Milk Makes Icecream. Forget the Icecream. Think of The Butter!

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"Home sweet home." Melody said as we went and opened the gate to get inside the property. Cows everywhere.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to point out. I live on a dairy farm. We sell tons of milk, butter and best of all ice cream." Melody said as we opened the gates and hopped back in the car. I scribbled a quick word on a piece of paper and handed it to Melody.

"Butter. I knew the butter would interest you more than ice cream." Melody said smiling. "Always butter."

What can I say? A boy loves his butter.

I shrugged. Melody laughed.

"It has to be butter." She said chuckling softly. I shrugged again.

"Dad can got drop us off by the cows in the far pen? The one near the pound." Melody asked.

"Sure honey." Melody's dad said.

"Thanks dad." Melody said. Melody's dad drove us to the place Melody told him to. We hoped out of the car, swung our backpacks on and slammed the doors shut. Melody's dad drove off, leaving a dusty trail of savanna colored dry dirt behind him.

"Come on Kyle. There is a little place in the cow's pen. It's near the pound and we can sit on the rocks while we draw and plan." Melody said. I shook my head and followed Melody. We jumped over the fence and ran into the cow's pasture. We ran over to the pound and sat on the rocks.

We must have spent three hours just sitting by the pound laughing and coloring how our world would look like.

Can I tell you a secret? I wrote on a piece of paper and handed it to Melody. She read it quickly. Her reading was getting a lot faster.

"Yeah, sure." She said smiling.

You won't tell? I wrote down and handed it to Melody. Melody laughed softly.

"Kyle, secrets are meant to be kept, not told." She said. I smiled. I took the paper back and took a deep breath. 

My story, before Michigan. Before now. Before we became friends. I wrote.

"Kyle you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Melody said. I shook my head. I wanted to. Melody was one of the two people on earth that I trusted. I only trusted her and Alice. I picked up the pencil again and gripped it. I took a deep breath and started explaining it all on paper. Mostly the day I went to the hospital. How he had sprained my arm, almost broke it and all. It took a few sheets of paper, but I told her everything.

...and all because of being packed in a suitcase I got out. Then I came to Michigan. Where the meadows are stained green, and the sun is always shining. And then I made by first friend. My best friend. You.

Melody read everything over my shoulder. She hugged me when she read the last three sentences.

"You're my best friend Kyle. And you will be forever." She said.

"MELODY!" Shouted a voice from the fence. A girl stood on the fence waving her arms around. "GET YOUR BOYFRIEND AND HURREY UP! FOODS READY!"

"That's Kelley. She's a little. Umm." Melody said. I pulled out a piece of paper.


"Yeah. Weird. She's also rude. Very rude. Loud too." Melody added. We packed up all the papers in my backpack and ran to the fence where Kelley was waiting.

"Well. You're the famous person. What's your name again?" Kelley asked me. Melody rolled her eyes. I did nothing, naturally.

"His name is Kyle." Melody said.

"Oh yeah." Kelley said snapping her fingers. "You're that boy that doesn't talk." No duh, you don't know.

"Kelley stop being so rude." Melody said.

"I'm sorry I'm being rude to your boyfriend." Kelley said rolling her eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend." Melody insisted. True that. Just best friends.

"Let's see how long that lasts." Kelley said. She didn't give us a chance to answer, she started running towards the house. Melody and I took one look at each other before we ran after her.


Author's Note

Hello people! First, thank you to everyone who is reading this story! It means so much to me.

Second, if you have any questions about anything, the book, me, well anything please feel free to message them to me or comment them. I'll answer one per chapter.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!🔥🔥🔥

Word Count: 740

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