Christmas Day ~ Part 2

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"Can we open presents now?" Jazzy asked her mom.

"Fine." She said. "Let's open present now!" She said louder. Everyone came into the room.

Wrapping paper was flying everywhere. I took the present I got for Melody and started looking for her. I saw her looking around for something with a blue gift in her hand. I walked up to her.

"Hey, I was looking for you." She said. I smiled and handed her the present I got her. She handed me the blue present.

"This is for you." She had as she handed me the present. We switched gifts and sat on the floor.

The box was about a foot long. I opened the box slowly. Darker blue tissue paper was on the inside covering up the present. I pulled off the tissue paper and smiled incidentally. Melody had gone above and beyond. A bright orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt was in the box. Camp Half-Blood is the camp Percy goes to in the Percy Jackson books. Each character had a camp t-shirt, now I guess I did too now. On top of the shirt was a knife. A knife from the book. Annabeth Chase's bronze knife to be exact. It wasn't the plastic props ones ether. It was metal. It wasn't cheap ether.

Melody jumped on me, hugging me tightly out of the blue. I smiled because she had opened all that wrapping that took forever.

"Thank you so much Kyle!!!" She said with a huge smile on her face. She flipped through the pages and opened up the cover.

December 25, 2016

Dear Melody,

I knew how much you loved these books so I bought them while we were at Barns and Noble without you knowing.

These are my favorite books of all time, and they taught me many things. They taught me that there's a hero in each on of us, but more importantly they taught me what friendship is. I never thought I could find friendship like that, until we became friends.

So, I guess what I want to say, is thank you. Thank you for being that amazing friend I needed. I hope you read these books well, and love them as much as I do.

Now you can't return them, because I wrote in the book.

Merry Christmas Melody!
From, Kyle

I waited as Melody read the letter that j had spend a whole ton on, trying to make it perfect.

"Kyle," Melody said smiling. "thank you. Thank you so much. This is the best gift anyone has ever given me." I smiled, because this Christmas just couldn't get better.

Alice had gotten Mina a collection of coloring books and special markers. Turns out Mina likes to color and draw. Well, apparently, she loves art. Who knew?

I had picked out a football with the Bears symbol on it for Zach. Only because the first time I met him he said he was a "football star." His words not mine. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I figured he must like the game.

Alice did everything for Kelley. I wrapped all the other presents, but I refused to do Kelley's. I didn't even know what Alice got her. I was kinda hoping a socking filled with coal, but Alice was too nice for that. She got her a nail painting set. Kelley had already opened it up and had started painting her nails in a bright green on the coach. I just wanted her to go away. The coal would have been fine. Just fine.

For Albert. That was hard. We didn't know what he liked or anything. We decided on a pack of Christmas chapter books. They came in a set of five. I wrapped them in green wrapping paper and added a red ribbon with his name on it. He looked pretty happy with them.

For Rose, again, it was hard. I found a little brown stuffed animal horse, that was pretty cute. Alice added a ribbon to it and we called it a day. Rose was carrying the horse all around her. She had decided to name it Magic.

Jake would have been hard for me, but Alice said that he loved cars. Any kind of cars. We got him a pack of small blue cars.

Jack, would have also been hard for me. Alice, once again, said that he loved blocks. Like those big Lego blocks. We got him a pack of those and put them into a bag.

I found a little music set for Jazzy. It had a little drum, mallets, a recorder, and a tambourine. She was banging on that drum to her heart's content. Her parents, on the other hand, didn't look too happy.

Lidia was easy. We got her a small pink bear that was in the baby section. We added another pink blanket to the pack. Lidia had been asleep during all this, but her mom brought it into the room.

Alice and I also got something for Max's seven year old sister Krisi. We got her a little kit so she could make her own teddy bear with a few simple stitches.

Alice had gotten me a t-shirt. I love t-shirts of all kinds all most as much as I love butter. She got me a t-shirt with a Percy Jackson quote on it, and I pretty much loved it. But the second t-shirt was the best. All it said on it was Butter. It had a little picture of butter on toast too and I pretty much loved Alice more after that.

Melody's parents for everything the same thing. In different colors though. Melody's mom had made us each a sweater.

"She makes us one each year. In the same color for each of us." Melody explained.

Mina got a red one. Melody got a magenta one (it's like a purplish and reddish color). Zach and Kelley got a green one. Albert got a honey dew colored one (I don't know where Melody is bringing up these colors, but she is. Honey Dew is like a really light green). Rose got a light pink one. The triplets Jack, Jake, and Jazzy got a salmon colored sweater (it's like a really light orange, with a tint of red. Again all Melody's words). Lidia got a lavender colored one (a really light purple).

Melody's mom gave me a navy blue one. She also gave Alice a sky blue one.

Max and his family each got one too, in gray. A really light gray color.

Each sweater had our names written on them too in black. Melody's dad made us all put them on and stand in front of the Christmas tree for a photo.

After countless photos, and almost being blinded by the flashes, then Melody's dad shouted the beautiful three words.

"Time to eat!"


Author's Note

Hello! Down here. This chapter took forever to write. It's also pretty long.

This is part two of Christmas. I'm going to add a part three. Because I feel like it and I don't want to give up Christmas yet. Even though Thanksgiving just pasted.

Also, if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes please let me know. You can just comment the correction if you want. It helps me a lot.

If you haven't read any Percy Jackson book, one this chapter might have seemed a little confusing with the presets and all. Also it's an amazing series. You all should go and read it because it's amazing. Rick Riordan is an amazing author.

Thanks for the reads and the votes!!!

Word Count: 1278

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