{B} The "Bad" Boy

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"If you want to fight, I'm down."

"Let's go. There's a lot of people who don't like me here."

"You're going to have to try a lot harder than that."


Ashton Tyler




Nineteen, almost twenty







Appearance (General):




He's covered in scars


Ashton is a very laid back male, when you ignore his slight anger issues. He's never cared for the opinions of others, or if they happen to care about his opinion. If he wants to do something, he does it. If he doesn't want to do something, he doesn't. Ashton thinks everyone would be a lot happier if everyone thought that way, though even he thinks there are just some things nobody should ever do.

Ashton loves to start fights, with pretty much anybody. Fights are just a fun way to pass the time to him.

While Ashton is easy to hook up with, getting him to form an emotional attachment with you is difficult. He doesn't see a point in dating, since sex seems the same to him either way and marriage is pointless.

Current residence:

A single bedroom apartment


He does maintenance work at the apartment building he lives at


Find out during the roleplay.

Powers(if any):


Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~He has terrible commitment issues


~Thomas Tyler {Father}
~ Eric Tyler {Brother}
~Sarah Tyler {Sister}

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:

A lot


~ Fighting
~ Tattoos, though he hasn't gotten any himself yet
~ Dogs
~ Fire
~ People who understand that hook ups have nothing to do with actually liking the person
~ The piano
~ Drinking
~ Fireflies
~ Dolphins
~ Spicy foods, like stupidly spicy
~ The carebears and he doesn't even try to hide it.
~ Working out
~ Root beer
~ Being out and about
~ Kids, but only if they're not crying
~ Sex
~ Song writing, but he never does anything with the ones he writes
~ Making people uncomfortable
~Learning new things

Icon for hire
~Horor games that are actually good
~Horor genre lore


~Being told not to do something
~His dad
~Organized religion
~Being put on the spot
~Smoking and being around smokers
~The summer
~Being too hot
~People who bring feelings where they don't belong
~ Wine
~ Being stuck in his apartment
~ His upstairs neighbor, she's a bitch
~ People calling his baby a filthy mutt. Ariel is a very clean mutt.
~ Movies and games that use gore and jumpscares as cheap tactics
~ Star Wars
~ Cooking, he eats a lot of take out
~ Spiders
~ People who text you when your sitting right next to you and there is no reason they couldn't have just said it out loud.
~ Pre teens


An adorable mutt puppy named Ariel


Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?

Is your character a virgin Yes/No?

Oh hell no


Find out

Find out


Theme song




~Must be within four years (older) of Ashton
~Must like Ashton a lot
~Must not actually know a lot about Ashton
~Must live alone, pets don't count

You and Ashton had been hooking up for about six months now. You'd met in a bar that Ashton definitely wasn't supposed to be at, and since then the two of you had gotten together often. It was always at your place, never his, but that was fine by you.

The first few weeks, it was just sex. He came over when you texted him, you did the deed, then he left.
It was simple and easy and great. Sometimes he'd spend the night, if you went on for a long time or if you went a lot of rounds.

That was the start of you too spending extra time together. Sometimes you'd just go get breakfast the morning after, other times you'd watch a movie before (or during). Turned out, Ashton was great in and out of bed. He was a really great person to talk to, and it seemed like he always had a lot of interesting things to say. Though, he rarely said anything about himself. The only thing you really know was that he had a dog. He was not shy about showing you pictures of his baby.

You slowly started falling in love with him. You didn't know a lot about him, but that didn't matter. You loved him.

But, you knew that he didn't feel the same way. Ashton hooked up with some other guys at the same time, you knew that. He never tried to hide it. He didn't care if you did the same either. Because to him, sex was just sex. All the two of you did was hook up, and occasionally hang out before or after.

Times like this made keeping things that way difficult though. You'd just spent the entire day together. Most of it involved sex, obviously, but you'd watched a few movies while in bed too. You'd had lunch before anything started too.

And now, Ashton was sleeping next to you. He looked absolutely perfect. His expression was peaceful, he even seemed to be smiling slightly.

You wanted every night to be spent like this. It was perfect. The thought that you weren't the only one who'd seen him like this ruined it. You weren't even the only one who'd seen him like this in the last week. More then anything else, you wanted to change that. You wanted to be the only one who had Ashton in your bed.

Slowly, you saw Aaron begin to stir. He opened his eyes, groaning softly as he sat up. He noticed that you were up and smiled. "Hey. Have you slept yet?" He asked.

What do you do now?


Same as above, and the scenario is identical to a point.
~Must also be okay with mpreg

You and Ashton had been hooking up for about six months now. You'd met in a bar that Ashton definitely wasn't supposed to be at, and since then the two of you had gotten together often. It was always at your place, never his, but that was fine by you.

The first few weeks, it was just sex. He came over when you texted him, you did the deed, then he left.
It was simple and easy and great. Sometimes he'd spend the night, if you went on for a long time or if you went a lot of rounds.

That was the start of you too spending extra time together. Sometimes you'd just go get breakfast the morning after, other times you'd watch a movie before (or during). Turned out, Ashton was great in and out of bed. He was a really great person to talk to, and it seemed like he always had a lot of interesting things to say. Though, he rarely said anything about himself. The only thing you really know was that he had a dog. He was not shy about showing you pictures of his baby.

You slowly started falling in love with him. You didn't know a lot about him, but that didn't matter. You loved him.

But, you knew that he didn't feel the same way. Ashton hooked up with some other guys at the same time, you knew that. He never tried to hide it. He didn't care if you did the same either. Because to him, sex was just sex. All the two of you did was hook up, and occasionally hang out before or after.

Times like this made keeping things that way difficult though. You'd just spent the entire day together. Most of it involved sex, obviously, but you'd watched a few movies while in bed too. You'd had lunch before anything started too.

And now, Ashton was sleeping next to you. He looked absolutely perfect. His expression was peaceful, he even seemed to be smiling slightly.

You wanted every night to be spent like this. It was perfect. The thought that you weren't the only one who'd seen him like this ruined it. You weren't even the only one who'd seen him like this in the last week. More then anything else, you wanted to change that. You wanted to be the only one who had Ashton in your bed.

That's why you'd made what was likely the riskiest, and maybe the dumbest, desision you'd made in your life.

Ashton was always very carful not to get pregnant. There was never a single time where you weren't wearing a condom, and most of the time he had to pull out too.

Poking holes in your condoms was easy, and so was not pulling out fully on time.

It was something that Ashton hadn't noticed all day, though he had noticed your slightly guilty smile whenever the two of you spoke after.

And just a few weeks later, you got a text from Ashton. It was simple, but it confirmed that your plan must have worked.

At least, you hoped the text was a result of your plan... There was always a chance it wasn't.

"I think I'm pregnant."

If your plan had worked, the baby was yours. Maybe, just maybe, if the two of you were going to have a baby together, you'd have an excuse to hang out with him, no sex involved. Maybe you could use that chance to make Ashton really fall for you.

But, there was also a chance it might be coincidence. It could be the kid of any other guy he'd slept with. Who knew who all else he'd sent the text to.

What do you do now?

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