"What in the world happened in here!" She shouted. I pulled away from Melody and walked through the door way, pushing Alice aside. I heard them talking. I didn't care what happened.

"What happened?" Mina said in the hallway. I did nothing just pushed her aside. I walked into my room, happy no one was there. I closed the door and flopped on the bed.

Someone softly knocked on the door a few minutes later. I did nothing. The door opened slowly and footsteps traveled into the room.

"Kyle..." It was Alice. I stayed put and didn't do anything. Alice said nothing for a few moments.

"Kyle. That wasn't nice. You don't hit a girl." Alice said. She started it, I thought. "And I know what words she said. Melody told me. But you still don't jump on a girl and hit her." I didn't do anything. What could I do? I was in trouble. I knew what I was in trouble for and I knew what I had done wasn't good. But still. She started it.

"And come on Kyle. They're having Christmas without their parents. Give them a break." Alice said. I stood up, mad.

"Wait Kyle. I didn't think." Alice said quickly. But she had already said it. I ran out of the room. I ran down the halls through the house and ran out the back door. I didn't put anything on. Not a coat, hat, scarf, gloves or boots. I ran outside in my socks and ran to Ibaleterm. I tripped over a tree root and fell face first into the snow. I stayed there and didn't move.

I don't know how long I stayed there. A while I guess. I heard running footsteps a little while later.

"KYLE!" Melody screamed. She ran towards me. She pulled off her hat and put it on my head.

"Kyle are you crazy!" Melody said. She had tears rolling down her face.

"You've been out here almost 30 minutes!" Melody yelled. "Do you know how scared I was. How scared I am!" She said nothing for a moment, then her tears broke out.

"I didn't know where you where. I was in the living room. And I can't go back Kyle with all those pictures of us up. The bullies they'll come back again." Melody said crying. Her tears fell on the cold, white snow. I hugged her close. She laid down in the snow with me. She took off her jacket and put it on top of us.

We stayed like that for a while. She was crying into my shirt, as I hugged her. We laid on the cold snow, freezing and wet. I didn't care at this point.

"Kyle and I a weirdo?" Melody asked, her head still in my shirt. I shook my head no strongly. I hugged Melody tighter. All those words that Kelley had told her had hit her hard. She was shattered into little pieces. And the worst part was that my best friend was crying like crazy, three days before Christmas, and I could do nothing about it.

Author's Note

So.... Was it bad?

Word Count: 1251

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