{B} The Runway Merman

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About freshwater merfolk~

They are often smaller and faster than their sea dwelling cousins. Their teeth are now dulled, making them look more similar to humans, though their claws are still incredibly sharp.

They have an ability rather unique to their kind, which allows them to shift the color of their skin and hair to better blend in with their surroundings. They, however, can only shift it to match the scales on their body. Usually those stick to blue and green, and any shade or mix of the two. Occasionally some iridescent purple ones will appear, and those often have the property to glow once the merfolk are in deeper, darker waters. Some freshwater merfolk have more colorful scales, though surviving through infancy for them is rare much like with their sea dwelling cousins.

The natural enemies, and the only real threat to an adult merperson, is water nymphs. They have been known to get into fights over territory often, which unsuspecting humans often get in the middle of.

Like their reef dwelling cousins, freshwater merfolk tend to stick with their families well into adulthood, often only leaving when it's time to find mates. You will often see children laying on their parents back while the family travels, as if danger arises they can't yet defend themselves as their claws don't actually grow until they're nearly adults.

Until they reach maturity, it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between males and females. The only real difference is the amount of the tiny ridges on their back, males having more and females having less.

While their main diet is the smaller fish, they've been known to kill and eat the occasional bear if they're hungry enough. Though, it happens pretty rarely.

Freshwater merfolk are different from swamp merfolk, and getting them confused can be deadly as freshwater merfolk tend to be friendly while swamp merfolk are not.


"This isn't like the fairytale you showed me."

"I miss the lake..."

"I can't stand all of this fighting anymore..."


Finret {Your character's last name}




Twenty three




Freshwater merman



Appearance (General):


6"6 (With tail)
6"0 (With legs)


He has a few scars on his tail (or legs depending which he has at the moment)


Finret is very idealistic, he always has been. He's always believed that he'd be incredibly happy once he found a mate, and that everything would be perfect from there.

He hates verbal arguments. The aggressive yelling is not only hell on his sensitive ears, but he hates feeling angry. It takes Finret forever to calm down, and he often ends up incredibly sad once he stops being mad.

Current residence:

With your oc




Finret had a pretty regular life for a freshwater merman. He stayed with his parents for most of his childhood, and was the youngest of all his siblings. Obediently, he listened to his mother and father and didn't go to the surface or near the nymph's territory. He was incredibly happy, and couldn't wait until the day came for him to swim off and find a mate of his own.

When he was twelve, going on thirteen, he went to the surface for the first time with his mother. It was the middle of the night, and there were no humans around, so she thought it would be fine to let him watch the stars.

Finret loved them. The shone in a way nothing under the water did, and they were so much clearer on the surface than they were from the bottom of the lake.

It was that love for the stars led him up to the surface night after night. He'd lay on his back for hours, letting the current gently push him around as he watched the stars shift their way around the night sky.

This was how two things happened.

The first one was meeting a young male his age, your oc. The male had been camping nearby, and had snuck off to the lake to skinny dip. Of course, both your oc and Finret were startled by each other at first. But, Finret found himself fascinated by the stranger. He and your oc continued to meet at night every chance you had, talking about anything that came to mind. It didn't take long for Finret to fall in love.

The second thing to happen was the current pushed him too close to nymph territory. Finret managed to get away, but not before his tail was badly clawed.

Years went by, and the time came for Finret to find a mate. Obviously, his first choice was your oc, whom he'd fallen for full force. After a simple kiss between the two of you, he'd gained legs and he was quickly swept away to the human world.

Things went fantastically for a while, but Finret was slow to pick up on human concepts. Everything was so...New and confusing to him. A lot of the time he honestly found things scary and nerve racking.

Powers(if any):

~If a human (Or any other humanoid land dweller) kisses him, he can gain human legs. Though, if he returns to the water he gets his tail back. Though, salt water won't give him a tail.

~He can camoflauge himself in the water, though his eyes can somewhat be seen

~He can breathe in fresh water. But, if he's out of the water and doesn't have legs he'll dry out he could die.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):



~Kirin {Father}
~Ur {Mother}
~Jetral {Elder brother}
~Yurin {Elder sister}
~Durcie {Elder sister}
Your oc {Husband}

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:



~Pink lemonade
~Fish (To eat)
~Figuring new things out
~Dancing, though he's terrible at it


~Cold foods
~Being scolded
~Feeling angry
~Spicy things
~Not knowing things
~Getting his legs wet on accident
~Large crowds, he feels like everyone knows he's not human
~Hot days
~Loud noises


None, but he wants a puppy really bad


Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?


Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?


Is your character a virgin Yes/No?





Find out


Find out


Theme song



~Must still really love Finret
~Must usually be kind {At least to Finret}

You had been in love with Finret since you first met him back as a preteen. The merman had been your entire world, and you'd always been able to tell he loved you just as much.

From the time you'd moved in together until now, you'd known that Finret could be...Slow to pick up on human concepts. You had to explain things to him several times, and even then it didn't always stick.

But, for the last month, work had picked up. It was good, of course. You were getting paid extra, and you were even up for a promotion.

The only downside was you were coming home more exhausted. Explaining things to Finret over and over had been getting annoying.

He was always so apologetic when he realized he was annoying you. It always made you feel terrible when you calmed down a little, but before that you had been making it into a fight.

It was always you that made it a fight. Finret was never the first to argue or raise his voice, it was just you.

One night it was really bad. All Finret had wanted to do was cuddle up a little before dinner. You two really hadn't had a chance to do that often anymore, but you wanted a shower.

Finret was visibly upset when you told him no, and he let out a few sad chirps. Normally you found them heartbreaking, but for some reason that day you just found it irritating.

You ended up yelling at him to stop with those.

He was quick to apologize, as always. He tried to explain the chirping, that it was just how merfolk communicated. You knew that already, of course. You knew that for the most part his chirping was just a normal reaction for him.

But you didn't know what was wrong with you that night. You told him you didn't care, and that you just wanted him to stop. You told him that it was annoying and that you just wanted him to shut up a while.

That upset him further, and he got mad. He asked you why you were getting angry, and why you didn't want to spend any extra time with him anymore.

Then you said the most terrible thing you could have said to him in that moment. You felt instant, intense regret.

You got in his face and yelled that you didn't even want to see him anymore.

His anger disapaited immediately. All that was left was the most heartbroken expression you'd ever seen.

You opened your mouth, wanting to apologize. But, you couldn't get the words out before he was running out of the door. The last few years he'd become a lot less clumsy with his running and a lot more fast.

Of course you chased after him, but you couldn't catch up.

Before you know it, you'd ended up at the lake. You were just in time to see the all too familiar sight on your husband's tail disappearing beneath the waves.
You tried to swim after him, but was even faster in the water. Plus he could turn invisible in the water, so that was a thing.

All you could do was call his name. But, he didn't reply.

You spent the rest of the night sitting there on the beach.

You knew he wouldn't come back during the day, so you went work. But, instead of going home after you went right back to the beach.

For a few days, there was no sign of him. All you could think was you'd messed up terribly. You were beginning to fear that he'd never come back.

But, as you were beginning to fall asleep one night, you heard a flopping next to your face. You opened your eyes to see a fish. Your husband was on the beach, his tail in the water with a frown.

"You need to eat."

What do you do now?


Same thing, only he's pregnant and your oc doesn't know.

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