{S} The Smug Theif and The Uptight Prince {B}

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Yeah, I'm one hundred percent doing this because of the P5R trailer.
Plus I really ship the characters these two are based on, so...
Indulge me, and enjoy my collection of pictures.


"Catch me if you can baby."

"I'm here to see my little prince... Though you can try to entertain me if you'd like."

"Come on, let's dance."


Akira Amano











Appearance (General):




Akira has a long, jagged scar across his back. It starts at the top of his left shoulder and goes all the way to his right hip bone.


Akira is normally quiet, but he still somehow manages to make people swoon over him without a single word.

So you can imagine how smooth he is when he talks. There's never been a single person that Akira hasn't been able to charm. Not always in a romantic way, of course. He always only flirts with people he finds genuinely attractive, which is shallow on one hand... But at least he's honest about it.

Akira is generally a cheerful male, though those who have seen him mad would easily describe him as terrifying. Not in the sense that he becomes heavily violent. He doesn't. He could, but Akira prefers to use his brain to tear people apart bit by bit.

Current residence:

A decent sized two story cabin just outside the capital.


Phantom Thief

But, when he isn't doing that he helps his dad out at their cafe


Find out in the rp

Powers(if any):


Psychological/Health Issues (If any):



Sojiro Amano {Adoptive Father}

Futaba Amano {Adoptive Sister; Younger}

Relationship Status:

Single, but working on it

Past Partners:

Quite a few


~The prince
~ Parties
~ Reading
~ Children
~ Coffee
~ Stories
~ Heights
~ Being in danger
~ Getting away with "it" (whatever it is)
~ Playing the role of a gentleman
~ A good fight, verbal or physical
~ The colors amber and maroon
~ Dancing
~ Being flirted with
~ Other phantom theives
~ Being outdoors
~The rain, but only watching it from inside
~Gymnastics, parkour, anything that involves running, jumping, and showing off really.


~ Being out in the rain, he hates getting wet for no reason
~ Being ignored
~ Fire
~ When people give their kids names that aren't actually names
~ Creepy people
~ Corrupt nobles
~ As flirty as he is, Akira always gets flustered by PDA he didn't initiate
~ Traveling, he prefers to be close to home
~ Lobsters
~ People taking his glasses without asking, mostly to try them on. It's not cute. It's annoying.
~ Math. He's good at it and all but... It's just so boring.
~ Being immobilized any reason
~ Overly sweet things
~ Cramped spaces


A black and white cat named cat named Morgie {Pronounced like Gorgie but with an M}


Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?

Is your character a virgin Yes/No?


Find out

Find out


Theme song

Nerves, Icon for Hire




"Why exactly would I talk to you?"

"Don't you have any idea who I am?"

"Touch me one more time and I'll make sure you'll lose your hand."


Jordan Halliwell


Danny, if you want to die








Super closeted gay

Appearance (General):


5"6 1\2




Jordan is pretty much everything you'd expect from a prince. He's spoiled, smart, charming (occasionally), and has a stick up his ass (constantly). He can't help a lot of it, it's mostly just because of how he was raised. But some of his brattiness is just part of his natural personality.

But, when it comes to love, his demeanor changes slightly. Jordan tries to ignore any romantic feelings from the get go, obviously. He's absolutely terrified of what his family will do if they ever find out he's gay. They aren't exactly an... Understanding bunch. At least, his parents aren't.

If you can get him to acknowledge his feelings for you, however, Jordan can become pretty clingy. He's been pretty much starved for attention his entire life, so when he finally gets it, he takes full advantage of it.

But, he's still a brat.

Current residence:

The palace




Jordan is the second born of six children, and the second son. From a young age, he was very well aware of what he was intended to be.

If for some reason his brother died, he was supposed to be a back up. He was taught all of the same things... Only, in a stricter environment. Apparently his parents thought they hadn't been strict enough the first time around.

But, his brother was perfectly healthy and the kingdom was at peace so there was pretty much no way he'd die in a war.

So, Jordan's next purpose came into play. His parents started looking for a princess to marry him off to, in order to make a political alliance with another kingdom.

Obviously, Jordan has no say in any of this.

But, at the very least, Jordan can always count on his younger siblings to be on his side. The four of them all seem to look up to Jordan since he handles all their parents rules without a single complaint. Honestly, it makes his elder brother pretty jealous.

