I'm Turned Upside Down Over and Over Again

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"It won't be so bad." Alice insisted. I halted the backpack over my shoulder. Inside I had packed clothes, a few books, a rubik cube, a notebook, and some string game game Melody had told me about.

"It's only one night." Melody added. "And besides. I'm coming too, and if any of those mean step sisters of yours be mean to you, someone just might end up with a broken nose. And Kyle, you already have one, so you're already out of there. And I sure am not going to the hospital." Melody and I dropped our bags in the back, on the floor and hopped in the back seats.

"What are your step sisters name's again?" Melody asked.

"Jillian, who is a freshman in high school (age 15), Nicky, who is your age (age 14), and Jillian who is in 7th grade, I think she's turning 13 this month actually (she's 12 right now)." Alice answered.

"Oh yeah, all around the same age." Melody said sarcastically.

"And they always have too many friends over or they're at the mall 24/7." Alice told Melody.

"So they are what you call popular girls," Melody said. "or like I call them, the divas."

"Yeah that's them." Alice said.

I pulled out my notebook and decided to sketch a few things around. I took out my phone and looked through the camera role. I looked at a picture of a horse I took a few weeks ago. I placed my phone in the corner of the paper, and carefully started to draw the horse.

First the head, then the body, and the legs. Then I went into small details. The hooves, most of the face, hair on the horse. I finished all that in around an hour. Then I got to the hard part. The eyes.

I spend around half an hour on those eyes. I had to make them perfect.

Melody was on her phone half the time, she took a few naps. We left at 5:30 in the morning, so we were all tried.

Surprisingly, now I wasn't tired. I had to finish those eyes.

I was finally happy with the eyes that I drew on that horse.

Those eyes took forever, but thy sure were worth it.

I looked outside and didn't like what I saw.

I saw roads that I longed to forget. Buildings I hoped to never see again. And worse, Alice pulled up into the drive way of the place I always hated.


Author's Note

Oooooo mini cliff hanger. What do you all think is going to happen.

Also, I pulled that photo from Google. So credit to google and the person who drew that. I don't know who did, but credits to artist.

Thanks for the reads!!!!!!

Word Count: 466

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