{S} The Charming Hero

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"Don't worry, I can handle this."

"You think that guy can actually hurt me?"

"There are some people that the police can't handle alone. That's why there are heroes like me."

"If I wasn't a hero I would burn you right now."


Skylar Reid

Sky, Ember

Twenty Seven




Appearance (General):


Skylar has a few scars on his chest and shoulders.


Skylar tends to behave rather calm and collected, and he isn't the type to let his feelings show. He's a great actor, and he makes it hard for others to tell what he's actually thinking.

However, if you press the right buttons Skylar quickly turns into an open book. He has an intense temper that you wouldn't expect a hero to possess. Once he's angry, calming him down is incredibly difficult. But, when he cools off, Skylar tends to be incredibly remorseful for the things he said and did while he was upset.

Current residence:
He lives in a small, single bedroom apartment.


But he works at a bar when he isn't doing that.


Skylar wasn't born into the best environment, but it wasn't the worst either. His mother worked pretty much all hours of the day, and he had no idea who his father was. When he was younger, it was mostly just him and his older half brother Kyle around the tiny apartment they lived in.

The three of them didn't have much, but the family was close. Skylar and Kyle spent pretty much all of their time together, and Kyle always looked out for his little brother.

Skylar got bullied pretty often for both being poor and having different colored eyes and more often than not he came home beaten and bruised. But, Skylar never told his mother or Kyle about the issue. He didn't want to worry either of them.

In middle school, things got a bit better at home. His mother managed to get a good enough job that she could quit a few of her others, allowing her to be home a bit more often. His older brother had gotten a part time job to help out as well, so the family was in a slightly better financial situation. They still couldn't afford to leave the tiny apartment, but they could afford a few more things. By then, a lot of the kids who used to mess with him had given up as well.

Around freshman year, Skylar discovered his fire powers. He was being literally pushed around by a few of the kids that still bullied him. Skylar put up with the physical abuse wordlessly, being used to that kind of thing already.

But, when one of them made a comment about his mother it got to him. Skylar moved to punch the guy that had made the comment, and his fist suddenly caught fire. He managed to stop his punch just in time.

After that, the boys didn't really mess with him.

Over years, Skylar slowly developed his powers. He started using them almost immediately to help others. He started off by just scaring bullies off from others, then he started catching small time criminals.

Recently, he's started working with the police to catch supervillains.

Powers(if any):

Skylar has control over fire.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~ Serena Reid {Mother}
~ Kyle Reid {Older Half Brother}

Relationship Status:

Past Partners:
Skylar hasn't had any serious partners, but he isn't against the idea of settling down.


~Warm Weather
~Helping Others
~Action Movies
~Hanging out with his older brother
~Talking with new people
~ His mother
~ Baking


~ Plumbs
~Sour foods
~Insults towards his family
~Cats, he's allergic
~The Rain, he can't use his powers when it's raining
~Being turned down
~Waking up early
~ Fish (Eating them that is, he has nothing against pet fish.)

None, but he wants to get a dog


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