Powers(if any):


Psychological/Health Issues (If any):



~ Michael Halliwell {Father}
~ Cecilia Halliwell {Mother}
~ James Halliwell {Older Brother}
~ Crystal Halliwell {Younger Sister}
~ Isaac Halliwell {Younger Brother}
~ Amelia Halliwell {Younger Sister; Twin of Abigail}
~ Abigail Halliwell {Younger Sister; Twin of Amelia}

Relationship Status:

Not so happily engaged

Past Partners:



~Affection of pretty much any kind
~His younger siblings
~ Having free time
~ The rain, being in it or just watching it
~ Children
~ Coffee
~ Tea
~ The palace garden
~ Detective stories
~ Jokes. He pretends he finds nothing funny, but it's not that hard to make him laugh.
~ Dancing
~ Pancakes
~ Bananas
~ Fairytales
~ Soft pillows
~ Anything squishy, really
~ Bears, but he's not dumb enough to go near one


~ Big dogs. He's always pretty sure he's going to get bitten
~ Princesses. His parents always seem to find the brattiest ones to try to set him up with, so he pet much hates all of them. Except his sisters, they're perfect.
~ Cursing. But, when he gets started he does go for a while
~ Getting dirty
~ Akira {Fucking liar}
~ Theives in general
~ Scary stories
~ Lobsters
~ His parents
~ Fist fights
~ Vomit. Just talking about it makes him vomit... Which leads to a terrible cycle.
~ Heights
~ Teasing
~ When his hair is at all moved out of place
~Spring, he has a mild pollen allergy
~ Being talked down to


None, he isn't allowed to have any


Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?


Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?


Is your character a virgin Yes/No?





Find out


Find out


Theme song

I'm still deciding




~Must be either a top or a switch
~Must not like Thieves
~Must really like Jordan
~Must be a palace

Phantom Thieves. You'd heard stories about them while you were growing up, like a lot of children in the kingdom had. The kingdom had a long history of them, and none had ever been caught.

Personally, you didn't know what made them so special. They just wore gaudy outfits and sent letters ahead to announce themselves. If anything, that just made them dumber thieves.

So, when the newest one in the kingdom sprung up, it was just another opportunity to roll your eyes.

Everyone called him Joker.  The people loved him. Every time he stole from someone, it somehow ended up exposing some kind of crime they committed.

But, in the end he a committing a crime too. The only difference was that no one was catching him.

But, for a while now, he had been quiet. Joker hadn't made a move to do anything.

That made preparations for Prince Jordan's wedding go a bit smoother. It was only a week away now.

Honestly, you were... Almost heartbroken by it. You'd liked the prince for years now, ever since you'd started working at the palace. But, the prince was engaged now. Besides that, he wasn't into men.

Or so you thought.

It was just your usual nightly patrol through the halls of the palace. As you passed Jordan's bedroom, you heard a light thud. It wasn't very loud, but it was enough to make you pause.

Then, you heard the whispering. You couldn't make out what was being said, but you could tell that at least two people were talking.

Slowly, you opened the door and peeked inside. In the moonlight, you could see Jordan. And cupping his face was... Joker.

"I promise I'll steal you before the wedding."

"You're running out of time."

You could see Joker smile as he leaned down a bit. His forehead rested against Jordan's, his mask leaving a small mark on the prince's forehead.
"I sent the letter. They should find it in the morning, and you'll be gone by nightfall."

What do you do now?



~Must be a prince, next in line for king
~Must have a younger sister that doesn't really want to get married (you'll be playing her as well)
~Must have never met Jordan, but find him attractive
~Must be a top

Tonight was your sister's wedding to prince Jordan. It was being held in your kingdom, though that hadn't been the original plan. But, for some reason it was changed.

His family brought a lot more guards than you'd expected as well, and they all seemed on edge.

You, of course, met them when they first entered the castle. At first, you'd mistaken the older prince as your soon to be brother in law. You were quickly corrected, and once again you were surprised.

Jordan was, to say the least, attractive. At first glance, you'd mistaken him for a girl. Of course, looking at him straight on, you could easily see your mistake. His tone was polite as he greeted you, and equally as polite as he greeted your sister.

But, you could tell neither of them were happy to see the other. It was very easily looking like their union wasn't going to be a happy one.

However, you caught him stealing glances at you the entire time they spoke. You couldn't act like you weren't looking at him just as much though.

Your sister wouldn't be upset at all if you were to steal her groom, and that's exactly what you were planning to do.

You announced it pretty immediately too. It seemed to shock everyone except your sister. She just looked relieved.

Michael and Cecilia tried to argue, but you put a quick stop to it.

"Either he marries me or there's no alliance."

That was the simple option you put forward, and it seemed to be affective. Your kingdom was a great deal bigger and stronger than theirs, so an alliance would obviously mean a lot to them. Probably more than it ever would to you.

But, Jordan had already stolen your heart.

Too bad while his parents had been trying to argue with you, someone stole him.

When you turned to look at him, all you saw was some guy in a black and red jacket running off with him over his shoulders, mouth covered with a white glove.

Whoever it was, they were fast. The guards all started giving chase immediately, but the male was running and jumping out of reach.

What do you do now?

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