I Thought It Was Over

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"You don't mess with Jaxon." He said. "You sat in my spot. And now I'm going to hurt you. Pay back and it's all going to be worth it." He said. He didn't want for my reaction. He planted his fist in my face. I jerked backwards hitting the bus window. Laughing filled the air.

"What a wimp." A voice said.

"Teach him a lesson." Another voice said.

"Show him what you got." Another voice filled the air.

"Show em who's boss." Another voice said. His fist went flying into my face again. This time over and over. He tore my lip and hit my teeth. I tasted blood. Lots of it. He punched my eye. Pain traveled all around my face. I already knew it was going to be a black eye. I felt the left side of my face start to swell up.

After what seemed forever the bus driver came in. We had reached school.

"What the. What is going on." He asked. I was laying on the school bus floor. Blood pouring out of my mouth. Pain filled every inch of my body, but mostly my face.

Jaxton stood over me. His hands in fists. His expression hard as rock, looking for blood. His hands had blood on them. My blood on them. The thought made me dizzy.

"Office both of you now." The bus driver said. I tried standing up only to get shoved back down by one of Jaxton's buddies. The principle had come on the bus.

"All children leave the bus and get to your classes." He said. "You young man," he said pointing to Jaxton. "You stay here." I managed to get up on a seat. Blood was all over the floor. My blood. I didn't feel too good. Blood was now pouring on the seat. My shirt was soaked with blood. Wasn't I loosening too much blood?

"Please go call Mr. Forest's parents. Jaxton you come with me." The principle said. I told the bus driver Alice's phone number by holding up fingers.

Alice arrived in a matter of minutes. She ran into the nurse's office. Where I now was. The nurse had given me a new t-shirt and had tried to wash or the blood out of my own shirt. She told me to put a certain cream on my broken lip, that hurt way too much. She put the same cream over my bruises.

"Kyle are you ok-" Alice stopped that sentence at one look at me. I knew I didn't look to well. Blood all over me. Bruises all over the place. I knew streaks of tears showed on my face. I just wanted to go home. Please.

"Let's go hone Kyle." Alice said. She talked to the front desk a little bit, but I didn't hear a word about it. Home. Please let's just go home.

We walked over to the car, which was parked in the front of the small school. I went in the back and curled up into a ball.

I thought it was over.

I though the bulling was over.

Then I let all the tears let loose and fall down my face.


Author's Note

This chapter took a while to get right. Please let me know how you think about it. Please comment or message me about it. Don't be shy. I love talking I don't bit. Lol.

QOTC~ Question of The Chapter

Q: is this story based of a real story?

A: that's kinda hard to answer. I've taken a few parts about this all, from people's real life. I'm not good friends with ether, one I don't even really know. But it was a story that told me, how terrible bulling is. I'm using real life experiences from more than one person. Some of it has things I've gone through, as well. It's basically a rundown of a fictional boy with real live experiences.

Word Count: 658

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