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here you were bored as hell with a emotionless expression on your face sitting on the couch in Taehyung's office while your CEO boyfriend works on his table ignoring your  the fact that you are present here

You came a while ago when you were done with your work it is 9:00 already everybody has left on there respective time but you being a nice girlfriend wanted to leave with your boyfriend

telling about Taehyung and you it been two weeks of dating already but not much happen as just hugging and few kisses with sweet comments

we had not even gone for a date not even eating outside just the two of us, tomorrow is sunday and you wanted to spend the whole day together, not alone watching the television buzzing the romantic dramas

you understand he is a CEO whole company look up to him, they depend upon him but a little more time a day would make you more happy

you look at your right seeing the man you love sitting on the his master chair with eyes glued on the device infront of him

you sigh and said "gonna go home" wanting to see him look at you but he doesn't you huff and stood up

"Taehyung" you said and heard a "hmmm" from him but he still didn't look at you

"I am going home" you say angrily and stomp out wanting him to say something and stop you but he did nothing and you slam the door close

that's when Taehyung look at the door at then around the office but didn't saw  your sight and curse under his breathe "shit" and stood up and open the door and check not even a shadow of your was there

he sigh and look at your office and found no one and was about to close when a a photo frame caught his sight

you never kept it on the desk you work so he was surprised was understandable he walk towards the table and pick up the photo frame

his eyes widened seeing your and his selfie, In which you had your one hand pinching on his right cheek and other hand on his hair while he looked at the camera annoyed and you with a pout while sitting on his office couch as he hold the phone up for the angle

framed in it nicely and the flashback played in his mind


He was looking through some files seeing some files when you opened the door and greet him up saying "hello my cute bossy Taehyungie"

he look up and smile standing up and saying "hi Minie" and you pout going towards him saying "I am not minie okay"

"Are you not" he said lowering his face to your face level and you blush and said "okay okay"

"okay" Taehyung said with a little smile and you smile in return when a sudden idea came to your mind

"lets take a selfie" you said and Taehyung said "why"

"because I want to" you said with a pout and Taehyung sigh as you were so cute how can he refuse you

"fine" he said bored as he not likes to take many pictures just few are enough

You smile giving him the you're phone as he is tall you sit on the couch and made him also sit he hold the camera up wanting to smile for a smile selfie

you grab his right cheek pulling and he glare at you saying "whay  aref yoff donging (what are you doing)"

your heart melt hearing his voice and you smile saying "nothing" and grab his hair making him face the camera and annoyed he click the photo

you left his cheek and hair jumping up and grab the phone and smile while Taehyung look annoyed much

You glance at the man who sits with arm folded and looking at the other side, you smile and wrap you arms around his neck and kiss his cheeks

He blinks and look at you as you smile he sigh "can't be mad at you huh" he said and you nodded

he smile lightly and hugged you as you hug hum back


he smile as the memory flash in his mind and he sigh keeping it back, When his phone chimes up indicating a message

My minie💜

I am home if you are wondering
where I am

Don't worry do you're work

go home soon not late

goodnight, bye

Mr Rude



Taehyung sigh and curse himself you were still replying when you were suppose to be angry

he again sighed and called his only hope his hyung because he did not dated as he focused on studies than on his company so he has no experience in dating

his brother picked up the phone and said "hello Tae how do you remember your world wide handsome brother huh" 

Taehyung sighed and said "hi hyung just wanna ask you something"

"Ask whatever you want okay as your handsome hyung I can do that"

Taehyung made a annoyed face sometimes his hyung goes overboard but he do not complain after all his hyung is the best "just wanna know you see the girl I told you about is now my girlfriend"

"What what what my little brother has grown up so fast I still remember when in diapers you called he hyung cutely and now you already have a girlfriend when is the marriage"

Taehyung sigh embarassed about his childhood his brother want and said "hyung listen to me so ----------------- this happened" explaining your leave from his office

"Okay I get see Tae you should spend  little more time with her as you see girls love to spend time with the ones they love very much and are emotional over that thing making them sensitive, so you should take care of her more than you already do making her secure in your embrace understand"

Taehyung smile and nodded his head to himself saying "so I should go and apologize to her hmm"

"yay you have to, in a relationship boys should apologize more than girls it is the rule of the universe and don't just go there saying sorry spend you're whole day with her making sure of her likes and dislikes, carrying for her okay"

"okay hyung got it but what should I do" Taehyung said with determination and a smile

"are you dum tae"

"What I am not"Taehyung defended

"okay okay so I have an idea here listen ****************************** *****************************************************************okay"

"Woahh Thank you hyung you are the best"

"ofcourse I am the world wide handsome"

"yes yes bye"

"bye bye"

Taehyung hung up the phone and said "Now wait me tomorrow will be the best date ever for you"


So guys


Sorry for late update I Am busy with my studies a lit so there is not much time 😞😞

but don't worry and keep loving me


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